Aspect Crystals
- Aspect Crystals provide a 10% Damage bonus and 20% Aspect Special Chance bonus to their respective aspect
- Aspect Crystals do not need to be activated
- Players must be using a matching aspect spellbook or weapon to recieve bonuses, however the player's armor aspect has no effect.
- Aspect Crystals are crafted with 2 Cores and a Distillation of their respective aspect with Alchemy
- Ammo Bundles, Spell Focis, Bolt Bundles, Arrow Bundles and Weapon Oils can all be exchanged for crystals via the Prevalia Exchange
Aspect Weapon Oil, Ammo Bundles and Focis
Aspect Crystals replaced these items and can be exchanged for them via the Prevalia Exchange NPC, one aspect crystal for every charge the item had.