There are two Shrine Corruption events occurring per day, with one in the morning (randomly between 0-12 hours) and one in the evening (randomly between 12-24 hours) with a 4 hour gap minimum between them
Corrupted Shrines have unique graphics and will feature 20 sequential waves of increasingly difficult creatures spawn nearby
A progress bar will appear near a Corrupted Shrine indicating which wave the Corruption is currently on
When all 20 waves of creatures have been defeated, a randomized Shrine Boss will spawn
When the Shrine Boss is defeated, it will not have standard loot on its corpse, but instead have Ankh Tokens
Ankh Tokens
Ankh Tokens are a sort of "lootbox" in that the reward is random and can range from Gold to high-end items
Double-click an Ankh Token to receive a reward
Ankh Tokens can be looted and stolen from players
Ankh Tokens weigh .1 stones each
How do I Earn Ankh Tokens?
Ankh Tokens are distributed after every wave into player backpacks if a player has earned a cumulative amount above 1 and is within 60 tiles of the Shrine
For example, if a player has earned 1.25 Ankh Tokens after a wave, they will receive 1 Ankh Token in their backpack and will begin the next wave with 0.25 Ankh Tokens "stashed"
Each individual wave of a Shrine Corruption is worth a predetermined number of Ankh Tokens that players can "bank"
Wave Ankh Token amounts range from 2.5 to 7.5 (increasing with wave difficulty)
100 Ankh Tokens are available from all waves combined
The Shrine Boss is worth 50 Ankh Tokens (making 150 Ankh Tokens possible for each Shrine Corruption)
Players "bank" Ankh Tokens in decimal amounts based on their damage contribution towards each wave or the boss, and after a wave resolves, players will be notified how many Ankh Tokens they earned from it and what their cumulative total is
After the Shrine Boss is slain, "banked" Ankh Tokens for players will be distributed as normal with decimal amounts rounded
Players can double-click the corpse of the Shrine Boss to place all their bound Ankh Tokens on the corpse into their backpack