Template:Houses: Difference between revisions

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! Vendors
! Vendors
| [[Andarian Abode]]
| [[Grand Fortress]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianabode00a.jpg|link=Andarian Abode]]
| [[File:grandfortress04-min.png|240px|link=Grand Fortress]]
| 950,000
| 26,050,000
| 10
| 52
| 15 x 10
| 37 x 35
| 2
| 3.5
| 20
| 104
| [[Andarian Barn]]
| [[Knight's Tower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianbarn00a.jpg|link=Andarian Barn]]
| [[File:knightstower04-min.png|240px|link=Knight's Tower]]
| 350,000
| 750,000
| 6
| 9
| 11 x 8
| 12 x 12
| 2
| 3
| 12
| 18
| [[Andarian Block House]]
| [[Lightstone Adobe Shoppe]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianblockhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Block House]]
| [[File:lightstoneadobeshoppe03-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone Adobe Shoppe]]
| 250,000
| 1,150,000
| 5
| 11
| 9 x 11
| 14 x 15
| 2
| 2
| 10
| 22
| [[Andarian Bluestone And Slate]]
| [[Lightstone and Wood Bungalow]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianbluestoneandslate00a.jpg|link=Andarian Bluestone And Slate]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodbungalow01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Bungalow]]
| 550,000
| 2,150,000
| 8
| 15
| 12 x 10
| 16 x 19
| 2
| 2
| 16
| 30
| [[Andarian Courtyard Keep]]
| [[Lightstone and Wood Loft]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andariancourtyardkeep00a.jpg|link=Andarian Courtyard Keep]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodloft01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Loft]]
| 15,150,000
| 750,000
| 39
| 9
| 32 x 34
| 12 x 15
| 1.5
| 18
| [[Lightstone and Wood Residence]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodresidence03-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Residence]]
| 450,000
| 7
| 12 x 11
| 2
| 2
| 78
| 14
| [[Andarian Farmstead]]
| [[Lightstone and Wood Villa]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianfarmstead00a.jpg|link=Andarian Farmstead]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodvilla01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Villa]]
| 9,850,000
| 1,850,000
| 14
| 15 x 18
| 2
| 28
| [[Lightstone and Wood Villa with Tower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodvillawithtower01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Villa with Tower]]
| 2,450,000
| 16
| 18 x 15
| 3.5
| 32
| 32
| 31 x 31
| 1.25
| 64
| [[Andarian Mercantile Guildhouse]]
| [[Lightstone Beamed Villa]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianmercantileguildhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Mercantile Guildhouse]]
| [[File:lightstonebeamedvilla01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone Beamed Villa]]
| 1,550,000
| 450,000
| 13
| 7
| 17 x 12
| 11 x 11
| 3
| 26
| [[Andarian Merchant's Residence]]
| [[File:andarianmerchantshouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Merchant's Residence]]
| 750,000
| 9
| 11 x 14
| 2
| 2
| 14
| [[Lightstone Mansion]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:lightstonemansion01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone Mansion]]
| 3,050,000
| 18
| 18
| 18 x 18
| 3.25
| 36
| [[Andarian Merchant's Villa]]
| [[Lightstone and Plaster Small House]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianmerchantsvilla00a.jpg|link=Andarian Merchant's Villa]]
| [[File:lightstoneandplastersmallhouse01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Plaster Small House]]
| 1,050,000
| 50,000
| 11
| 14 x 12
| 3
| 3
| 22
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Andarian Ranch House]]
| [[Limestone and Plaster Lookout]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Ranch House]]
| [[File:limestoneandplasterlookout01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone and Plaster Lookout]]
| 850,000
| 350,000
| 10
| 6
| 14 x 16
| 8 x 9
| 1
| 6
| 20
| 12
| [[Andarian Residence]]
| [[Limestone and Plaster Redoubt]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianresidence00a.jpg|link=Andarian Residence]]
| [[File:limestoneandplasterredoubt01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone and Plaster Redoubt]]
| 550,000
| 2,450,000
| 8
| 10 x 13
| 2
| 16
| 16
| 15 x 16
| 5.5
| 32
| [[Andarian Simple Wood And Plaster]]
| [[Limestone Fortress]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andariansimplewoodandplaster00a.jpg|link=Andarian Simple Wood And Plaster]]
| [[File:limestonefortress01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone Fortress]]
| 450,000
| 3,850,000
| 7
| 14 x 11
| 1
| 14
| [[Andarian Sloped Roof Lightstone And Plaster]]
| [[File:andarianslopedrooflightstoneandplaster00a.jpg|link=Andarian Sloped Roof Lightstone And Plaster]]
| 950,000
| 10
| 11 x 15
| 2.5
| 20
| 20
| 21 x 15
| 4.5
| 40
| [[Andarian Two Story Brick And Plaster]]
| [[Limestone Keep]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andariantwostorybrickandplaster00a.jpg|link=Andarian Two Story Brick And Plaster]]
| [[File:limestonekeep01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone Keep]]
| 1,650,000
| 6,850,000
| 13
| 27
| 17 x 15
| 21 x 22
| 2
| 5.5
| 26
| 54
| [[Andarian Two Story House]]
| [[Limestone Mercantile Tower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andariantwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Two Story House]]
| [[File:limestonemercantiletower01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone Mercantile Tower]]
| 550,000
| 850,000
| 8
| 10
| 10 x 13
| 8 x 15
| 2
| 3
| 16
| 20
| [[Andarian Two Story Porch Ranch House]]
| [[Limestone and Plaster Small House]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andariantwostoryporchranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Two Story Porch Ranch House]]
| [[File:limestoneandplastersmallhouse01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone and Plaster Small House]]
| 50,000
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Norse Chalet]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsechalet00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Chalet]]
| 1,950,000
| 1,950,000
| 14
| 14
| 16 x 18
| 17 x 16
| 2
| 2.5
| 28
| 28
| [[Andarian Veranda East]]
| [[Norse Farmstead]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianverandaeast00a.jpg|link=Andarian Veranda East]]
| [[File:norsefarmstead00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Farmstead]]
| 350,000
| 4,050,000
| 6
| 21
| 12 x 11
| 19 x 21
| 1
| 3
| 12
| 42
| [[Andarian Villa]]
| [[Norse Grand Lodge]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianvilla00a.jpg|link=Andarian Villa]]
| [[File:norsegrandlodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Grand Lodge]]
| 2,950,000
| 10,950,000
| 18
| 34
| 16 x 22
| 26 x 25
| 2
| 5
| 36
| 68
| [[Andarian Villa With Tower]]
| [[Norse Great Hall]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:andarianvillawithtower00a.jpg|link=Andarian Villa With Tower]]
| [[File:norsegreathall00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Great Hall]]
| 6,750,000
| 2,850,000
| 26
| 17
| 19 x 26
| 21 x 18
| 3.5
| 1.75
| 52
| 34
| [[Blue Stone Guild Fortress]]
| [[Norse Great Lodge]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:bluestoneguildfortress00a.jpg|link=Blue Stone Guild Fortress]]
| [[File:norsegreatlodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Great Lodge]]
| 12,850,000
| 1,050,000
| 36
| 11
| 31 x 33
| 12 x 16
| 1.75
| 72
| [[Brick And Plaster Square House]]
| [[File:brickandplastersquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Brick And Plaster Square House]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 9 x 9
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 22
| [[Brick And Wood Compound]]
| [[Norse Lodge]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:brickandwoodcompound00a.jpg|link=Brick And Wood Compound]]
| [[File:norselodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Lodge]]
| 12,450,000
| 750,000
| 36
| 9
| 31 x 31
| 12 x 16
| 2
| 72
| [[Cambrian City Shoppe]]
| [[File:cambriancityshoppe00a.jpg|link=Cambrian City Shoppe]]
| 350,000
| 6
| 10 x 13
| 1
| 1
| 12
| 18
| [[Cambrian Farmstead]]
| [[Norse Longhouse]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:cambrianfarmstead00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Farmstead]]
| [[File:norselodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Longhouse]]
| 2,150,000
| 2,150,000
| 15
| 15
| 18 x 17
| 21 x 12
| 2
| 2
| 30
| 30
| [[Cambrian Fortified Villa]]
| [[Norse Small House]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:cambrianfortifiedvilla00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Fortified Villa]]
| [[File:norsesmallhouse00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Small House]]
| 1,850,000
| 50,000
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Norse Watchtower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsewatchtower00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Watchtower]]
| 450,000
| 7
| 10 x 10
| 4
| 14
| 14
| 18 x 15
| 2
| 28
| [[Cambrian Greathall]]
| [[Shingled Merchant's Outpost]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:cambriangreathall00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Greathall]]
| [[File:shingledmerchantsoutpost00-min.png|240px|link=Shingled Merchant's Outpost]]
| 950,000
| 1,650,000
| 10
| 13
| 16 x 10
| 15 x 16
| 2
| 2.5
| 20
| 16
| [[Cambrian Large House]]
| [[Shutter Cottage]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:cambrianlargehouse00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Large House]]
| [[File:shuttercottage00-min.png|240px|link=Shutter Cottage]]
| 850,000
| 150,000
| 10
| 4
| 14 x 13
| 11 x 9
| 2
| 1
| 20
| [[Cambrian Manor]]
| [[File:cambrianmanor00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Manor]]
| 550,000
| 8
| 8
| 11 x 13
| 2
| 16
| [[Cambrian Pillared Manor]]
| [[Grand Keep]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:cambrianpillaredmanor00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Pillared Manor]]
| [[File:grandkeep00-min.png|240px|link=Grand Keep]]
| 2,250,000
| 15,350,000
| 15
| 40
| 21 x 13
| 29 x 29
| 4.5
| 80
| [[Gatehouse]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:gatehouse00-min.png|240px|link=Gatehouse]]
| 4,550,000
| 22
| 25 x 10
| 3.5
| 44
| [[Andarian Abode]]
| [[File:andarianabode00a.jpg|link=Andarian Abode]]
| 950,000
| 10
| 15 x 10
| 2
| 2
| 30
| 20
| [[Cambrian Residence With Balcony]]
| [[Andarian Barn]]
| [[File:cambrianresidencewithbalcony00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Residence With Balcony]]
| [[File:andarianbarn00a.jpg|link=Andarian Barn]]
| 750,000
| 350,000
| 9
| 6
| 14 x 10
| 11 x 8
| 2.5
| 2
| 18
| 12
| [[Cambrian Sandstone Cellar]]
| [[Andarian Block House]]
| [[File:cambriansandstonecellar00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Sandstone Cellar]]
| [[File:andarianblockhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Block House]]
| 150,000
| 250,000
| 4
| 5
| 8 x 10
| 9 x 11
| 1.75
| 2
| 8
| 10
| [[Cambrian Villa]]
| [[Andarian Bluestone And Slate]]
| [[File:cambrianvilla00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Villa]]
| [[File:andarianbluestoneandslate00a.jpg|link=Andarian Bluestone And Slate]]
| 550,000
| 550,000
| 8
| 8
| 12 x 12
| 12 x 10
| 1.75
| 2
| 16
| 16
| [[Cambrian Villa With Balcony]]
| [[Andarian Courtyard Keep]]
| [[File:cambrianvillawithbalcony00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Villa With Balcony]]
| [[File:andariancourtyardkeep00a.jpg|link=Andarian Courtyard Keep]]
| 750,000
| 15,150,000
| 9
| 39
| 14 x 11
| 32 x 34
| 2
| 2
| 18
| 78
| [[Caravan Wagon]]
| [[Andarian Farmstead]]
| [[File:caravanwagon00a.jpg|link=Caravan Wagon]]
| [[File:andarianfarmstead00a.jpg|link=Andarian Farmstead]]
| 250,000
| 9,850,000
| 3
| 32
| 8 x 5
| 31 x 31
| 1
| 1.25
| 6
| 64
| [[Caravan Wagon East]]
| [[Andarian Mercantile Guildhouse]]
| [[File:caravanwagoneast00a.jpg|link=Caravan Wagon East]]
| [[File:andarianmercantileguildhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Mercantile Guildhouse]]
| 250,000
| 1,550,000
| 13
| 17 x 12
| 3
| 3
| 5 x 8
| 26
| 1
| 6
| [[Castle]]
| [[Andarian Merchant's Residence]]
| [[File:castle00a.jpg|link=Castle]]
| [[File:andarianmerchantshouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Merchant's Residence]]
| 12,250,000
| 750,000
| 35
| 9
| 31 x 32
| 11 x 14
| 1.75
| 2
| 70
| 18
| [[Compact Stone Keep]]
| [[Andarian Merchant's Villa]]
| [[File:compactstonekeep00a.jpg|link=Compact Stone Keep]]
| [[File:andarianmerchantsvilla00a.jpg|link=Andarian Merchant's Villa]]
| 4,250,000
| 1,050,000
| 21
| 11
| 20 x 22
| 14 x 12
| 2.5
| 3
| 42
| 22
| [[Desert Tower]]
| [[Andarian Ranch House]]
| [[File:deserttower00a.jpg|link=Desert Tower]]
| [[File:andarianranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Ranch House]]
| 250,000
| 5
| 10 x 9
| 3
| 10
| [[Farmlands Cabin With Cellar]]
| [[File:farmlandscabinwithcellar00a.jpg|link=Farmlands Cabin With Cellar]]
| 850,000
| 850,000
| 10
| 10
| 17 x 8
| 14 x 16
| 1.5
| 1
| 20
| 20
| [[Farmlands Ranch House]]
| [[Andarian Residence]]
| [[File:farmlandsranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Farmlands Ranch House]]
| [[File:andarianresidence00a.jpg|link=Andarian Residence]]
| 150,000
| 550,000
| 4
| 10 x 11
| 1
| 8
| 8
| 10 x 13
| 2
| 16
| [[Farmlands Two Story Ranch House]]
| [[Andarian Simple Wood And Plaster]]
| [[File:farmlandstwostoryranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Farmlands Two Story Ranch House]]
| [[File:andariansimplewoodandplaster00a.jpg|link=Andarian Simple Wood And Plaster]]
| 750,000
| 450,000
| 9
| 7
| 14 x 12
| 14 x 11
| 2
| 1
| 18
| 14
| [[Farmstead Compound]]
| [[Andarian Sloped Roof Lightstone And Plaster]]
| [[File:farmsteadcompound00a.jpg|link=Farmstead Compound]]
| [[File:andarianslopedrooflightstoneandplaster00a.jpg|link=Andarian Sloped Roof Lightstone And Plaster]]
| 11,850,000
| 950,000
| 35
| 10
| 32 x 32
| 11 x 15
| 1.5
| 2.5
| 70
| 20
| [[Fieldstone And Log Two Story Residence]]
| [[Andarian Two Story Brick And Plaster]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandlogtwostoryresidence00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Log Two Story Residence]]
| [[File:andariantwostorybrickandplaster00a.jpg|link=Andarian Two Story Brick And Plaster]]
| 2,350,000
| 16
| 19 x 17
| 2
| 32
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Courtyard]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplastercourtyard00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Courtyard]]
| 1,650,000
| 1,650,000
| 13
| 13
| 20 x 18
| 17 x 15
| 1.75
| 2
| 26
| 26
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Half Shoppe]]
| [[Andarian Two Story House]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplasterhalfshoppe00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Half Shoppe]]
| [[File:andariantwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Two Story House]]
| 150,000
| 550,000
| 4
| 8
| 9 x 8
| 10 x 13
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 16
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Shoppe]]
| [[Andarian Two Story Porch Ranch House]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplastershoppe00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Shoppe]]
| [[File:andariantwostoryporchranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Andarian Two Story Porch Ranch House]]
| 150,000
| 1,950,000
| 4
| 14
| 9 x 8
| 16 x 18
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 28
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Square House]]
| [[Andarian Veranda East]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplastersquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Square House]]
| [[File:andarianverandaeast00a.jpg|link=Andarian Veranda East]]
| 150,000
| 350,000
| 4
| 6
| 9 x 9
| 12 x 11
| 1
| 12
| [[Andarian Villa]]
| [[File:andarianvilla00a.jpg|link=Andarian Villa]]
| 2,950,000
| 18
| 16 x 22
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 36
| [[Fieldstone And Shingle Ranch House]]
| [[Andarian Villa With Tower]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandshingleranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Shingle Ranch House]]
| [[File:andarianvillawithtower00a.jpg|link=Andarian Villa With Tower]]
| 450,000
| 6,750,000
| 7
| 26
| 13 x 12
| 19 x 26
| 1
| 3.5
| 14
| 52
| [[Fieldstone And Slate Ranch House]]
| [[Blue Stone Guild Fortress]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandslateranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Slate Ranch House]]
| [[File:bluestoneguildfortress00a.jpg|link=Blue Stone Guild Fortress]]
| 550,000
| 12,850,000
| 36
| 31 x 33
| 1.75
| 72
| [[Brick And Plaster Square House]]
| [[File:brickandplastersquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Brick And Plaster Square House]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 9 x 9
| 2
| 8
| 8
| 14 x 12
| 1
| 16
| [[Frontier Compound]]
| [[Brick And Wood Compound]]
| [[File:frontiercompound00a.jpg|link=Frontier Compound]]
| [[File:brickandwoodcompound00a.jpg|link=Brick And Wood Compound]]
| 9,750,000
| 12,450,000
| 32
| 36
| 30 x 30
| 31 x 31
| 1.5
| 64
| [[Frontier Guildhouse]]
| [[File:frontierguildhouse00a.jpg|link=Frontier Guildhouse]]
| 9,550,000
| 31
| 27 x 26
| 3
| 62
| [[Frontier Log And Slate Overlook]]
| [[File:frontierlogandslateoverlook00a.jpg|link=Frontier Log And Slate Overlook]]
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 14 x 14
| 2
| 2
| 22
| 72
| [[Frontier Log House]]
| [[Cambrian City Shoppe]]
| [[File:frontierloghouse00a.jpg|link=Frontier Log House]]
| [[File:cambriancityshoppe00a.jpg|link=Cambrian City Shoppe]]
| 350,000
| 350,000
| 6
| 6
| 12 x 12
| 10 x 13
| 1
| 1
| 12
| 12
| [[Frontier Residence]]
| [[Cambrian Farmstead]]
| [[File:frontierresidence00a.jpg|link=Frontier Residence]]
| [[File:cambrianfarmstead00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Farmstead]]
| 1,050,000
| 2,150,000
| 11
| 15
| 13 x 15
| 18 x 17
| 2
| 2
| 22
| 30
| [[Frontier Shoppe]]
| [[Cambrian Fortified Villa]]
| [[File:frontiershoppe00a.jpg|link=Frontier Shoppe]]
| [[File:cambrianfortifiedvilla00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Fortified Villa]]
| 450,000
| 1,850,000
| 7
| 14
| 13 x 9
| 18 x 15
| 2
| 2
| 14
| 28
| [[Frontier Slate Roof Cabin]]
| [[Cambrian Greathall]]
| [[File:frontierslateroofcabin00a.jpg|link=Frontier Slate Roof Cabin]]
| [[File:cambriangreathall00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Greathall]]
| 950,000
| 10
| 16 x 10
| 2
| 20
| [[Cambrian Large House]]
| [[File:cambrianlargehouse00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Large House]]
| 850,000
| 10
| 14 x 13
| 2
| 20
| [[Cambrian Manor]]
| [[File:cambrianmanor00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Manor]]
| 550,000
| 550,000
| 8
| 8
| 13 x 14
| 11 x 13
| 1
| 2
| 16
| 16
| [[Frontier Two Story Slate Roof]]
| [[Cambrian Pillared Manor]]
| [[File:frontiertwostoryslateroof00a.jpg|link=Frontier Two Story Slate Roof]]
| [[File:cambrianpillaredmanor00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Pillared Manor]]
| 1,150,000
| 2,250,000
| 11
| 15
| 13 x 16
| 21 x 13
| 2
| 2
| 22
| 30
| [[Frontier Veranda House]]
| [[Cambrian Residence With Balcony]]
| [[File:frontierverandahouse00a.jpg|link=Frontier Veranda House]]
| [[File:cambrianresidencewithbalcony00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Residence With Balcony]]
| 2,350,000
| 750,000
| 16
| 9
| 18 x 19
| 14 x 10
| 1.75
| 2.5
| 32
| 18
| [[Greybrick Residence]]
| [[Cambrian Sandstone Cellar]]
| [[File:greybrickresidence00a.jpg|link=Greybrick Residence]]
| [[File:cambriansandstonecellar00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Sandstone Cellar]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 8 x 10
| 1.75
| 8
| [[Cambrian Villa]]
| [[File:cambrianvilla00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Villa]]
| 550,000
| 550,000
| 8
| 8
| 13 x 13
| 12 x 12
| 1
| 1.75
| 16
| 16
| [[Guesthouse]]
| [[Cambrian Villa With Balcony]]
| [[File:guesthouse00a.jpg|link=Guesthouse]]
| [[File:cambrianvillawithbalcony00a.jpg|link=Cambrian Villa With Balcony]]
| 4,950,000
| 750,000
| 23
| 9
| 28 x 13
| 14 x 11
| 2
| 2
| 46
| 18
| [[Guild Fortress]]
| [[Caravan Wagon]]
| [[File:guildfortress00a.jpg|link=Guild Fortress]]
| [[File:caravanwagon00a.jpg|link=Caravan Wagon]]
| 10,950,000
| 250,000
| 34
| 3
| 26 x 28
| 8 x 5
| 3.5
| 1
| 68
| 6
| [[Landaus Lodge]]
| [[Caravan Wagon East]]
| [[File:landauslodge00a.jpg|link=Landaus Lodge]]
| [[File:caravanwagoneast00a.jpg|link=Caravan Wagon East]]
| 2,550,000
| 250,000
| 16
| 3
| 15 x 21
| 5 x 8
| 2
| 1
| 32
| 6
| [[Large Brick House]]
| [[Castle]]
| [[File:largebrickhouse00a.jpg|link=Large Brick House]]
| [[File:castle00a.jpg|link=Castle]]
| 850,000
| 12,250,000
| 10
| 15 x 15
| 1
| 20
| [[Large Frontier House]]
| [[File:largefrontierhouse00a.jpg|link=Large Frontier House]]
| 1,550,000
| 13
| 18 x 15
| 1.5
| 26
| [[Large Marble Compound]]
| [[File:largemarblecompound00a.jpg|link=Large Marble Compound]]
| 11,750,000
| 35
| 35
| 32 x 30
| 31 x 32
| 1.75
| 1.75
| 70
| 70
| [[Large Patio House]]
| [[Compact Stone Keep]]
| [[File:largepatiohouse00a.jpg|link=Large Patio House]]
| [[File:compactstonekeep00a.jpg|link=Compact Stone Keep]]
| 950,000
| 4,250,000
| 21
| 20 x 22
| 2.5
| 42
| [[Desert Tower]]
| [[File:deserttower00a.jpg|link=Desert Tower]]
| 250,000
| 5
| 10 x 9
| 3
| 10
| [[Farmlands Cabin With Cellar]]
| [[File:farmlandscabinwithcellar00a.jpg|link=Farmlands Cabin With Cellar]]
| 850,000
| 10
| 10
| 16 x 15
| 17 x 8
| 1
| 1.5
| 20
| 20
| [[Large Sandstone Compound]]
| [[Farmlands Ranch House]]
| [[File:largesandstonecompound00a.jpg|link=Large Sandstone Compound]]
| [[File:farmlandsranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Farmlands Ranch House]]
| 13,050,000
| 150,000
| 37
| 4
| 33 x 33
| 10 x 11
| 1.5
| 74
| [[Large Wooden House]]
| [[File:largewoodenhouse00a.jpg|link=Large Wooden House]]
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 16 x 16
| 1
| 1
| 22
| 8
| [[Light Brick And Whitewash Courtyard]]
| [[Farmlands Two Story Ranch House]]
| [[File:lightbrickandwhitewashcourtyard00a.jpg|link=Light Brick And Whitewash Courtyard]]
| [[File:farmlandstwostoryranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Farmlands Two Story Ranch House]]
| 3,250,000
| 750,000
| 19
| 9
| 21 x 20
| 14 x 12
| 1.75
| 2
| 38
| 18
| [[Light Brick And Whitewash Ranch House]]
| [[Farmstead Compound]]
| [[File:lightbrickandwhitewashranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Light Brick And Whitewash Ranch House]]
| [[File:farmsteadcompound00a.jpg|link=Farmstead Compound]]
| 6,050,000
| 11,850,000
| 25
| 35
| 29 x 19
| 32 x 32
| 1.75
| 50
| [[Light Brick And Whitewash Villa]]
| [[File:lightbrickandwhitewashvilla00a.jpg|link=Light Brick And Whitewash Villa]]
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 12 x 17
| 1.5
| 1.5
| 22
| 70
| [[Lightstone And Beam Square House]]
| [[Fieldstone And Log Two Story Residence]]
| [[File:lightstoneandbeamsquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Lightstone And Beam Square House]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandlogtwostoryresidence00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Log Two Story Residence]]
| 2,350,000
| 16
| 19 x 17
| 2
| 32
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Courtyard]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplastercourtyard00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Courtyard]]
| 1,650,000
| 13
| 20 x 18
| 1.75
| 26
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Half Shoppe]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplasterhalfshoppe00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Half Shoppe]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
| 9 x 9
| 9 x 8
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 8
| [[Lightstone And Slate Compound]]
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Shoppe]]
| [[File:lightstoneandslatecompound00a.jpg|link=Lightstone And Slate Compound]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplastershoppe00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Shoppe]]
| 13,150,000
| 150,000
| 37
| 4
| 31 x 32
| 9 x 8
| 2
| 2
| 74
| 8
| [[Lightstone Fortress]]
| [[Fieldstone And Plaster Square House]]
| [[File:lightstonefortress00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Fortress]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandplastersquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Plaster Square House]]
| 1,650,000
| 150,000
| 13
| 14 x 15
| 4
| 4
| 26
| 9 x 9
| 2
| 8
| [[Lightstone Juliet House]]
| [[Fieldstone And Shingle Ranch House]]
| [[File:lightstonejuliethouse00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Juliet House]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandshingleranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Shingle Ranch House]]
| 750,000
| 450,000
| 9
| 7
| 9 x 14
| 13 x 12
| 3
| 1
| 18
| 14
| [[Lightstone Patio House]]
| [[Fieldstone And Slate Ranch House]]
| [[File:lightstonepatiohouse00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Patio House]]
| [[File:fieldstoneandslateranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Fieldstone And Slate Ranch House]]
| 1,350,000
| 550,000
| 12
| 8
| 15 x 16
| 14 x 12
| 1.75
| 1
| 24
| 16
| [[Lightstone Small Fortress]]
| [[Frontier Compound]]
| [[File:lightstonesmallfortress00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Small Fortress]]
| [[File:frontiercompound00a.jpg|link=Frontier Compound]]
| 350,000
| 9,750,000
| 6
| 32
| 10 x 10
| 30 x 30
| 1.5
| 64
| [[Frontier Guildhouse]]
| [[File:frontierguildhouse00a.jpg|link=Frontier Guildhouse]]
| 9,550,000
| 31
| 27 x 26
| 3
| 3
| 12
| 62
| [[Log Cabin]]
| [[Frontier Log And Slate Overlook]]
| [[File:logcabin00a.jpg|link=Log Cabin]]
| [[File:frontierlogandslateoverlook00a.jpg|link=Frontier Log And Slate Overlook]]
| 450,000
| 1,050,000
| 7
| 11
| 8 x 14
| 14 x 14
| 1.75
| 2
| 14
| 22
| [[Frontier Log House]]
| [[File:frontierloghouse00a.jpg|link=Frontier Log House]]
| 350,000
| 6
| 12 x 12
| 1
| 12
| [[Mage's Tower]]
| [[Frontier Residence]]
| [[File:magestower00a.jpg|link=Mage's Tower]]
| [[File:frontierresidence00a.jpg|link=Frontier Residence]]
| 1,150,000
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 11
| 12 x 14
| 13 x 15
| 3.75
| 2
| 22
| 22
| [[Marble Patio House]]
| [[Frontier Shoppe]]
| [[File:marblepatiohouse00a.jpg|link=Marble Patio House]]
| [[File:frontiershoppe00a.jpg|link=Frontier Shoppe]]
| 1,250,000
| 450,000
| 12
| 7
| 15 x 15
| 13 x 9
| 2
| 2
| 24
| 14
| [[Marble Redoubt]]
| [[Frontier Slate Roof Cabin]]
| [[File:marbleredoubt00a.jpg|link=Marble Redoubt]]
| [[File:frontierslateroofcabin00a.jpg|link=Frontier Slate Roof Cabin]]
| 250,000
| 550,000
| 5
| 8
| 9 x 10
| 13 x 14
| 3
| 1
| 10
| 16
| [[Marble Square House]]
| [[Frontier Two Story Slate Roof]]
| [[File:marblesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Marble Square House]]
| [[File:frontiertwostoryslateroof00a.jpg|link=Frontier Two Story Slate Roof]]
| 150,000
| 1,150,000
| 4
| 11
| 9 x 9
| 13 x 16
| 2
| 2
| 22
| [[Frontier Veranda House]]
| [[File:frontierverandahouse00a.jpg|link=Frontier Veranda House]]
| 2,350,000
| 16
| 18 x 19
| 1.75
| 32
| [[Greybrick Residence]]
| [[File:greybrickresidence00a.jpg|link=Greybrick Residence]]
| 550,000
| 8
| 8
| 13 x 13
| 1
| 16
| [[Medium Stone Tower]]
| [[Guesthouse]]
| [[File:mediumstonetower00a.jpg|link=Medium Stone Tower]]
| [[File:guesthouse00a.jpg|link=Guesthouse]]
| 1,850,000
| 4,950,000
| 14
| 23
| 17 x 14
| 28 x 13
| 3
| 2
| 28
| 46
| [[Medium Stone Tower East]]
| [[Guild Fortress]]
| [[File:mediumstonetowereast00a.jpg|link=Medium Stone Tower East]]
| [[File:guildfortress00a.jpg|link=Guild Fortress]]
| 1,650,000
| 10,950,000
| 13
| 34
| 15 x 15
| 26 x 28
| 3
| 3.5
| 26
| 68
| [[Palisade Blockhouse]]
| [[Landaus Lodge]]
| [[File:palisadeblockhouse00a.jpg|link=Palisade Blockhouse]]
| [[File:landauslodge00a.jpg|link=Landaus Lodge]]
| 150,000
| 2,550,000
| 4
| 16
| 9 x 8
| 15 x 21
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 32
| [[Palisade Fortress]]
| [[Large Brick House]]
| [[File:palisadefortress00a.jpg|link=Palisade Fortress]]
| [[File:largebrickhouse00a.jpg|link=Large Brick House]]
| 6,050,000
| 850,000
| 25
| 10
| 27 x 24
| 15 x 15
| 1.5
| 1
| 50
| 20
| [[Palisade Keep]]
| [[Large Frontier House]]
| [[File:palisadekeep00a.jpg|link=Palisade Keep]]
| [[File:largefrontierhouse00a.jpg|link=Large Frontier House]]
| 1,550,000
| 1,550,000
| 13
| 13
| 18 x 12
| 18 x 15
| 2.25
| 1.5
| 26
| 26
| [[Palisade Outpost]]
| [[Large Marble Compound]]
| [[File:palisadeoutpost00a.jpg|link=Palisade Outpost]]
| [[File:largemarblecompound00a.jpg|link=Large Marble Compound]]
| 550,000
| 11,750,000
| 8
| 35
| 13 x 11
| 32 x 30
| 2
| 1.75
| 16
| 70
| [[Palisade Scout Tower]]
| [[Large Patio House]]
| [[File:palisadescouttower00a.jpg|link=Palisade Scout Tower]]
| [[File:largepatiohouse00a.jpg|link=Large Patio House]]
| 150,000
| 950,000
| 4
| 8 x 9
| 2.5
| 8
| [[Palisade Tower]]
| [[File:palisadetower00a.jpg|link=Palisade Tower]]
| 250,000
| 5
| 10 x 9
| 3
| 10
| 10
| 16 x 15
| 1
| 20
| [[Prevalian Fortress]]
| [[Large Sandstone Compound]]
| [[File:prevalianfortress00a.jpg|link=Prevalian Fortress]]
| [[File:largesandstonecompound00a.jpg|link=Large Sandstone Compound]]
| 16,550,000
| 13,050,000
| 41
| 37
| 31 x 31
| 33 x 33
| 3.5
| 1.5
| 82
| 74
| [[Prevalian Manor]]
| [[Large Wooden House]]
| [[File:prevalianmanor00a.jpg|link=Prevalian Manor]]
| [[File:largewoodenhouse00a.jpg|link=Large Wooden House]]
| 5,750,000
| 1,050,000
| 24
| 11
| 22 x 25
| 16 x 16
| 2.25
| 1
| 48
| 22
| [[Prevalian Redoubt]]
| [[Light Brick And Whitewash Courtyard]]
| [[File:prevalianredoubt00a.jpg|link=Prevalian Redoubt]]
| [[File:lightbrickandwhitewashcourtyard00a.jpg|link=Light Brick And Whitewash Courtyard]]
| 2,050,000
| 3,250,000
| 15
| 19
| 14 x 17
| 21 x 20
| 3.75
| 1.75
| 30
| 38
| [[Light Brick And Whitewash Ranch House]]
| [[File:lightbrickandwhitewashranchhouse00a.jpg|link=Light Brick And Whitewash Ranch House]]
| 6,050,000
| 25
| 29 x 19
| 1.75
| 50
| [[Light Brick And Whitewash Villa]]
| [[File:lightbrickandwhitewashvilla00a.jpg|link=Light Brick And Whitewash Villa]]
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 12 x 17
| 1.5
| 22
| [[Red Brick Square House]]
| [[Lightstone And Beam Square House]]
| [[File:redbricksquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Red Brick Square House]]
| [[File:lightstoneandbeamsquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Lightstone And Beam Square House]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
Line 760: Line 824:
| 8
| 8
| [[Red Brick Steeple]]
| [[Lightstone And Slate Compound]]
| [[File:redbricksteeple00a.jpg|link=Red Brick Steeple]]
| [[File:lightstoneandslatecompound00a.jpg|link=Lightstone And Slate Compound]]
| 13,150,000
| 37
| 31 x 32
| 2
| 74
| [[Lightstone Fortress]]
| [[File:lightstonefortress00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Fortress]]
| 1,650,000
| 13
| 14 x 15
| 4
| 26
| [[Lightstone Juliet House]]
| [[File:lightstonejuliethouse00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Juliet House]]
| 750,000
| 750,000
| 9
| 9
| 13 x 13
| 9 x 14
| 2
| 3
| 18
| 18
| [[Rural Barn]]
| [[Lightstone Patio House]]
| [[File:ruralbarn00a.jpg|link=Rural Barn]]
| [[File:lightstonepatiohouse00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Patio House]]
| 1,050,000
| 1,350,000
| 11
| 12
| 18 x 13
| 15 x 16
| 1
| 1.75
| 22
| 24
| [[Rural Cottage]]
| [[Lightstone Small Fortress]]
| [[File:ruralcottage00a.jpg|link=Rural Cottage]]
| [[File:lightstonesmallfortress00a.jpg|link=Lightstone Small Fortress]]
| 150,000
| 350,000
| 4
| 6
| 11 x 9
| 10 x 10
| 1
| 3
| 8
| 12
| [[Rural Courtyard Shoppe]]
| [[Log Cabin]]
| [[File:ruralcourtyardshoppe00a.jpg|link=Rural Courtyard Shoppe]]
| [[File:logcabin00a.jpg|link=Log Cabin]]
| 1,550,000
| 450,000
| 13
| 7
| 17 x 16
| 8 x 14
| 1.5
| 1.75
| 26
| 14
| [[Rural Fieldstone And Slate]]
| [[Mage's Tower]]
| [[File:ruralfieldstoneandslate00a.jpg|link=Rural Fieldstone And Slate]]
| [[File:magestower00a.jpg|link=Mage's Tower]]
| 550,000
| 1,150,000
| 8
| 11
| 13 x 14
| 12 x 14
| 1
| 3.75
| 16
| 22
| [[Rural Shoppe]]
| [[Marble Patio House]]
| [[File:ruralshoppe00a.jpg|link=Rural Shoppe]]
| [[File:marblepatiohouse00a.jpg|link=Marble Patio House]]
| 250,000
| 1,250,000
| 5
| 12
| 9 x 11
| 15 x 15
| 1.75
| 2
| 10
| 24
| [[Rural Villa]]
| [[Marble Redoubt]]
| [[File:ruralvilla00a.jpg|link=Rural Villa]]
| [[File:marbleredoubt00a.jpg|link=Marble Redoubt]]
| 250,000
| 250,000
| 5
| 5
| 10 x 9
| 9 x 10
| 2
| 3
| 10
| 10
| [[Sandstone And Shingle Square House]]
| [[Marble Square House]]
| [[File:sandstoneandshinglesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Sandstone And Shingle Square House]]
| [[File:marblesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Marble Square House]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
Line 824: Line 904:
| 8
| 8
| [[Sandstone Chateau]]
| [[Medium Stone Tower]]
| [[File:sandstonechateau00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Chateau]]
| [[File:mediumstonetower00a.jpg|link=Medium Stone Tower]]
| 2,450,000
| 1,850,000
| 16
| 14
| 19 x 17
| 17 x 14
| 2.25
| 3
| 32
| 28
| [[Sandstone Citadel]]
| [[Medium Stone Tower East]]
| [[File:sandstonecitadel00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Citadel]]
| [[File:mediumstonetowereast00a.jpg|link=Medium Stone Tower East]]
| 2,050,000
| 1,650,000
| 15
| 13
| 15 x 16
| 15 x 15
| 3.75
| 3
| 30
| 26
| [[Sandstone Compound]]
| [[Palisade Blockhouse]]
| [[File:sandstonecompound00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Compound]]
| [[File:palisadeblockhouse00a.jpg|link=Palisade Blockhouse]]
| 13,950,000
| 150,000
| 38
| 4
| 31 x 32
| 9 x 8
| 2.25
| 2
| 76
| [[Sandstone Fort]]
| [[File:sandstonefort00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Fort]]
| 550,000
| 8
| 8
| 10 x 12
| 3
| 16
| [[Sandstone Patio]]
| [[Palisade Fortress]]
| [[File:sandstonepatio00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Patio]]
| [[File:palisadefortress00a.jpg|link=Palisade Fortress]]
| 350,000
| 6,050,000
| 6
| 25
| 12 x 10
| 27 x 24
| 1.75
| 1.5
| 12
| 50
| [[Sandstone Redoubt]]
| [[Palisade Keep]]
| [[File:sandstoneredoubt00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Redoubt]]
| [[File:palisadekeep00a.jpg|link=Palisade Keep]]
| 750,000
| 1,550,000
| 9
| 13
| 11 x 12
| 18 x 12
| 3.5
| 2.25
| 18
| 26
| [[Sandstone Stained Glass Villa]]
| [[Palisade Outpost]]
| [[File:sandstonestainedglassvilla00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Stained Glass Villa]]
| [[File:palisadeoutpost00a.jpg|link=Palisade Outpost]]
| 550,000
| 8
| 13 x 11
| 2
| 16
| [[Palisade Scout Tower]]
| [[File:palisadescouttower00a.jpg|link=Palisade Scout Tower]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
| 9 x 9
| 8 x 9
| 2
| 2.5
| 8
| 8
| [[Palisade Tower]]
| [[Shingled Houseboat]]
| [[File:palisadetower00a.jpg|link=Palisade Tower]]
| [[File:shingledhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Shingled Houseboat]]
| 250,000
| 9,000,000
| 5
| 14
| 10 x 9
| 23 x 10
| 3
| 1
| 10
| [[Prevalian Fortress]]
| [[Shingled Two Story Houseboat]]
| [[File:prevalianfortress00a.jpg|link=Prevalian Fortress]]
| [[File:shingledtwostoryhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Shingled Two Story Houseboat]]
| 16,550,000
| 11,000,000
| 41
| 15
| 31 x 31
| 23 x 10
| 3.5
| 1.5
| 82
| 30
| [[Small Andarian Blockhouse]]
| [[Prevalian Manor]]
| [[File:smallandarianblockhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Andarian Blockhouse]]
| [[File:prevalianmanor00a.jpg|link=Prevalian Manor]]
| 150,000
| 5,750,000
| 24
| 22 x 25
| 2.25
| 48
| [[Prevalian Redoubt]]
| [[File:prevalianredoubt00a.jpg|link=Prevalian Redoubt]]
| 2,050,000
| 15
| 14 x 17
| 3.75
| 30
| [[Red Brick Square House]]
| [[File:redbricksquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Red Brick Square House]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
| 8 x 9
| 9 x 9
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 8
| [[Small Andarian Stone House]]
| [[Red Brick Steeple]]
| [[File:smallandarianstonehouse00a.jpg|link=Small Andarian Stone House]]
| [[File:redbricksteeple00a.jpg|link=Red Brick Steeple]]
| 50,000
| 750,000
| 3
| 9
| 8 x 8
| 13 x 13
| 2
| 18
| [[Rural Barn]]
| [[File:ruralbarn00a.jpg|link=Rural Barn]]
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 18 x 13
| 1
| 1
| 6
| 22
| [[Small Andarian Stone House East]]
| [[Rural Cottage]]
| [[File:smallandarianstonehouseeast00a.jpg|link=Small Andarian Stone House East]]
| [[File:ruralcottage00a.jpg|link=Rural Cottage]]
| 50,000
| 150,000
| 3
| 4
| 8 x 8
| 11 x 9
| 1
| 1
| 6
| 8
| [[Small Brick And Plaster]]
| [[Rural Courtyard Shoppe]]
| [[File:smallbrickandplaster00a.jpg|link=Small Brick And Plaster]]
| [[File:ruralcourtyardshoppe00a.jpg|link=Rural Courtyard Shoppe]]
| 50,000
| 1,550,000
| 3
| 13
| 8 x 8
| 17 x 16
| 1
| 1.5
| 6
| 26
| [[Small Brick House]]
| [[Rural Fieldstone And Slate]]
| [[File:smallbrickhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Brick House]]
| [[File:ruralfieldstoneandslate00a.jpg|link=Rural Fieldstone And Slate]]
| 50,000
| 550,000
| 3
| 8
| 8 x 8
| 13 x 14
| 1
| 1
| 6
| 16
| [[Small Field Stone House]]
| [[Rural Shoppe]]
| [[File:smallfieldstonehouse00a.jpg|link=Small Field Stone House]]
| [[File:ruralshoppe00a.jpg|link=Rural Shoppe]]
| 50,000
| 250,000
| 3
| 5
| 8 x 8
| 9 x 11
| 1
| 1.75
| 6
| 10
| [[Small Frontier Cabin]]
| [[Rural Villa]]
| [[File:smallfrontiercabin00a.jpg|link=Small Frontier Cabin]]
| [[File:ruralvilla00a.jpg|link=Rural Villa]]
| 250,000
| 250,000
| 5
| 5
| 12 x 10
| 10 x 9
| 1
| 2
| 10
| 10
| [[Small Lightstone House]]
| [[Sandstone And Shingle Square House]]
| [[File:smalllightstonehouse00a.jpg|link=Small Lightstone House]]
| [[File:sandstoneandshinglesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Sandstone And Shingle Square House]]
| 50,000
| 150,000
| 3
| 4
| 8 x 8
| 9 x 9
| 1
| 2
| 6
| 8
| [[Small Log House]]
| [[Sandstone Chateau]]
| [[File:smallloghouse00a.jpg|link=Small Log House]]
| [[File:sandstonechateau00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Chateau]]
| 50,000
| 2,450,000
| 3
| 16
| 8 x 8
| 19 x 17
| 1
| 2.25
| 6
| 32
| [[Small Marble Workshop]]
| [[Sandstone Citadel]]
| [[File:smallmarbleworkshop00a.jpg|link=Small Marble Workshop]]
| [[File:sandstonecitadel00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Citadel]]
| 150,000
| 2,050,000
| 4
| 15
| 8 x 8
| 15 x 16
| 2.75
| 3.75
| 8
| 30
| [[Small Red Brick House]]
| [[Sandstone Compound]]
| [[File:smallredbrickhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Red Brick House]]
| [[File:sandstonecompound00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Compound]]
| 50,000
| 13,950,000
| 3
| 38
| 8 x 8
| 31 x 32
| 1
| 2.25
| 6
| 76
| [[Small Shingled House]]
| [[Sandstone Fort]]
| [[File:smallshingledhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Shingled House]]
| [[File:sandstonefort00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Fort]]
| 50,000
| 550,000
| 8
| 10 x 12
| 3
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 16
| 1
| 6
| [[Small Stone And Plaster House]]
| [[Sandstone Patio]]
| [[File:smallstoneandplasterhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Stone And Plaster House]]
| [[File:sandstonepatio00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Patio]]
| 50,000
| 350,000
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| 6
| 12 x 10
| 1.75
| 12
| [[Small Stone Tower]]
| [[Sandstone Redoubt]]
| [[File:smallstonetower00a.jpg|link=Small Stone Tower]]
| [[File:sandstoneredoubt00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Redoubt]]
| 150,000
| 750,000
| 9
| 11 x 12
| 3.5
| 18
| [[Sandstone Stained Glass Villa]]
| [[File:sandstonestainedglassvilla00a.jpg|link=Sandstone Stained Glass Villa]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
| 8 x 9
| 9 x 9
| 3
| 2
| 8
| 8
| [[Small Stone Workshop]]
| [[File:smallstoneworkshop00a.jpg|link=Small Stone Workshop]]
| [[Shingled Houseboat]]
| 75,000
| [[File:shingledhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Shingled Houseboat]]
| 3
| 9,000,000
| 8 x 8
| 14
| 2
| 23 x 10
| 6
| 1
| [[Small Thatched House]]
| [[File:smallthatchedhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Thatched House]]
| [[Shingled Two Story Houseboat]]
| [[File:shingledtwostoryhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Shingled Two Story Houseboat]]
| 11,000,000
| 15
| 23 x 10
| 1.5
| 30
| [[Small Andarian Blockhouse]]
| [[File:smallandarianblockhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Andarian Blockhouse]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 8 x 9
| 2
| 8
| [[Small Andarian Stone House]]
| [[File:smallandarianstonehouse00a.jpg|link=Small Andarian Stone House]]
| 50,000
| 50,000
| 3
| 3
Line 1,025: Line 1,153:
| 6
| 6
| [[Small Wood And Plaster House]]
| [[Small Andarian Stone House East]]
| [[File:smallwoodandplasterhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Wood And Plaster House]]
| [[File:smallandarianstonehouseeast00a.jpg|link=Small Andarian Stone House East]]
| 50,000
| 50,000
| 3
| 3
Line 1,033: Line 1,161:
| 6
| 6
| [[Small Wooden House]]
| [[Small Brick And Plaster]]
| [[File:smallwoodenhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Wooden House]]
| [[File:smallbrickandplaster00a.jpg|link=Small Brick And Plaster]]
| 50,000
| 50,000
| 3
| 3
Line 1,041: Line 1,169:
| 6
| 6
| [[Small Wooden Houseboat]]
| [[Small Brick House]]
| [[File:smallwoodenhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Small Wooden Houseboat]]
| [[File:smallbrickhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Brick House]]
| 1,000,000
| 50,000
| 3
| 3
| 9 x 6
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 1
| 6
| 6
| [[Small Wooden Houseboat East]]
| [[Small Field Stone House]]
| [[File:smallwoodenhouseboateast00a.jpg|link=Small Wooden Houseboat East]]
| [[File:smallfieldstonehouse00a.jpg|link=Small Field Stone House]]
| 1,000,000
| 50,000
| 3
| 3
| 6 x 9
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 1
| 6
| 6
| [[Spired Slate And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[Small Frontier Cabin]]
| [[File:spiredslateandplastertwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Spired Slate And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[File:smallfrontiercabin00a.jpg|link=Small Frontier Cabin]]
| 350,000
| 250,000
| 6
| 5
| 11 x 10
| 12 x 10
| 2
| 1
| 12
| 10
| [[Square Stone Keep]]
| [[Small Lightstone House]]
| [[File:squarestonekeep00a.jpg|link=Square Stone Keep]]
| [[File:smalllightstonehouse00a.jpg|link=Small Lightstone House]]
| 1,650,000
| 50,000
| 13
| 3
| 14 x 15
| 8 x 8
| 4
| 1
| 26
| 6
| [[Stone And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[Small Log House]]
| [[File:stoneandplastertwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Stone And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[File:smallloghouse00a.jpg|link=Small Log House]]
| 1,250,000
| 50,000
| 12
| 3
| 15 x 15
| 8 x 8
| 2
| 1
| 24
| 6
| [[Stone And Slate Square House]]
| [[Small Marble Workshop]]
| [[File:stoneandslatesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Stone And Slate Square House]]
| [[File:smallmarbleworkshop00a.jpg|link=Small Marble Workshop]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
| 9 x 9
| 8 x 8
| 2
| 2.75
| 8
| 8
| [[Stone Barracks]]
| [[Small Red Brick House]]
| [[File:stonebarracks00a.jpg|link=Stone Barracks]]
| [[File:smallredbrickhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Red Brick House]]
| 1,450,000
| 50,000
| 13
| 14 x 15
| 3
| 3
| 26
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Stone Keep]]
| [[Small Shingled House]]
| [[File:stonekeep00a.jpg|link=Stone Keep]]
| [[File:smallshingledhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Shingled House]]
| 5,750,000
| 50,000
| 24
| 3
| 24 x 24
| 8 x 8
| 2
| 1
| 48
| [[Stone Shoppe]]
| [[File:stoneshoppe00a.jpg|link=Stone Shoppe]]
| 350,000
| 6
| 6
| 10 x 10
| 3
| 12
| [[Stone Square House]]
| [[Small Stone And Plaster House]]
| [[File:stonesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Stone Square House]]
| [[File:smallstoneandplasterhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Stone And Plaster House]]
| 50,000
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Small Stone Tower]]
| [[File:smallstonetower00a.jpg|link=Small Stone Tower]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
| 9 x 8
| 8 x 9
| 3
| 3
| 8
| 8
| [[Tower]]
| [[Small Stone Workshop]]
| [[File:tower00a.jpg|link=Tower]]
| [[File:smallstoneworkshop00a.jpg|link=Small Stone Workshop]]
| 9,250,000
| 75,000
| 31
| 3
| 24 x 26
| 8 x 8
| 4
| 2
| 62
| 6
| [[Tower East]]
| [[Small Thatched House]]
| [[File:towereast00a.jpg|link=Tower East]]
| [[File:smallthatchedhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Thatched House]]
| 9,250,000
| 50,000
| 31
| 3
| 24 x 26
| 8 x 8
| 4
| 1
| 62
| 6
| [[Two Story Villa]]
| [[Small Wood And Plaster House]]
| [[File:twostoryvilla00a.jpg|link=Two Story Villa]]
| [[File:smallwoodandplasterhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Wood And Plaster House]]
| 650,000
| 50,000
| 9
| 3
| 12 x 12
| 8 x 8
| 2.25
| 1
| 18
| 6
| [[Windmill House]]
| [[Small Wooden House]]
| [[File:windmillhouse00a1.jpg|link=Windmill House]]
| [[File:smallwoodenhouse00a.jpg|link=Small Wooden House]]
| 250,000
| 50,000
| 5
| 3
| 10 x 8
| 8 x 8
| 2.5
| 1
| 10
| 6
| [[Wood And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[Small Wooden Houseboat]]
| [[File:woodandplastertwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Wood And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[File:smallwoodenhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Small Wooden Houseboat]]
| 1,250,000
| 1,000,000
| 12
| 3
| 15 x 15
| 9 x 6
| 2
| 1
| 24
| 6
| [[Small Wooden Houseboat East]]
| [[File:smallwoodenhouseboateast00a.jpg|link=Small Wooden Houseboat East]]
| 1,000,000
| 3
| 6 x 9
| 1
| 6
| [[Wooden Eyelid Square House]]
| [[Spired Slate And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[File:woodeneyelidsquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Wooden Eyelid Square House]]
| [[File:spiredslateandplastertwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Spired Slate And Plaster Two Story House]]
| 150,000
| 350,000
| 4
| 6
| 9 x 9
| 11 x 10
| 2
| 2
| 8
| 12
| [[Wooden Houseboat]]
| [[Square Stone Keep]]
| [[File:woodenhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Wooden Houseboat]]
| [[File:squarestonekeep00a.jpg|link=Square Stone Keep]]
| 5,000,000
| 1,650,000
| 10
| 13
| 18 x 10
| 14 x 15
| 1
| 4
| 20
| 26
| [[Wooden Houseboat East]]
| [[Stone And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[File:woodenhouseboateast00a.jpg|link=Wooden Houseboat East]]
| [[File:stoneandplastertwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Stone And Plaster Two Story House]]
| 5,000,000
| 1,250,000
| 10
| 12
| 10 x 18
| 15 x 15
| 1
| 2
| 20
| 24
| [[Wooden Square House]]
| [[Stone And Slate Square House]]
| [[File:woodensquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Wooden Square House]]
| [[File:stoneandslatesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Stone And Slate Square House]]
| 150,000
| 150,000
| 4
| 4
Line 1,193: Line 1,329:
| 8
| 8
| [[Wooden Two Story Houseboat East]]
| [[Stone Barracks]]
| [[File:woodentwostoryhouseboateast00a.jpg|link=Wooden Two Story Houseboat East]]
| [[File:stonebarracks00a.jpg|link=Stone Barracks]]
| 10,000,000
| 1,450,000
| 14
| 13
| 10 x 22
| 14 x 15
| 1.5
| 3
| 28
| 26
| [[Woodsman's Lodge]]
| [[Stone Keep]]
| [[File:woodsmanslodge00a.jpg|link=Woodsman's Lodge]]
| [[File:stonekeep00a.jpg|link=Stone Keep]]
| 550,000
| 5,750,000
| 8
| 24
| 13 x 14
| 24 x 24
| 1
| 2
| 16
| 48
| [[Grand Fortress]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Stone Shoppe]]
| [[File:grandfortress04-min.png|240px|link=Grand Fortress]]
| [[File:stoneshoppe00a.jpg|link=Stone Shoppe]]
| 26,050,000
| 350,000
| 52
| 6
| 37 x 35
| 10 x 10
| 3.5
| 104
| [[Knight's Tower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:knightstower04-min.png|240px|link=Knight's Tower]]
| 750,000
| 9
| 12 x 12
| 3
| 3
| 18
| 12
| [[Lightstone Adobe Shoppe]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Stone Square House]]
| [[File:lightstoneadobeshoppe03-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone Adobe Shoppe]]
| [[File:stonesquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Stone Square House]]
| 1,150,000
| 150,000
| 11
| 4
| 14 x 15
| 9 x 8
| 2
| 3
| 22
| 8
| [[Lightstone and Wood Bungalow]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Tower]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodbungalow01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Bungalow]]
| [[File:tower00a.jpg|link=Tower]]
| 2,150,000
| 9,250,000
| 15
| 31
| 16 x 19
| 24 x 26
| 2
| 4
| 30
| 62
| [[Lightstone and Wood Loft]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Tower East]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodloft01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Loft]]
| [[File:towereast00a.jpg|link=Tower East]]
| 750,000
| 9,250,000
| 31
| 24 x 26
| 4
| 62
| [[Two Story Villa]]
| [[File:twostoryvilla00a.jpg|link=Two Story Villa]]
| 650,000
| 9
| 9
| 12 x 15
| 12 x 12
| 1.5
| 2.25
| 18
| 18
| [[Lightstone and Wood Residence]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Windmill House]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodresidence03-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Residence]]
| [[File:windmillhouse00a1.jpg|link=Windmill House]]
| 450,000
| 250,000
| 7
| 5
| 12 x 11
| 10 x 8
| 2.5
| 10
| [[Wood And Plaster Two Story House]]
| [[File:woodandplastertwostoryhouse00a.jpg|link=Wood And Plaster Two Story House]]
| 1,250,000
| 12
| 15 x 15
| 2
| 2
| 14
| 24
| [[Lightstone and Wood Villa]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Wooden Eyelid Square House]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodvilla01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Villa]]
| [[File:woodeneyelidsquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Wooden Eyelid Square House]]
| 1,850,000
| 150,000
| 14
| 4
| 15 x 18
| 9 x 9
| 2
| 2
| 28
| 8
| [[Lightstone and Wood Villa with Tower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Wooden Houseboat]]
| [[File:lightstoneandwoodvillawithtower01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Wood Villa with Tower]]
| [[File:woodenhouseboat00a.jpg|link=Wooden Houseboat]]
| 2,450,000
| 5,000,000
| 16
| 10
| 18 x 15
| 18 x 10
| 3.5
| 1
| 32
| 20
| [[Lightstone Beamed Villa]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Wooden Houseboat East]]
| [[File:lightstonebeamedvilla01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone Beamed Villa]]
| [[File:woodenhouseboateast00a.jpg|link=Wooden Houseboat East]]
| 450,000
| 5,000,000
| 7
| 10
| 11 x 11
| 10 x 18
| 2
| 1
| 14
| 20
| [[Lightstone Mansion]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Wooden Square House]]
| [[File:lightstonemansion01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone Mansion]]
| [[File:woodensquarehouse00a.jpg|link=Wooden Square House]]
| 3,050,000
| 150,000
| 18
| 4
| 18 x 18
| 9 x 9
| 3.25
| 2
| 36
| 8
| [[Lightstone and Plaster Small House]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Wooden Two Story Houseboat East]]
| [[File:lightstoneandplastersmallhouse01-min.png|240px|link=Lightstone and Plaster Small House]]
| [[File:woodentwostoryhouseboateast00a.jpg|link=Wooden Two Story Houseboat East]]
| 50,000
| 10,000,000
| 3
| 14
| 8 x 8
| 10 x 22
| 1
| 1.5
| 6
| 28
| [[Limestone and Plaster Lookout]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[Woodsman's Lodge]]
| [[File:limestoneandplasterlookout01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone and Plaster Lookout]]
| [[File:woodsmanslodge00a.jpg|link=Woodsman's Lodge]]
| 350,000
| 550,000
| 6
| 8
| 8 x 9
| 13 x 14
| 6
| 1
| 12
| [[Limestone and Plaster Redoubt]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:limestoneandplasterredoubt01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone and Plaster Redoubt]]
| 2,450,000
| 16
| 16
| 15 x 16
| 5.5
| 32
| [[Limestone Fortress]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:limestonefortress01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone Fortress]]
| 3,850,000
| 20
| 21 x 15
| 4.5
| 40
| [[Limestone Keep]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:limestonekeep01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone Keep]]
| 6,850,000
| 27
| 21 x 22
| 5.5
| 54
| [[Limestone Mercantile Tower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:limestonemercantiletower01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone Mercantile Tower]]
| 850,000
| 10
| 8 x 15
| 3
| 20
| [[Limestone and Plaster Small House]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:limestoneandplastersmallhouse01-min.png|240px|link=Limestone and Plaster Small House]]
| 50,000
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Norse Chalet]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsechalet00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Chalet]]
| 1,950,000
| 14
| 17 x 16
| 2.5
| 28
| [[Norse Farmstead]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsefarmstead00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Farmstead]]
| 4,050,000
| 21
| 19 x 21
| 3
| 42
| [[Norse Grand Lodge]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsegrandlodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Grand Lodge]]
| 10,950,000
| 34
| 26 x 25
| 5
| 68
| [[Norse Great Hall]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsegreathall00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Great Hall]]
| 2,850,000
| 17
| 21 x 18
| 1.75
| 34
| [[Norse Great Lodge]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsegreatlodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Great Lodge]]
| 1,050,000
| 11
| 12 x 16
| 2
| 22
| [[Norse Lodge]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norselodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Lodge]]
| 750,000
| 9
| 12 x 16
| 1
| 18
| [[Norse Longhouse]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norselodge00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Longhouse]]
| 2,150,000
| 15
| 21 x 12
| 2
| 30
| [[Norse Small House]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsesmallhouse00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Small House]]
| 50,000
| 3
| 8 x 8
| 1
| 6
| [[Norse Watchtower]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:norsewatchtower00-min.png|240px|link=Norse Watchtower]]
| 450,000
| 7
| 10 x 10
| 4
| 14
| [[Shingled Merchant's Outpost]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:shingledmerchantsoutpost00-min.png|240px|link=Shingled Merchant's Outpost]]
| 1,650,000
| 13
| 15 x 16
| 2.5
| 16
| [[Shutter Cottage]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:shuttercottage00-min.png|240px|link=Shutter Cottage]]
| 150,000
| 4
| 11 x 9
| 1
| 8
| [[Grand Keep]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:grandkeep00-min.png|240px|link=Grand Keep]]
| 15,350,000
| 40
| 29 x 29
| 4.5
| 80
| [[Gatehouse]]<br />[[File:new.png|link=]]
| [[File:gatehouse00-min.png|240px|link=Gatehouse]]
| 4,550,000
| 22
| 25 x 10
| 3.5
| 44

Revision as of 17:58, 6 November 2019

Display Name Picture Price Secures Dimensions Floors Vendors
Grand Fortress
26,050,000 52 37 x 35 3.5 104
Knight's Tower
750,000 9 12 x 12 3 18
Lightstone Adobe Shoppe
1,150,000 11 14 x 15 2 22
Lightstone and Wood Bungalow
2,150,000 15 16 x 19 2 30
Lightstone and Wood Loft
750,000 9 12 x 15 1.5 18
Lightstone and Wood Residence
450,000 7 12 x 11 2 14
Lightstone and Wood Villa
1,850,000 14 15 x 18 2 28
Lightstone and Wood Villa with Tower
2,450,000 16 18 x 15 3.5 32
Lightstone Beamed Villa
450,000 7 11 x 11 2 14
Lightstone Mansion
3,050,000 18 18 x 18 3.25 36
Lightstone and Plaster Small House
50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Limestone and Plaster Lookout
350,000 6 8 x 9 6 12
Limestone and Plaster Redoubt
2,450,000 16 15 x 16 5.5 32
Limestone Fortress
3,850,000 20 21 x 15 4.5 40
Limestone Keep
6,850,000 27 21 x 22 5.5 54
Limestone Mercantile Tower
850,000 10 8 x 15 3 20
Limestone and Plaster Small House
50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Norse Chalet
1,950,000 14 17 x 16 2.5 28
Norse Farmstead
4,050,000 21 19 x 21 3 42
Norse Grand Lodge
10,950,000 34 26 x 25 5 68
Norse Great Hall
2,850,000 17 21 x 18 1.75 34
Norse Great Lodge
1,050,000 11 12 x 16 2 22
Norse Lodge
750,000 9 12 x 16 1 18
Norse Longhouse
2,150,000 15 21 x 12 2 30
Norse Small House
50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Norse Watchtower
450,000 7 10 x 10 4 14
Shingled Merchant's Outpost
1,650,000 13 15 x 16 2.5 16
Shutter Cottage
150,000 4 11 x 9 1 8
Grand Keep
15,350,000 40 29 x 29 4.5 80
4,550,000 22 25 x 10 3.5 44
Andarian Abode 950,000 10 15 x 10 2 20
Andarian Barn 350,000 6 11 x 8 2 12
Andarian Block House 250,000 5 9 x 11 2 10
Andarian Bluestone And Slate 550,000 8 12 x 10 2 16
Andarian Courtyard Keep 15,150,000 39 32 x 34 2 78
Andarian Farmstead 9,850,000 32 31 x 31 1.25 64
Andarian Mercantile Guildhouse 1,550,000 13 17 x 12 3 26
Andarian Merchant's Residence 750,000 9 11 x 14 2 18
Andarian Merchant's Villa 1,050,000 11 14 x 12 3 22
Andarian Ranch House 850,000 10 14 x 16 1 20
Andarian Residence 550,000 8 10 x 13 2 16
Andarian Simple Wood And Plaster 450,000 7 14 x 11 1 14
Andarian Sloped Roof Lightstone And Plaster 950,000 10 11 x 15 2.5 20
Andarian Two Story Brick And Plaster 1,650,000 13 17 x 15 2 26
Andarian Two Story House 550,000 8 10 x 13 2 16
Andarian Two Story Porch Ranch House 1,950,000 14 16 x 18 2 28
Andarian Veranda East 350,000 6 12 x 11 1 12
Andarian Villa 2,950,000 18 16 x 22 2 36
Andarian Villa With Tower 6,750,000 26 19 x 26 3.5 52
Blue Stone Guild Fortress 12,850,000 36 31 x 33 1.75 72
Brick And Plaster Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Brick And Wood Compound 12,450,000 36 31 x 31 2 72
Cambrian City Shoppe 350,000 6 10 x 13 1 12
Cambrian Farmstead 2,150,000 15 18 x 17 2 30
Cambrian Fortified Villa 1,850,000 14 18 x 15 2 28
Cambrian Greathall 950,000 10 16 x 10 2 20
Cambrian Large House 850,000 10 14 x 13 2 20
Cambrian Manor 550,000 8 11 x 13 2 16
Cambrian Pillared Manor 2,250,000 15 21 x 13 2 30
Cambrian Residence With Balcony 750,000 9 14 x 10 2.5 18
Cambrian Sandstone Cellar 150,000 4 8 x 10 1.75 8
Cambrian Villa 550,000 8 12 x 12 1.75 16
Cambrian Villa With Balcony 750,000 9 14 x 11 2 18
Caravan Wagon 250,000 3 8 x 5 1 6
Caravan Wagon East 250,000 3 5 x 8 1 6
Castle 12,250,000 35 31 x 32 1.75 70
Compact Stone Keep 4,250,000 21 20 x 22 2.5 42
Desert Tower 250,000 5 10 x 9 3 10
Farmlands Cabin With Cellar 850,000 10 17 x 8 1.5 20
Farmlands Ranch House 150,000 4 10 x 11 1 8
Farmlands Two Story Ranch House 750,000 9 14 x 12 2 18
Farmstead Compound 11,850,000 35 32 x 32 1.5 70
Fieldstone And Log Two Story Residence 2,350,000 16 19 x 17 2 32
Fieldstone And Plaster Courtyard 1,650,000 13 20 x 18 1.75 26
Fieldstone And Plaster Half Shoppe 150,000 4 9 x 8 2 8
Fieldstone And Plaster Shoppe 150,000 4 9 x 8 2 8
Fieldstone And Plaster Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Fieldstone And Shingle Ranch House 450,000 7 13 x 12 1 14
Fieldstone And Slate Ranch House 550,000 8 14 x 12 1 16
Frontier Compound 9,750,000 32 30 x 30 1.5 64
Frontier Guildhouse 9,550,000 31 27 x 26 3 62
Frontier Log And Slate Overlook 1,050,000 11 14 x 14 2 22
Frontier Log House 350,000 6 12 x 12 1 12
Frontier Residence 1,050,000 11 13 x 15 2 22
Frontier Shoppe 450,000 7 13 x 9 2 14
Frontier Slate Roof Cabin 550,000 8 13 x 14 1 16
Frontier Two Story Slate Roof 1,150,000 11 13 x 16 2 22
Frontier Veranda House 2,350,000 16 18 x 19 1.75 32
Greybrick Residence 550,000 8 13 x 13 1 16
Guesthouse 4,950,000 23 28 x 13 2 46
Guild Fortress 10,950,000 34 26 x 28 3.5 68
Landaus Lodge 2,550,000 16 15 x 21 2 32
Large Brick House 850,000 10 15 x 15 1 20
Large Frontier House 1,550,000 13 18 x 15 1.5 26
Large Marble Compound 11,750,000 35 32 x 30 1.75 70
Large Patio House 950,000 10 16 x 15 1 20
Large Sandstone Compound 13,050,000 37 33 x 33 1.5 74
Large Wooden House 1,050,000 11 16 x 16 1 22
Light Brick And Whitewash Courtyard 3,250,000 19 21 x 20 1.75 38
Light Brick And Whitewash Ranch House 6,050,000 25 29 x 19 1.75 50
Light Brick And Whitewash Villa 1,050,000 11 12 x 17 1.5 22
Lightstone And Beam Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Lightstone And Slate Compound 13,150,000 37 31 x 32 2 74
Lightstone Fortress 1,650,000 13 14 x 15 4 26
Lightstone Juliet House 750,000 9 9 x 14 3 18
Lightstone Patio House 1,350,000 12 15 x 16 1.75 24
Lightstone Small Fortress 350,000 6 10 x 10 3 12
Log Cabin 450,000 7 8 x 14 1.75 14
Mage's Tower 1,150,000 11 12 x 14 3.75 22
Marble Patio House 1,250,000 12 15 x 15 2 24
Marble Redoubt 250,000 5 9 x 10 3 10
Marble Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Medium Stone Tower 1,850,000 14 17 x 14 3 28
Medium Stone Tower East 1,650,000 13 15 x 15 3 26
Palisade Blockhouse 150,000 4 9 x 8 2 8
Palisade Fortress 6,050,000 25 27 x 24 1.5 50
Palisade Keep 1,550,000 13 18 x 12 2.25 26
Palisade Outpost 550,000 8 13 x 11 2 16
Palisade Scout Tower 150,000 4 8 x 9 2.5 8
Palisade Tower 250,000 5 10 x 9 3 10
Prevalian Fortress 16,550,000 41 31 x 31 3.5 82
Prevalian Manor 5,750,000 24 22 x 25 2.25 48
Prevalian Redoubt 2,050,000 15 14 x 17 3.75 30
Red Brick Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Red Brick Steeple 750,000 9 13 x 13 2 18
Rural Barn 1,050,000 11 18 x 13 1 22
Rural Cottage 150,000 4 11 x 9 1 8
Rural Courtyard Shoppe 1,550,000 13 17 x 16 1.5 26
Rural Fieldstone And Slate 550,000 8 13 x 14 1 16
Rural Shoppe 250,000 5 9 x 11 1.75 10
Rural Villa 250,000 5 10 x 9 2 10
Sandstone And Shingle Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Sandstone Chateau 2,450,000 16 19 x 17 2.25 32
Sandstone Citadel 2,050,000 15 15 x 16 3.75 30
Sandstone Compound 13,950,000 38 31 x 32 2.25 76
Sandstone Fort 550,000 8 10 x 12 3 16
Sandstone Patio 350,000 6 12 x 10 1.75 12
Sandstone Redoubt 750,000 9 11 x 12 3.5 18
Sandstone Stained Glass Villa 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Shingled Two Story Houseboat 11,000,000 15 23 x 10 1.5 30
Small Andarian Blockhouse 150,000 4 8 x 9 2 8
Small Andarian Stone House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Andarian Stone House East 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Brick And Plaster 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Brick House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Field Stone House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Frontier Cabin 250,000 5 12 x 10 1 10
Small Lightstone House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Log House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Marble Workshop 150,000 4 8 x 8 2.75 8
Small Red Brick House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Shingled House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Stone And Plaster House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Stone Tower 150,000 4 8 x 9 3 8
Small Stone Workshop 75,000 3 8 x 8 2 6
Small Thatched House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Wood And Plaster House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Wooden House 50,000 3 8 x 8 1 6
Small Wooden Houseboat 1,000,000 3 9 x 6 1 6
Small Wooden Houseboat East 1,000,000 3 6 x 9 1 6
Spired Slate And Plaster Two Story House 350,000 6 11 x 10 2 12
Square Stone Keep 1,650,000 13 14 x 15 4 26
Stone And Plaster Two Story House 1,250,000 12 15 x 15 2 24
Stone And Slate Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Stone Barracks 1,450,000 13 14 x 15 3 26
Stone Keep 5,750,000 24 24 x 24 2 48
Stone Shoppe 350,000 6 10 x 10 3 12
Stone Square House 150,000 4 9 x 8 3 8
Tower 9,250,000 31 24 x 26 4 62
Tower East 9,250,000 31 24 x 26 4 62
Two Story Villa 650,000 9 12 x 12 2.25 18
Windmill House 250,000 5 10 x 8 2.5 10
Wood And Plaster Two Story House 1,250,000 12 15 x 15 2 24
Wooden Eyelid Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Wooden Houseboat 5,000,000 10 18 x 10 1 20
Wooden Houseboat East 5,000,000 10 10 x 18 1 20
Wooden Square House 150,000 4 9 x 9 2 8
Wooden Two Story Houseboat East 10,000,000 14 10 x 22 1.5 28
Woodsman's Lodge 550,000 8 13 x 14 1 16