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The Veterinary skill uses bandages to heal pets from damage, poison and even resurrect them. Much like Healing, you have to stand close to initiate and complete the bandaging attempt.

  • Minimum Animal Lore skill of 60 is required for bandage cure attempts
  • Minimum Animal Loreskill of 80 is required for bandage resurrection attempts
  • Bandage Healing Amounts on creatures are ((Veterinary Skill / 100) * ((Random Value of 80 to 120) * (1 + (.2 * Animal Lore Skill / 100))))
  • Players casting Heal and Greater Heal onto Tamed and Summoned Followers will now increase the amount of Healing received by (50% * (Effective Veterinary Skill / 100))
  • Veterinary Skill will increase a player's Stable Slots by (Veterinary Skill / 5)
  • Tamed and Summoned Followers will receive a Damage Bonus of (10% * (Effective Veterinary Skill / 100))

Stationary Bandaging

  • Players who have been stationary for 5 seconds may bandage targets up to 2 tiles away
  • Player healing range reverts back to 1 tile range if the player moves within 5 seconds of finishing the bandage

Curing Poison

Visit the Poisoning page for more details!

Veterinary Supplies

  • Veterinary Supplies
    Players can craft Veterinary Supplies at 100 Tailoring skill
  • Requires 100 Cloth, 10 Bees Wax, 1 Greater Heal Potion, and 1 Greater Cure Potion
  • One crafted set of Veterinary Supplies has 200 uses.
  • Using Veterinary Supplies has the same bandaging timer length as using bandages with Veterinary
  • When players double-click veterinary supplies, they will attempt to heal all friendly followers (pets/summons) within 2 tiles
  • A player cannot use a bandage while using veterinary supplies and activating veterinary supplies will cancel any bandages they have in progress

After the player's normal Veterinary bandage duration has occurred (based on dex), all friendly followers within 2 tiles of the player will be treated as having been healed with a bandage, but with the following modifications:

  • Health restored is 50% of normal amounts when bandaging (increases to 75% if only single target affected)
  • Chance to cure poison is 50% of normal chance when bandaging (increases to 75% if only single target affected)
  • Chance to resurrect a dead follower is 50% of normal chance when bandaging (increases to 75% if only single target affected)

Bandaging Skills Crossover

  • When using Bandages on a target, players can optionally "Crossover" and use bandaging skills not normally allowed for the target type, such using Veterinary + Animal Lore on Players, or using Healing + Anatomy on Followers
  • Bandage Crossover has a penalty, and results in only 50% of normal Healing Amounts, Cure and Resurrection chances.
  • If players attempt to Cure or Resurrect targets using Crossover skills, the Crossover skills used must meet the base skill requirements for that action type (i.e. Curing will require 60 or higher for both skills used and Resurrection will require 80 or higher for both skills used)
  • If a player has the skills available to heal the target using either the "Normal" skills or "Crossover" skills, the bandaging attempt will use whichever skills results in the higher Healing amount or gives them the higher Cure or Ress success chance
  • Skill Gain for bandaging will always default to the normal skills for the target: bandaging Players will always raise Healing + Anatomy skill and bandaging Creatures will always raise Veterinary + Animal Lore


  • Players can now type [VetSupplies or [VeterinarySupplies to search for a Veterinary Supplies item in their backpack and use it


Skill Activity
0-50 Train from NPC
50-80 Heal Pets in the New Player Dungeon
80-120 Continue healing pets outside of Shelter Island