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Revision as of 04:43, 27 November 2021 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • Helps prevent unattended resource gathering
  • Simple to solve if you're a human
  • Fail three times and you will be prevented from gathering for a set amount of time


Players harvesting resources through Lumberjacking, Mining, Fishing, Forensic Evaluation, sheering sheep or Lockpicking treasure chests will be prompted with a CAPTCHA once every 5-10 minutes.

  • The Captcha requires the player to enter the correct numbers
  • Once the player has correctly entered the numbers, they must click "Okay" twice to confirm their selection
  • If the CAPTCHA was entered correctly, the player will continue to harvest as normal and will not see another CAPTCHA for another 10-15 minutes

Common Questions

I Can't Read the CAPTCHA, What Should I Do?

  • If the player closes the CAPTCHA window, it will cancel their harvest attempt
  • Attempting to harvest again will bring up the same CAPTCHA prompt (you will get a different "view" though)
  • Similarly, if a player logs out and logs back in, and then attempts to harvest again, they will be prompted with the same CAPTCHA as encountered before. Ultimately, players will have to pass the CAPTCHA they are given in order to be able to harvest

What Happens If I Fail the CAPTCHA?

  • A player is allowed to fail the CAPTCHA twice, however they will be penalized if they fail a third time
  • When a player fails a CAPTCHA a third time, they will be blocked and restricted from any form of harvesting for a set duration depending on their number of previous offenses.

How Long Am I Blocked?

Offense Punishment
1st 6 Hours
2nd 12 Hours
3rd 1 Day
4th 3 Days
5th 7 Days
6th Permanent Ban