Meditation: Difference between revisions

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m (addid info on meditation rate mastery chain links)
Line 91: Line 91:
| [[Skills_%26_Stats#Trainable_Skills_from_NPCs|Train from NPC]]
| [[Skills_%26_Stats#Trainable_Skills_from_NPCs|Train from NPC]]
| 50-70
| 50-75
| Cast [[Magery]] spells and Meditate while in [[New Player Dungeon]]
| Cast [[Magery|spells]] and Meditate while in [[New Player Dungeon]]
| 70-100
| 75-100
| Passively gain when the player's mana is below their max mana
| Passively gain when the player's mana is below their max mana and by using the skill

Revision as of 15:06, 16 June 2022


  • Maximum mana regen rate possible is 1 mana restored every 0.5 seconds
  • Minimum mana regen rate possible is 1 mana restored every 8 seconds
  • Meditation mana regen rate is adjusted with Meditation rate Mastery Chain links ( example, you normally regen every 1.0 seconds, having a 10% increase would boost it to 0.9 seconds )
  • Baseline mana regen rate is 1 mana restored every 2 seconds
  • Mana regen rate is increased by (100% * (Meditation skill / 100))
  • Mana regen rate is increased by (100% if player is actively meditating)
  • Mana regen rate is penalized by (2% * (player's Total Armor Meditation Penalty))
  • A player's Total Armor Meditation Penalty is equal to the combined Meditation Penalties of all armor worn
  • Each piece of armor a player wears has an Meditation Penalty equal to it's (Armor Location Penalty * Armor Material Penalty)

Armor Location Penalty

Location Meditation Penalty
Shield 35%
Chest 35%
Legs 22%
Arms 15%
Helmet 14%
Gloves 7%
Gorget 7%

Armor Material Penalty

Image Material Penalty
No Armor, Leather Armor, Buckler, or Wooden Shield 0%
Studded Armor or Wooden Kite Shield 20%
Bone Armor or Metal Shield 40%
Ringmail Armor or Bronze Shield 60%
Chainmail Armor or Metal Kite Shield 80%
Platemail Armor, Heater Shield, or Chaos/Order Shield 100%


For example: a player wearing a suit of all studded leather but with a platemail gorget would have:

(.35 * .20) + (.22 * .20) + (.15 * .20) + (.14 * .20) + (.07 * .20) + (.07 * 1.0)) = 25.6% Total Armor Penalty.

Which would result in a (2 * 25.6%) = -51.2% effect on their Mana Regen rate.


Skill Activity
0-50 Train from NPC
50-75 Cast spells and Meditate while in New Player Dungeon
75-100 Passively gain when the player's mana is below their max mana and by using the skill