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Tactics modifies weapon damage for all melee and ranged weapons.

  • From 0 to 100, tactics adds Base Weapon Damage * (-50% + (Tactics Skill / 200)) damage to each swing.
  • From 100.1 and above, tactics adds Base Weapon Damage * (1% * (Tactics Skill - 100)) damage to each swing.

Example 1

  • For a player with 110 tactics, start with your Base Weapon Damage. Say that value rolls 25.
  • First calculate the 0 to 100 portion. Tactics is treated as 100, so the initial damage modifier is 25 * (-50% + (100 / 200)) which is 0.
  • Then add the bonus tactics over 100. There are 10 points over 100, so additionally add 25 * (1% * 10) which is 2.5 damage.
  • The final hit, if no other bonuses are present, is then 27.5.

Example 2

  • Alternatively, for a player with only 50 tactics and starting from a Base Weapon Damage of 25:
  • First calculate the 0 to 100 portion. Tactics is 50, so the initial damage modifier is 25 * (-50% + (50 / 200)) or -6.25. Note that this is negative.
  • There are no tactics above 100 to account for.
  • The final hit, if no other bonuses are present, is then 18.75.


  • Tactics is gained passively through melee combat.
  • Up to 50.0 skill can be trained by weaponsmith NPCs.
  • Skill gains for Tactics up to 70.0 are accelerated in the New Player Dungeon.
    • 50-70 Passively with melee combat in the New Player Dungeon.
    • 70-100 Passively with melee combat.