
From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 00:09, 22 February 2022 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • Bomberman is a game where to 2-8 players compete against each other in an enclosed arena by dropping bombs
  • If a player is blown up in any way (from another player's bomb, their own bomb, or by an environmental effect) they are eliminated from the match
  • Play continues until 1 player remains (or in some rare cases a tie may occur if all remaining players die simultaneously)

Creating/Joining Matches

  • Players can click the Bomberman Stone on the east side of the Arena to launch the Bomberman Lobby Menu
  • Players can Join an existing game in the list of Available Games or they can Create their own Match

When creating a new Match, players have a variety of options to choose from, including:

Arena Size Max Players
Small 2-4
Large 4-8

Track Stats

  • Determines whether stats for this Match will impact a player's Seasonal/Lifetime stats tracking (displayed Under "Player Ranks and Records")
  • This includes whether to adjust the player's ELO Rating based on their match result
  • ELO Rating adjustments for players is calculated based on the Average ELO Rating of all other players they are competing against

Allow Player Types

  • Players can toggle what type of players are allowed to join their match
    • Anyone
    • Party
    • Guild
    • Allies

Ready for Match

  • Once a player has Joined a Match, they should click the Ready Button to indicate they are ready to play
  • Players who are Ready are displayed as a Green Soldier Icon
  • Players who are in the match, but not marked as Ready, are displayed as a White Soldier Icon
  • Open slots left in the match are displayed as a Grey Soldier Icon
  • Players can click the Refresh Listings button to refresh the menu
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