Stygian Rifts

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We have overhauled the handling on how players participate and sign up for Stygian Rifts event matches, removing all Dungeon-based elements of the system, and instead moving towards a system where players queue up for the event in the Arena in a special Stygian Rifts section. The video below was produced before the revamp and contains legacy information.


Similar to Town Struggles, 15 minutes before a Stygian Rifts event starts, players will receive an announcement saying that a Stygian Rift event will be starting shortly (in 15 minutes) and that players may begin signing up for matches in the Stygian Rifts section of the Arena (northeast corner). Only 8 Team Slots are available to participate in Stygian Rifts matches, so players are encouraged to show up and sign up early to reserve their place.

Arena and Sign Up Stone

  • Players will now sign up for Stygian Rifts events in the Arena using a Stygian Rifts Sign Up Stone (found in the northeast corner of the arena)
  • Players can double-click the Sign Up Stone to open the Stygian Rifts menu

Stygian Rifts Menu

  • At the top of the Stygian Rifts menu, players can see how much time is remaining until the Stygian Rifts event starts
  • In the middle of the menu, players can see which 8 teams have already signed up and are currently holding a position for the upcoming event (they are called "Match Teams")
  • Players can also see a list of "Waiting Teams" which are teams that have signed up, but will only receive a match slot if one of the current 8 Match Teams drops out or are disqualified
  • Players can also see a list of "Waiting Solo Players" which are players who have signed up by themselves, and are waiting for enough other solo players to be placed into a Team
  • At the very bottom of the page are buttons to Join With Party, Join as Solo Player, or Leave
  • The small button in the bottom right corner when pressed will refresh the menu

Join With Party

Players can click the Join With Party button on the Stygian Rifts menu to enter their party as a team for the upcoming event, providing the following is true:

  • There are exactly 3 players in their party
  • Each player in the party is currently in the Arena region
  • All players in the party are in Guilds (doesn't have to be the same guild, just need to be in any guild)
  • No player in the party is currently a part of another Stygian Rifts team, or signed up as a Waiting Solo Player, on any of their accounts
  • All players in the party have all of their Followers stabled
  • No player in the party is Disguised, Polymorphed, or Incognito
  • If the party meets that criteria, they will be placed in the Match Teams list (if space is available) otherwise will be added to the list of Waiting Teams

Join as Solo Player

Players can click the Join as Solo Player button on the Stygian Rifts menu to add themselves to the list of Waiting Solo Players for the event, provided they following is true:

  • They are NOT in a party
  • They are currently in the Arena region
  • They are in a Guild
  • They are not part of another Stygian Rifts team, or signed up as a Waiting Solo Player, on any of their accounts
  • They have all of their Followers stabled
  • They are not Disguised, Polymorphed, or Incognito
  • If the player meets that criteria, they will be placed in the Waiting Solo Players list at the bottom of the menu

As soon as there are 3 Waiting Solo Players, the system will immediately take those 3 players and combine them into a new team and place them in the Match Teams list (if space is available) otherwise will add them into the list of Waiting Teams (and will remove all three players from the Waiting Solo Players section)

Additionally, all three players of the new team will automatically be put into a Party together, and it will announce to each of them who is part of their new team.


  • If a player is currently signed up for the event as a team, clicking the Leave button will disband their team and remove them from any Match Teams and Waiting Teams lists
  • If a player is currently signed up as a Waiting Solo player, this button will simply remove them from that list

Waiting for Event to Start

  • As mentioned previously, an announcement will go out 15 minutes before a Stygian Rifts event starts, and players will have this time to sign up with their teams (or as a solo player) for the upcoming event
  • There are only 8 Team Slots available (for a total of 4 Stygian Rift Matches) so players are encouraged to join early to ensure they have a slot, and don't get placed on the Waiting List for the event

Disqualification Checks

  • While the event is waiting to start, every 60 seconds a Disqualification Check is made for each player in a Match Team, Waiting Team, or on the Waiting Solo Player list, where they will be "re-evaluated" based on the initial sign-up criteria listed above
  • If anyone on their team fails the initial sign up criteria their team (or solo waiting player) will be disqualified and removed from the sign up system
  • Each player on the team will be told the reason why the team was disqualified
  • If a team is removed from the Match Teams list due to disqualification, the next team sitting in the Waiting Teams list (if one exists) will be promoted to the Match Teams list
  • If a team is disqualified, they can sign up again freely if they wish (there is no penalty other than them losing their place in line)

Dueling While Waiting

  • In order for players to avoid being Disqualified while waiting for the Stygian Rifts event to start, they have to stay within the Arena region until the event starts
  • Players ARE allowed to Duel, however, in the arena during this time and not worry about disqualification (being in a duel counts as them being in the Arena region)
  • Players should be aware though that they will be teleported out of the arena if they are chosen for a Stygian Rifts match, and will forfeit their duel if this occurs

Event Start

  • After 15 minutes have passed, a final Disqualification check will be made for all players, and then matchmaking will occur for the 8 Match Teams remaining (or less if less than 8 teams are valid)
  • Starting with the team with the highest ELO (team ELO being the average ELO of all team members) each team will be matched with the team with the next closest ELO rating to themselves
  • Each team will be then teleported to the Rift Cells area, where they will be given 60 seconds to restock with the banker or do any last minute coordination for voice chat or strategy planning
  • If there is an odd number of Match Teams available, the lowest ELO team will not be given a match (since there aren't enough teams) but each player on that team will be given 1 PvP Reward Point and 1 Stygian Rifts Reward point (but not a Battle Commendation) for their trouble

Rift Cells

  • Each Rift Cell has a Banker that players may use to restock, an Exit Moongate they may use to leave the event in the case of an emergency, and a Respawn Brazier that will be used during matches for players to respawn
  • Warning: If players chose to to use the Exit Moongate to exit the Rift Cells area, they will forfeit participation in the Match and will NOT be able to rejoin the event
    • Players who use an Exit Moongate will be teleported to the Arena

Stygian Rift Matches

  • After waiting 60 seconds in the Rift Cells, players will be teleported to their respective Stygian Rift arena and matches will begin
  • Rift Matches for players will last 15 minutes, regardless of when they were started
  • At the start of each match, opposing teams will be placed in rooms on opposite sides of the Rift Arena


  • Players will always be treated as being "Recently in PvP" throughout the entirety of a Stygian Match (meaning they will not receive Aspect or Mastery Chain bonuses to damage against creatures nor trigger Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Specials against them)
  • Players will not be able to cast any Summon spells or the Invisibility spell while inside a Rift Match
  • Players will not be able to use the Hiding or Stealing skills while inside a Rift Match


Individual Scoring

Players will want to increase their Individual Score as much as possible during a Stygian Rifts event, because their final individual score compared to other players in their patch will determine many Guild Reward Points and Battle Commendations they earn as rewards for the event.

Player Kills

When a player is killed, members of the opposing team will each earn (100 x Damage %) points for their individual score, where Damage % is how much of the total player damage dealt against that killed player came from them (i.e. a player doing 81% of the damage towards another player will yield 81 points when they die).

Additionally, the player who did the highest total Damage % will be credited with the Kill for the purposes of stats tracking

Stygian Servitors

  • Every 60 seconds, a Stygian Servitor will spawn in the arena if one does not currently exist
  • Anytime a player damages a Stygian Servitor, they will earn ((Damage Amount / Creature Max Hit Points) * 100) points towards their Individual Score

Team Scoring

  • Each team will also have a Team Score, which is the combined total of all Individual Scores of each member of their team
  • Whichever team ends the Rift Match with the highest Team Score will win the match

While players are rewarded with Guild Reward Points and Battle Commendations based on their individual scores, any Guild that has a member whose team wins a Rift Match will earn 3 Guild Prestige, and any Guild that has a member whose team loses a Rift Match will earn 1 Guild Prestige (guilds can only earn a max of 3 Guild Prestige from any one Stygian Event though).

Additionally, the result of the match (Win/Tie/Loss) will affect the ELO Rating of all members of each team (with ELO Ratings changing more depending on the difference in ELO Ratings of each team).

Player Death

  • When players die during a Rifts Match, they will be teleported back to the Rift Cells area and resurrected with full Health, Stamina, and Mana
  • Once 30 seconds have passed, players will be able to use the Respawn Brazier in the center of their cell to choose a Respawn location and rejoin the match
  • During this 30 second downtime, players should take advantage of the Banker in the Rift Cells area to restock any needed items (such as Cure Potions / Trap Pouches / etc)
  • Once 30 seconds have passed, players can double-click the Respawn Brazier to launch a map of the Rift Arena and click any button depicting a room on the map to teleport to that room of the Rift Arena

Strategically, players who die should coordinate with their team to choose a respawn location where they can re-enter the fray with the least amount of resistance possible (i.e. the living players should probably retreat to that location to meet the respawning player and reform their team).

Item Consumption

  • Players will not consume Reagents, Bandages, Arrows/Bolts, Refresh Potions while participating in Town Struggles and Stygian Rifts
  • Every player gets one free Cure Potion consumption every 30 seconds

Looting / Death

  • All equipped and backpack items on a player will be treated as Blessed and stay with them on death UNLESS they are Magical or Crafted with a Colored Material
  • Poisoned weapons will lose any poison charges on death (poisoners should bring Poison potions with them in their pack to re-poison weapons post-spawn)


  • Each Stygian Arena is separated by a large number of Doorways, which are impassable when lowered
  • Every 5 seconds, 20% of the currently raised Doorways will lower themselves, and 80% of the currently lowered Doorways will be raised, resulting in a constantly shifting battlefield
  • Additionally, players who are standing in the location of a Doorway that is attempting to lower itself will continuously take a large amount of damage until they move out of the way

Mana Nodes

  • Inside of each Respawn Room players will find a Mana Node
  • If a player stands on a Mana Node and actively Meditates (using the Meditation skill) they will receive double the normal amount of mana restored, so long they are not interrupted


Stygian Arenas are deadly locations, and throughout every Rift Match a continuing wave of different traps will appear for players to navigate around and avoid taking damage from

Stygian Rifts Event Completion

Because there will be up to 4 different matches ongoing simultaneously, the Stygian Rift event itself is not considered completed until all matches have been completed

Once all matches have been resolved, players will be ranked from highest to lowest in terms of Individual Score and rewards will be distributed to players

ELO Rating Additionally, the result of each player's match (Win, Tie, Loss) will recalculate that player's ELO Rating based on the initial ELO Rating for the opposing team

Exiting At the end of the each Match, all players in the match will be ejected to the Arena