Guild Prestige

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Revision as of 21:49, 8 April 2022 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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Guild Prestige is an accumulation of points gained from various activities on the shard, and is direct evidence of a guilds presence within the community. Guilds can earn Prestige by having its members accomplish many different tasks, such as defeating Bosses, completing Achievements, Society Jobs and more.

  • For every 100 Prestige earned, a guild will increase its Guild Level by 1
  • There is no cap to a guild's maximum level

Prestige Points

Calculating Prestige

  • Each guild's actual Prestige earned is a percentage of the values below, based on how much their combined Guild Members did compared to everyone else
    • So a guild that does 25% of the total damage to a Boss gets .25 * 12 = 3 Prestige
    • 50% of the total damage is .5 * 12 = 6 Prestige
Boss Type Prestige
Lore Boss 6
Mini Boss 6
Boss 12
Shrine Boss 12
Omni Boss 60
Event Boss 120

Other Methods of Gaining Prestige

Guilds also earn Prestige when any of its members do the following:

  • Participate in a Town Struggle Victory or Loss
  • Top Guild in Total Score of a Town Struggle
  • Complete an Achievement
  • Complete a Society Job
    • Prestige Points Earned = (2 / Active Players in Guild) * (Job Reward Points / 7). Patch Notes 20191003
    • Players will always earn a minimum of 0.1 Prestige points for their guild regardless of guild size or Society Reward Points for the job completed
  • Completing a Trade Caravan
    • Easy Route: 10 Prestige
    • Challenging Route: 12 Prestige
    • Dangerous Route: 14 Prestige

Prestige Rewards

To honor a Guilds achievements, the following rewards are available:

Name Prestige Description

Custom Statue
5,000 Permanent Statue on "Monument Row" or in your Guild House, with your guild name and the date you achieved this milestone

Custom Guild House
10,000 30x30 Custom designed Guild House in Deed form, place
Requires Custom Guild Statue purchased

Custom Guild Island
15,000 The guild will be provided with their own landmass
Requires Custom Guild House purchased

Alchemist Deed
5,000 Creates an Alchemist Deed allowing placement of an Alchemist NPC in a house (max one per house)

Beekeeper Deed
3,000 Creates a Beekeeper Deed allowing placement of a Beekeeper NPC in a house (max one per house)

Blacksmith Deed
4,000 Creates a Blacksmith Deed allowing placement of a Blacksmith NPC in a house (max one per house)

Bowyer Deed
3,000 Creates a Bowyer Deed allowing placement of a Bowyer NPC in a house (max one per house)

Carpenter Deed
4,000 Creates a Carpenter Deed allowing placement of a Carpenter NPC in a house (max one per house)

Farmer Deed
3,000 Creates a Farmer Deed allowing placement of a Farmer NPC in a house (max one per house)

Healer Deed
5,000 Creates a Healer Deed allowing placement of a Healer NPC in a house (max one per house)

Mage Deed
5,000 Creates a Mage Deed allowing placement of a Mage NPC in a house (max one per house)

Mapmaker Deed
3,000 Creates a Mapmaker Deed allowing placement of a Mapmaker NPC in a house (max one per house)

Provisioner Deed
4,000 Creates a Provisioner Deed allowing placement of a Provisioner NPC in a house (max one per house)

Salvage Foreman Deed
5,000 Creates a Salvage Foreman Deed allowing placement of a Salvage Foreman NPC in a house (max one per house)

Scribe Deed
4,000 Creates a Scribe Deed allowing placement of a Scribe NPC in a house (max one per house)

Tailor Deed
4,000 Creates a Tailor Deed allowing placement of a Tailor NPC in a house (max one per house)

Thief Deed
5,000 Creates a Thief Deed allowing placement of a Thief NPC in a house (max one per house)

Tinker Deed
4,000 Creates a Tinker Deed allowing placement of a Tinker NPC in a house (max one per house)

Town Crier Deed
5,000 Creates a Town Crier Deed allowing placement of a Town Crier NPC in a house (max one per house)