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  • Spell damage taken is reduced by a minimum of (12.5% * (Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • Spell damage taken is reduced by a maximum of (25% * (Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • The chance to resist any hostile spell with a non-damaging effect such as Curse or Poison is ((40% - (Spell Circle * 5%)) * (Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • Players can increase their effective Magic Resist skill, but only for the purpose of resisting creature-casted spells, by drinking Magic Resist Potions
  • Magic Resist Potions can increase a player's effective Magic Resist against creatures up to a maximum of 200 (if they had 100 Magic Resist Skill to begin with)

PvM Bonuses

Spell Absorption

  • In addition to normal spell damage reduction for Magic Resist, players now have a (25% * (Magic Resist Skill / 100)) chance to Absorb a spell cast by a creature
  • Absorbed spells will display with a pink/purple orb effect (similar to parrying)
  • An absorbed spell has its damage reduced by 75% (similar to the parrying effect)
  • Additionally, each absorbed spell "stores" (2 * the amount of spell damage reduced) of damage for the player, up to a maximum of 250 damage
  • On the player's next melee hit or spell cast against any creature, the amount damage inflicted (after resist and armor is factored in) is increased by the total amount of "stored" damage for the player (and the player's "stored" damage amount is then reduced to 0)
  • If a player has not used their stored damage within 5 minutes, it is reduced to 0


  • 0-30 Resist: Any spells first circle or higher
  • 30-40 Resist: Any spells 3rd circle or higher
  • 40-50 Resist: Any spells 4th circle or higher
  • 50-60 Resist: Any spells 5th circle or higher
  • 60-70 Resist: Any spells 6th circle or higher
  • 70-100 Resist: Any spells 7th circle or higher