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  • Layers are "slots" where players can equip various items and clothing
  • Each layer can only contain one item/clothing piece
  • Outlands has added several custom layers that are unavailable elsewhere, including unique armor layer slots, so they won't conflict with decorative clothing layers
  • The Pants layer will render above the ArmorLegs layer

The current available layers are:

ArmorArms ArmorChest ArmorGloves ArmorHelm ArmorLegs
ArmorNeck BodyTattoo Bracelet Cloak Earrings
Face FaceTattoo FacialHair Hair Lightsource
MiddleTorso OffHand OneHanded OneHandedSecondary OuterArms
Outerbody OuterLegs OuterTorso Pants Quiver
Ring Shirt Shoes Shoulder Talisman
TwoHanded UnderArms Undergarment UnderLegs Waist