Castle Siege

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  • There are 3 potential Castle Siege locations, with the towns of Andaria, Cambria, and Prevalia each containing a castle that may become the location of the event


In order for a player to become a participant in a Castle Siege event, they must have "Participate in PvP Events" toggled on in their Overview Page of their Guild Menu and then perform one of the following actions:

  • Enter the Castle Interior
  • Attack the Castle Gate
  • Perform Construction on a Siege Cannon
  • Players can double-click a Siege Flag up to 24 tiles away to flag themselves as participating in a Castle Siege (provided they are in a guild and also have 'Participate in PvP Events' toggled in their guild settings).

Zones and Flagging

The Castle Siege Area is made up of two areas:

The Castle Interior

The Castle Interior is considered a Grey Zone, meaning all players (regardless of being in a guild) can be attacked freely by all players inside it. While inside the Castle Interior during a Castle Siege event

  • Participants flag as Green to members of their same Guild or Alliance, but only if that player is also currently a Participant
  • Participants flag as Orange to all other players who are not in the same guild (and not allied) who are marked as Participants
  • All other players flag as Grey to each other

Surrounding Town Region

During a Castle Siege, flagging within the Town Region that surrounds the castle acts as normal for UNTIL a player becomes flagged as a Castle Siege participant, upon which they become freely attackable by all other players who are currently flagged as Castle Siege participants. While inside the Town Region during a Castle Siege event:

  • Murderers may participate in Castle Sieges
  • Murderers may enter towns that have an in-progress Castle Siege and will flag as blue to other players (unless they are Criminal) until they trigger Castle Siege Participation (by attacking Castle Walls, Entering Castle Courtyard, etc) upon which they will flag similarly to normal Castle Siege participants
  • Murderers who have become Castle Siege participants have a 15 minutes grace period after a Castle Siege ends to leave the area before flagging as normal and becoming a Guard Zone candidate
  • Participants flag as Green to members of their same Guild or Alliance, but only if that player is also currently a Participant
  • Participants flag as Orange to all other players who are not in the same guild (and not allied) who are marked as Participants
  • Non-Participants will flag as Blue to Participants
  • Participants will flag as Blue to Non-Participants
  • Non-Participants may not perform either hostile or beneficial actions to Participants
  • Criminals will always flag as Grey to all players (i.e. do not receive special

Castle Mechanics

Castle Access

  • While a castle has its Castle Gate in place, players are not allowed access the Castle Interior area by any means, which includes by Recalling, Gating, or Hiking
  • However, if a guild was the winner of the last Castle Siege event that took place at that specific castle, they are considered "Castle Defenders" of that castle
  • Castle Defenders are allowed to access a castle at any time, even while no Castle Siege event is currently in progress
  • Additionally, Castle Defenders have the ability to enter or exit the castle by double-clicking the gate, which will put them at a random location on the opposite

Castle Gate

  • In order for guilds to gain access the castle (if not considered a Castle Defender) they must first destroy the Castle Gate
  • A Castle's Gate has 10,000 hit points and can be damaged by either Melee Attack or by Siege Cannon
  • A player can perform a Melee Attack against a Castle Gate by double-clicking it, which will cause the player to continually attack the gate every 3 seconds so long as they remain within 1 tile of it
  • Each Melee Attack against the Castle Gate will inflict between 25 to 50 damage upon it
  • If the Castle Gate is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it will be demolished and all players will now be able to freely access the Castle Interior

Siege Cannon

  • When a Castle Siege begins, a Siege Cannon automatically appears outside of the Castle Gate of the respective castle
  • However, the Siege Cannon begins as Inoperable, and requires players to construct it before they may fire it at the Castle Gate
  • A player can perform construction on a Siege Cannon by double-clicking a Siege Tools item, which will cause the player to continually "work" on the cannon every 3 seconds so long as they remain within 1 tile of it
  • Players can craft Siege Tools using Tinkering (each has 500 Charges)
  • Each "work" action consumes 1 charge from the Siege Tools and adds between 50 to 100 Hit Points to the Siege Cannon
  • A Progress Bar above the Siege Cannon shows the construction progress of the Cannon, and any player performing construction on the Cannon will see overhead text and system messages informing them of their current progress

  • When a Siege Cannon reaches 10,000 hit points, it changes color and becomes Operational, and players can now fire it by double-clicking the cannon
  • Firing a Siege Cannon will deal between 1,000 to 2,000 damage to the Castle Gate, and has a 10 second cooldown between any player firing it
  • When the Castle Gate is demolished, the Siege Cannon is returned to its Inoperable state and is no longer used during the event

Siege Mortars

  • At the start of a Castle Siege event, 3 Siege Mortars will appear inside of the Castle Interior that any Castle Defenders can construct and use to defend the castle with
  • Siege Mortars begin as Inoperable and must be constructed similar to Siege Cannons (using Siege Tools), but instead only have only 1,000 Hit Points of construction required before becoming Operable
  • Once constructed, players may fire a Siege Mortar once every 10 seconds by double-clicking it
  • Players must nominate a specific target location for each Siege Mortar, which can be up to 20 tiles away and does not require line-of-sight
  • Mortar fire has a chance to scatter up to 2 tiles away from the target location, but will inflict between 20 to 40 damage to any valid targets within 1 tile of the scatter location
  • In order to be a valid target for mortar fire, the target must be a Castle Siege Participant OR inside of the Castle Interior (which is considered a grey zone)
  • Unlike Siege Cannons, when the Castle Gate is demolished, players may continue to use Siege Mortars (potentially attacking "Castle Defenders" with their own weapons)

Sigil Statue

  • During each Castle Siege, a Sigil Statue will appear inside of the Castle Interior at a randomized location
  • Guilds can earn Control Points during a Castle Siege event by having any guild members within a 10 tile radius of the Sigil Statue during Control Checks


  • Castle Sieges are Guild-based, meaning each Guild acts as its own individual team
  • Even though Allied guilds will flag as Green to each other, they are considered seperate teams with their own scores
  • At the end of the Castle Siege event, the guild with the highest score is deemed the winner
  • Players also have their own individual score tracking that is used for determing Rewards and Battle Records, but does not factor into determination of which Guild is the winner of the event

Control Points

  • Control Points for a guild during a Castle Siege are earned by either inflicting Castle Gate damage or Occupying the Sigil Statue

Guild Scoring

  • Every 30 seconds a "Control Check" occurs at the Sigil Statue and any guilds with participating players within 10 tiles is considered to be "Occupying" the Sigil Statue and earns points
  • Any guild that was considered a "Castle Defender" earns 10 Control Points for Sigil Occupation
  • All other guilds earn 30 Control Points for Sigil Occupation
  • The difference in points values earned reflects the fact that "Castle Defenders" have immediate access to the Castle Interior at the start of the event and can begin earning control points immediately, while other guilds must wait until the Castle Gate is demolished before having the chance to earn points from sigil occupation
  • Additionally, guilds earn 2% of all damage inflicted by its players to the Castle Gate as Control Points
  • For example a 30 damage Melee hit to the Castle Gate by a player would earn 0.6 Control Points for their guild or a 1,250 damage Siege Cannon hit to the Castle Gate would earn 25 Control Points for their guild

Player Scoring

  • Whenever a guild earns points for Occupying Sigil Statue, each of the guildmembers nearby will also score Individual Control Points equal to (Guild Points Earned / Guildmembers Present)
  • For instance, if a guild earns 30 Points for Sigil O and has 5 guilds members present, each of those players would earn 30 / 6 = 5 Control Points for their own personal score
  • When a player inflicts Castle Gate damage, they earn Individual Control Points equal to the amount of points earned by the guild (i.e. a 30 damage Melee Hit to the Castle Gate would earn 0.6 Control Points for the guild as well as for the player)
  • As a reminder, individual player scores do not factor into determining the winner of the event

Player Kills

  • Guilds can steal points from enemy guilds by killing their participating players
  • Killing a participating enemy guild player will steal 5% of the enemy team's points total and add it to their own team's total (decimals are used for point values)
  • If a guild is currently at 0 points, no points can be stolen from them

Player Scoring

  • Whenever a player is killed, the player who did the most damage to the target is considered receiving the credit for the kill and their "Kills" stat will be increased by one (this stat is purely for display purposes though)
  • If a kill results in points being stolen from the opposing guild, then every individual player involved in the kill earns "Kill Points" equal to their (% Damage Dealt to Player * Guild Points Stolen)
  • For instance, a guild that currently has a score of 100 Points has a member of their team killed, which would result in 100 * .05 = 5 Points being stolen from them
  • A player who did 50% of the total damage dealt to that killed player would earn 5 * .50 = 2.5 Kill Points for their own individual score tracking
  • A player who did 25% of the total damage dealt to that killed player would earn 5 * .25 = 1.25 Kill Points for their own individual score tracking


At the end of the Castle Siege, the Top 3 guilds ranked by Guild Score earn rewards. Additionally, the Top 10 players from each of those guilds will receive individual rewards (Player Total Score = Player Control Points + Player Kill Points).

1st Place Guild

  • Earns 2 Prestige Points
  • The Top 10 participating players each earn 3 Guild Reward Points (formerly known as Faction Reward Points)
  • The Top 10 participating players each receive 1% of the entire amount of gold spent on the server at NPC Vendors in towns during the last 24 hours (gold is placed in their bank box)
  • A Reward Chest containing a Level 4 Treasure Map Chest worth of items is placed inside of the castle for the winning guild to access

2nd Place Guild

  • Earns 1 Prestige Points
  • The Top 10 participating players each earn 2 Guild Reward Points (formerly known as Faction Reward Points)

3rd Place Guild

  • Earns 1 Prestige Points
  • The Top 10 participating players each earn 1 Guild Reward Points (formerly known as Faction Reward Points)


  • As soon as a Castle Siege event ends, all players currently within the Castle Interior but who were not part of the 1st place guild, are immediately teleported outside of the Castle
  • Additionally, the Castle's Gates are completely restored, and thereby blocking all players except the 1st place guild from re-entering the castle
  • The 1st place guild is now considered to be "Castle Defenders" the next time a Castle Siege occurs at this specific castle again