Buff Bar

From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 22:43, 7 March 2021 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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The Buff Bar displays current buffs and debuffs on the player's character. Mouseover the icon to see the name and duration of the buff/debuff.


In ClassicUO, the Buff Bar can be accessed by the following:

  • Open your Paperdoll (ALT + P or double click your character)
  • Click Status
  • Press the blue Buffs button

The buff bar will move by holding left click and dragging. In order to save changes please ensure you logout safely!


  • To bring up the Buff Bar, open the Options, click the Macros button, assign a key and select ToggleBuffIconWindow
  • Clicking the blue gem will rotate the Buff Bar