Taste Identification

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  • Used to determine if a food item is Poisoned
  • Also used in the Plant system where players use the Taste Identification skill and a Planter's Spade to attempt to determine the Ideal values for Heat, Water, and Soil
  • Whenever players have Food Satisfaction from eating food, they gain increased mana regeneration & swing speed - see below.
  • Player-applied poison (from spells or weapons) to a creature will have its damage increased by (100% * (Taste Id Skill / 100)) patch Feb 14,2020
  • Player-applied poison (from spells or weapons) to a creature will reduce that creature's Poison Resistance value to (50% * (Taste Id Skill / 100)) of normal (i.e. a Taste ID skill of 100 reduces a 50% Poison Resistance to 25% Poison Resistance)
  • Will reduce the chance that a player's Poison spell is resisted by (50% * (Taste Id Skill / 100)) of normal (can stack with Poisoning skill effect)
  • Passive regeneration of hitpoints or stamina due to food satisfaction was moved to base regeneration and is no longer affected by Taste ID.

Herbal Poultices

  • When players use the Taste ID skill and target the ground, they will attempt to scrounge for herbs and apply an Herbal Poultice to themselves and any other players or creatures who flag as Green to them, or are in the same party as them
  • For the player who applied the poultice, they have a (50% * (Taste ID skill / 100)) chance to ignore any damage from a Poison, Bleed, or Disease tick for the next 20 minutes
  • For all other players affected, they have a (25% * (creator's Taste ID Skill / 100)) chance to ignore any damage from a Poison, Bleed, or Disease tick for the next 20 minutes
  • If a player already has a more powerful Herbal Poultice effect in place, it will not be overridden by a nearby player using the ability
  • Using Taste ID on the ground to create an Herbal Poultice has a 10 second cooldown, but has 10x normal skill gain chance
  • Whenever a player travels via Recall/Gate/Hiking/Moongate, it will remove any Taste ID Herbal Poultice effect on them granted by another player
  • The Taste ID Herbal Poultice Poison Resistance effect will now only work in PvP for the player who activated the effect itself (i.e players will only gain Taste ID PvP bonuses if they themselves have Taste ID skill)

Poisoning and Taste ID

Read more about this topic on the Poisoning page. As per patch Jan 26 2019:

  • The Taste ID skill now reduces the chance for a target to cure poison by (50% * (Taste ID Skill / 100)) (Previously was a 25% cure chance reduction at GM Taste ID)
  • Both Poisoning skill and Taste ID skill no longer reduce the chance for their targets to resist a cast Poison spell

Swing Speed Bonus

Different levels of Food Satisfaction will provide players a Swing Speed bonus (while not Flagged in PvP) as follows:

  • Measly Food (Non-Crafted): +0.5% Swing Speed Bonus
  • Paltry Food: +1% Swing Speed Bonus
  • Meager Food: +2% Swing Speed Bonus
  • Adequate Food: +3% Swing Speed Bonus
  • Appetizing Food: +4% Swing Speed Bonus
  • Delectable Food: +5% Swing Speed Bonus

x2 Mana Regen Chance

As per patch Jun 15, 2021: Different levels of Food Satisfaction provide players a chance to regenerate 2 mana (instead of 1) during each meditation tick (while not flagged in PvP) as follows:

  • Measly Food (Non-Crafted): 2.5% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana
  • Paltry Food: 5% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana
  • Meagre Food: 10% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana
  • Adequate Food: 15% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana
  • Appetizing Food: 20% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana
  • Delectable Food: 25% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana

If the player is actively meditating, the chance is reduced to 50% of normal (so 25% would become 12.5%)

Players with the Taste ID skill will increase the effectiveness of their food bonuses by (Taste ID Skill / 100) % of normal

For example, a player who eats Deletectable Food and has 120 Taste ID skill will have a (25% + (25% * (120 / 100)) = 55% Chance Per Meditation Tick to Regen 2 Mana instead of 1

Players with the Taste ID skill will increase the effectiveness of their food bonuses by (Taste ID Skill / 100) % of normal

For example, a player who eats Delectable Food and has 120 Taste ID skill will receive a (5% + (5% * (120 / 100))) = +11% Swing Speed Bonus


Skill Activity
0-50 Train from NPC
50-70 Use Taste Identification on the ground in New Player Dungeon
70-100 Use Taste Identification and target the ground or a container