Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Creatures/doc
local p = {} function cloneTable (t) -- t is a table local new_t = {} -- create a new table local i, v = next(t, nil) -- i is an index of t, v = t[i] while i do new_t[i] = v i, v = next(t, i) -- get next index end return new_t end function p.listCreatures( frame ) -- Parameters passed when the function is invoked local creatureList = frame.args[1] -- {|name=... -- Parameters passed from the template to the function was invoked in local creatureName = frame.args[2] -- Sun Wyrm local creatureArray = mw.text.split(creatureList,"|}\n{|",true) local baseTable = {["name"]="",["dungeon"]="",["name"]="",["slayer"]="",["difficulty"]="",["goldvalue"]="",["hits"]="",["mindmg"]="",["maxdmg"]="",["wrestling"]="",["armor"]="",["magicresist"]="",["poisontype"]="",["poisoning"]="",["poisonresist"]="",["ai"]="",["speed"]="",["uniquescaler"]="",} for i, creature in pairs(creatureTable) do local creatureTable = cloneTable(baseTable) for index, stat in pairs(creatureTable) do local data = string.match(creatureTable[i],index.."= (%a+)\n") stat = data end end end return p