Dungeon Flashpoints

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  • Dungeon Flashpoints are a guild-based, PvP event
  • Dungeon Flashpoints occur in the first level of a randomly chosen dungeon


  • Players become Participants in the Dungeon Flashpoints by simply entering the level of the dungeon the event is taking place in (or already being inside of the level of the dungeon as soon as the event starts) AND having "Participate in PvP Events" toggled on in their Overview Page of their Guild Menu
  • Players who do not have "Participate in PvP Events" will NOT be able to participate in Dungeon Flashpoints
  • Players are no longer be able to use Incognito, Polymorph, or Disguise Kits during all PvP Events, and any effects will be removed upon joining one.

Zones and Flagging

The Dungeon Flashpoint Area is considered to be the entire first level of the dungeon the Dungeon Flashpoint event is currently occurring in. While inside the Dungeon Flashpoint Area during a Dungeon Flashpoint event:

  • Participants flag as Green to members of their same Guild or Alliance, but only if that player is also currently a Participant
  • Participants flag as Orange to all other players who are not in the same guild (and not allied) who are marked as Participants
  • Non-Participants will flag as Yellow (invulnerable) to Participants
  • Participants will flag as Yellow (invulnerable) to Non-Participants
  • Non-Participants may not perform either hostile or beneficial actions to Participants
  • Criminals will always flag as Grey to all players (i.e. do not receive special handling for event)
  • The entire Dungeon (not just level 1) is now considered part of the "Zone" of Dungeon Flashpoints now for flagging purposes
  • Murderers will not receive any Region Aggression Restrictions if killed in the event area during the event
  • Participants in Dungeon Flashpoints are now capped at casting at most 5 Field Spells (Wall of Stone, Energy Field, Poison Field, etc) per event, similar to our Town Struggle handling


  • Dungeon Flashpoints are Guild-based, meaning each Guild acts as its own individual team
  • Even though Allied guilds will flag as Green to each other, they are considered separate teams with their own scores
  • At the end of the Dungeon Flashpoint event, the guild with the highest score is deemed the winner
  • Players also have their own individual score tracking that is used for determining Rewards and Battle Records, but does not factor into determination of which Guild is the winner of the event

Control Points

  • Flashpoints feature "Beacons" that players must be near to earn control points
  • There is 1 Gold (Major) Beacon in each dungeon as well as 1 Green (Minor) Beacon
  • The layout for these Beacons is static per dungeon, and will be the same for each Dungeon Flashpoint event

Gold (Major) Beacon
Any player within 10 tiles of a Gold (Major) Beacon during a Control Tick (occurs every 30 seconds) will earn points based on the following:

  • Controlling Gold Beacon (no other guilds present): 20 Control Points
  • Contesting Gold Beacon (2 or more guilds present): 15 Control Points

Green (Minor) Beacon
Any player within 10 tiles of a Green (Minor) Beacon during a Control Tick (occurs every 30 seconds) will earn points based on the following:

  • Controlling Green Beacon (no other guilds present): 10 Control Points
  • Contesting Green Beacon (2 or more guilds present): 5 Control Points

Guild Scoring

  • Every 30 seconds a "Control Check" occurs to determine scoring
  • During a Control Check Tick guilds will earn points based on the highest score earned by any single player in their guild
  • For example, if a player in a guild earned 20 points for controlling a Gold Beacon, the guild will also earn 20 points on that Control Tick

Player Scoring

  • During a Control Check, guildmembers earn Individual Control Points based on the beacon that they themselves occupy
  • As a reminder, individual player scores do not factor into determining the winner of the event

Player Kills

  • Guilds can steal points from enemy guilds by killing their participating players

Whenever a player is killed:

  • Each player involved in the kill will earn 10 Points + (Their Damage Dealt % to killed player * (20% of Killed Player's Points))
  • The killed player will then lose 20% of their total points
  • Each guild involved in the kill will earn 5 Points + (Total Guild Damage Dealt % to killed player * (10% of Killed Player's Guild's Points))
  • The killed player's Guild will then lose 10% of their total points
  • If a guild is currently at 0 points, no points can be stolen from them
  • The player who did the most damage to the target is considered receiving the credit for the kill and their "Kills" stat will be increased by one (this stat is purely for display purposes though)
  • If a kill results in points being stolen from the opposing guild, then every individual player involved in the kill earns "Kill Points" equal to their (% Damage Dealt to Player * Guild Points Stolen)


  • Any time a player Recalls, uses a Gate, or Hikes via the camping skill they will now have a 60 second delay before they can qualify for controlling or contesting any Beacon and earning points from it
  • This 60 second delay will NOT occur the first time they travel and enter the region and become a participant in the event, however

Resource Consumption

Dungeon Flashpoints feature the same rules for free resource consumption as Town Struggles and Stygian Rifts, which includes the following:

  • Participants will not consume Bandages, Reagents, Arrows/Bolts, or Refresh Potions while participating in the event
  • Participants will receive one free consumption of Cure Potions every 30 seconds

Blessed Items

Dungeon Flashpoints feature the same rules for "Blessed Items" as Town Struggles and Stygian Rifts, which includes the following:

  • Participants on death will not drop any of their Weapons or Armor unless they are made of Colored Materials or are Magical
  • Participants on death will not drop poisoned weapons if they have sufficient Poisoning skill to apply that level of poison


  • Players who die during a Dungeon Flashpoint will now have a 60 second delay before they can be resurrected by any NPC Healer (there is no delay for being healed by another player, however)


At the end of the Dungeon Flashpoint, the Top 3 guilds ranked by Guild Score earn rewards. Additionally, the Top 10 players from each of those guilds will receive individual rewards (Player Total Score = Player Control Points + Player Kill Points)

1st Place Guild

  • Earns 3 Prestige Points
  • The Top 10 participating players each earn 3 Guild Reward Points (formerly known as Faction Reward Points)

2nd Place Guild

  • Earns 1 Prestige Points
  • The Top 10 participating players each earn 2 Guild Reward Points (formerly known as Faction Reward Points)