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** Deadly Poison: Must be within 0-8 Tiles of target player
** Deadly Poison: Must be within 0-8 Tiles of target player

==Poison Tolerance==
The handling on Poison Tolerance is as follows:
* Whenever a player or tamed/summoned creature inflicts Greater Poison or above on another player, it applies a cumulative Poison Tolerance effect on the victim that lasts 5 minutes
* A player can have multiple Poison Tolerance effects stacked on them, and each Poison Tolerence effect has their own independent duration timer
* Poison Tolerance reduces the chance for ANY opposing players to Upgrade Poison Spellcasts OR Apply Melee Weapon Poison against them (i.e. a player with a 25% upgrade/application chance against a player with 50% poison tolerance would now have a 12.5% upgrade/application chance)
* Players can at most receive 50% Poison Tolerance from stacked effects
* Poison Tolerance has no effect in the Arena
Poison Tolerance increases as follows:
* Hit with Greater Poison: +5% Poison Tolerance for 5 minutes
* Hit With Deadly Poison: +10% Poison Tolerance for 5 minutes
* Hit With Lethal Poison: +15% Poison Tolerance for 5 minutes

Revision as of 20:25, 15 June 2021

Poison Damage

  • Player-inflicted Poison (through spells or weapons) damage against creatures is increased by 50%
  • Player-inflicted Poison (through spells or weapons or tinker traps) has its damage increased by (100% * (Taste ID Skill / 100))
  • When a non-tamed creature takes damage from poison, if the creature or player that poisoned them is more than 18 tiles away, the poison will downgrade its damage to Lesser Poison
Poison Damage
Lesser 5 Damage every 10 seconds
Regular 10 Damage every 8 seconds
Greater 15 Damage every 7 seconds
Deadly 20 Damage every 6 seconds
Lethal 25 Damage every 5 seconds

Curing Poison

Progressive Curing

  • Each consecutive failed attempt at curing poison now increases chance of the next attempt by a flat value equal to the unmodified base cure chance (before factoring in adjustments for Poison Skill, Taste ID, or Other Player Effects) assigned to the type of poison

Example of curing Deadly Poison inflicted by a player with GM Poisoning Skill and GM Taste ID:

  • The base chance to cure Deadly Poison via Greater Cure Potion or GM Magery is 50% chance.
  • If they fail their cure attempt, their next attempt will receive a flat 50% bonus
  • Poisons inflicted with GM Poisoning and GM Taste ID have their initial cure chance reduced by a scalar of 50% (i.e. 50% base cure chance becomes 25% cure chance). Subsequent attempts are still increased by the unmodified base cure chance as a flat percentage.
  • Player's 1st Cure Attempt = 25% Cure Chance
  • Player's 2nd Cure Attempt = 75% Cure Chance
  • Player's 3rd Cure Attempt = 125% Cure Chance

Example of curing Lethal Poison inflicted by a player with 120 Poisoning Skill and 120 Taste ID:

  • Base chance to cure Lethal Poison via Greater Cure Potion or GM Magery is 25% chance
  • If they fail their cure attempt, their next attempt will receive a flat 25% bonus
  • Poisons inflicted with 120 Poisoning and 120 Taste ID have their initial cure chance reduced by a scalar of 60% (i.e. 25% base cure chance becomes 10% cure chance). Subsequent attempts are still increased by the unmodified base cure chance as a flat percentage.
  • Player's 1st Cure Attempt = 10% Cure Chance
  • Player's 2nd Cure Attempt = 35% Cure Chance
  • Player's 3rd Cure Attempt = 60% Cure Chance
  • Player's 4th Cure Attempt = 85% Cure Chance
  • Player's 5th Cure Attempt = 110% Cure Chance

Potion Cure Chances

Cure Type Poison Type Cure Chance

Lesser Cure
Lesser 75%
Regular 50%
Greater 25%
Deadly 0%
Lethal 0%

Regular Cure
Lesser 100%
Regular 75%
Greater 50%
Deadly 25%
Lethal 0%

Greater Cure
Lesser 125%
Regular 100%
Greater 75%
Deadly 50%
Lethal 25%

Bandaging Cure Chances

  • Chance to Cure Player = ((150% - (Poison Level * 25%)) * (Healing Skill / 100)) - (Slips * 2%);
  • Chance to Cure Creature = ((150% - (Poison Level * 25%)) * (Veterinary Skill / 100)) - (Slips * 2%);

Cure and Arch Cure Spell Chances

  • Chance to Cure = ((150% - (Poison Level * 25%)) * (Magery Skill / 100))

Poison Resistance

  • Many creatures have a Poison Resistance stat (listed as a percentage % value, but will not resist poison cast from players, only a chance to resist each tick of damage
  • Players may temporarily receive Poison Resistance through skills such as Taste ID and various item effects
  • Whenever a player or creature is affected by poison (i.e. a poison tick) they will have a Poison Resistance % chance to ignore the damage from poison, and will display an overhead "*resists poison*" orange text

Poisoned Weapons

  • Chance to inflict poison on target is flat 25% for Lesser, Regular, Greater, and Deadly Poisoned weapons
  • The chance for a player to apply Weapon Poison (including Lethal) to a creature is now 25% + (Effective Poisoning Skill / 4 %) patch Feb 14,2020
  • Player wielding a weapon with Lethal Poison must have at least 100 Poisoning skill in order to inflict it on targets
  • Chance to inflict Lethal Poison on a target is (12.5% + (12.5% * (Poisoning Skill / 120)))
  • Chance to not lose poison charge on a failed infliction check is (50% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • Chance for player to cure poison that was inflicted by a player with poisoning is reduced by (25% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • If a creature is hit by a poisoned weapon, but the creature is already poisoned with an equal or higher poison level than what's on the weapon, no poison attempt will be made with the weapon (and no poison charges will be lost)
  • Players with Poisoning skill use fractional amounts of Poison Charges when inflicting poison with a weapon onto a creature
  • Players will lose (1 - (0.50 * (Effective Poisoning Skill / 100)) Poison Charges when inflicting poison from a weapon onto a creature
  • A minimum of 0.20 Poison Charges are used on each poisoning attempt (if players have bonuses to Effective Poisoning Skill such as through Mastery Chain Links)
  • Players may attempt to apply poison to weapons by single-clicking the weapon with poison potions in their inventory. Available poison types will be listed in the context menu.

Poison Spellcasting

  • Poison spell when cast by creatures will be at Lesser Poison
  • Poison spell and Poison Field spells cast by players default to Regular Poison
  • A player's effective Poisoning skill for spellcasting is capped by their Magery skill (players may go above 100 Poisoning at 100 Magery however)
  • Players must have at least 60 Poisoning to upgrade poison level to Greater Poison
  • Players must have at least 80 Poisoning to upgrade poison level to Deadly Poison
  • Players must have at least 100 Poisoning, as well as 100 Magery, to have a chance to upgrade to Lethal Poison
  • Upgrading to Greater Poison will cost 1 extra nightshade and 2 extra nightshade for Deadly Poison (the spell's poison will not upgrade if player does not have sufficient nightshade)
  • Players are able to cast Lethal Poison, onto both creatures and players
  • In order to be able to upgrade to Lethal poison, the player must have a Lethal Poison potion in their backpack (if they do not have, they cannot upgrade to Lethal Poison)
  • On a successful Lethal Poison upgrade cast, there is a 20% chance a Lethal Poison potion in their backpack will be consumed (and players will be notified); this chance is increased to 40% in PvP
  • Casting Lethal Poison will require consumption of 3 extra Nightshade if no Lethal Poison Potion is required for the spellcast (similar to upgrading to Greater Poison taking 1 extra nightshade, and upgrading to Deadly Poison taking 2 extra nightshade)

PvM Bonuses

  • Chance for players to upgrade spell poison level to Greater Poison against creatures is (100% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • Chance for players to upgrade spell poison level to Deadly Poison against creatures is (50% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • Chance for players to upgrade spell poison level to Lethal Poison against creatures is (20% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))

PvP Bonuses

  • Chance for players to upgrade spell poison level to Greater Poison against players is (50% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • Chance for players to upgrade spell poison level to Deadly Poison against players is (25% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • Chance for players to upgrade spell poison level to Lethal Poison against players is (10% * (Poisoning Skill / 100))
  • When players cast the Poison spell against another player, the maximum poison upgrade level is now capped based on the distance to the target player as follows:
    • Lethal Poison: Must be within 0-4 Tiles of target player
    • Deadly Poison: Must be within 0-8 Tiles of target player

Poison Tolerance

The handling on Poison Tolerance is as follows:

  • Whenever a player or tamed/summoned creature inflicts Greater Poison or above on another player, it applies a cumulative Poison Tolerance effect on the victim that lasts 5 minutes
  • A player can have multiple Poison Tolerance effects stacked on them, and each Poison Tolerence effect has their own independent duration timer
  • Poison Tolerance reduces the chance for ANY opposing players to Upgrade Poison Spellcasts OR Apply Melee Weapon Poison against them (i.e. a player with a 25% upgrade/application chance against a player with 50% poison tolerance would now have a 12.5% upgrade/application chance)
  • Players can at most receive 50% Poison Tolerance from stacked effects
  • Poison Tolerance has no effect in the Arena

Poison Tolerance increases as follows:

  • Hit with Greater Poison: +5% Poison Tolerance for 5 minutes
  • Hit With Deadly Poison: +10% Poison Tolerance for 5 minutes
  • Hit With Lethal Poison: +15% Poison Tolerance for 5 minutes

Failure to Upgrade: Poison Sting

If a Poison spell hits an already poisoned target, and fails to upgrade the target's poison to a higher level than what it already has on them (which will always be the case if the target has Lethal poison), the target will instead take 10 * (((Caster Poisoning Skill + Caster Taste ID Skill) * 0.5) / 100) Damage, which will be roughly equivalent to Fireball damage when cast by a Poison Mage template.

We'll refer to this damage as Poison Sting damage. Poison Sting damage itself will not cause an interrupt to the target, but the normal interrupt handling for the Poison Spell will be in place as before (i.e. normal handling for being a 3rd circle offensive spell). The Poison Sting mechanic will apply when casting the spell onto both creatures and players.


Skill Poison
0-30 Train from NPC
30-40 Lesser
35-60 Regular
55-80 Greater
75-100 Deadly
95-120 Lethal