Trade Caravans

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Revision as of 00:15, 28 September 2021 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • Guilds have the ability to launch and escort Trade Caravans on various routes throughout the lands
  • Players can view and manage details of Trade Caravans by navigating to the Trade Caravans tab in their Guild Menu

Earning Trade Caravans

  • In order for a Guild to be able to activate a Trade Caravan, they must first earn enough Harvest Progress
  • Harvest Progress occurs whenever a player in the guild harvests Ore, Lumber, Leather, or Special Fish (Large Fish/Crab/Lobster/Aquarium Fish)
  • A guild and its combined members must earn 2,000,000 Harvest Progress in order to be able to start a Trade Caravan, and this progress can be viewed at the top of the Trade Caravan menu

Harvest Values

  • Each successful Harvesting attempt increases a guild's Harvest Progress based on the amount of material harvested, and then scaled based on the Resource type or whether the harvesting occurs as part of a Resource Map
  • When a Guild reaches 2,000,000 Harvest Progress, they will be ready to start a Trade Caravan
  • The following is how much Harvest Progress a player will earn for various Harvesting actions:
Skill Harvest Progress

5 per Ore

5 per Board

0.10 per Leather

50 per Special Fish
(Large Fish/Crab/Lobster/Aquarium Fish)

Resource Maps
25 per Harvest Success

Starting a Trade Caravan

  • Once a guild has earned enough Harvest Progress, the top of the Trade Caravan Menu will display a Large Blue Start Button and the small arrow buttons to switch between Difficulty Values for Trade Caravans
  • Starting a Trade Caravan requires the same Guild Rank for members as Summoning Bosses

Difficulty Values

  • Guilds have the option to select different Difficulty Values for their Trade Caravan, which will impact how difficult it will be to complete the event, but will also alter the amount of loot items carried by the Trade Caravan
  • Once a player has made their Difficulty value selection, pressing the Large Blue Start Button twice will start the Trade Caravan
  • Below are the different settings players can set for Difficulty and how they impact the Trade Caravan:
Difficulty # of Encounters Loot Prestige
Standard 3 +0% 10
Challenging 4 +15% 12
Dangerous 5 +30% 14

Trade Caravan Assembly

  • As soon as a player starts a Trade Caravan, the guild will be notified of the Assembly location of the Trade Caravan as well as the Route it will be taking
  • The Trade Carvan Menu of the guild page will update to display information about the Route as well
  • If a player clicks the Small Orb Button next to the Globe near the Route Description, the following things will occur:
  • They will receive a System Message listing the coordinates of the Assembly Start Point and the Final Destination Point
  • They will see a large World Map showing the Route Start/End points
  • They will also automatically have a Tracking Arrow display on their screen pointing to the Assembly location of the Trade Caravan, showing them how many steps remain to the location
  • Before Trade Caravans set out, it will first "Assemble" where NPC Teamsters will automatically load the caravan for 60 seconds, giving members of the guild time to reach the Assembly Location
  • After 60 seconds, if there are any Friendly players within 18 tiles of the Trade Caravan, it will depart
  • After 60 seconds if there are no Friendly players within 18 tiles of the Trade Caravan, every 5 seconds it will take 10 Damage (explained later)

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Special Loot

  • Immaculate Stone
  • Pristine Lumber
  • Paintings
  • Gold distributed for rewards from Trade Caravan Resolution will be deposited into player banks (rather than dropped as a Stacked Item or Queued)
  • Gold Amounts should now be in increments of 5000 for players as loot

  • Trade Caravan movement is equal to normal player walking speed (400ms per movement)
  • Normal Difficulty Caravans will always have 3 Encounters
  • Challenging Difficulty Caravans will always have 4 Encounters
  • Dangerous Difficulty Caravans will always have 5 Encounters

Trade Caravan completion will now be worth Prestige for guilds as follows:

  • Easy Route: 10 Prestige
  • Challenging Route: 12 Prestige
  • Dangerous Route: 14 Prestige
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