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Poison Kit Upgrades
Name Points Per Tier Description
Accumulation 1/2/3 Increases spellcasting Poison Sting damage by (15% / 30% / 45%)
Airborne 2/3/4 If player has 5 or less poison effects active, has (10% / 20% / 30%) chance on tick to spread to other target within 6 tiles (new target must be within 18 tiles of player)
Direct Dose 1/2/3 Increases Weapon Infliction or Spell Upgrade chance by (10% / 20% / 30%) of normal, with bonus doubled if player has no poison effect active
Efficient 1/2/3 Has (20% / 40% / 60%) chance to not consume Weapon Poison Charge on infliction or use Nightshade or Lethal Poison Potion on Spellcast Upgrade
Enfeeble 1/2/3 Gain (5% / 10% / 15%) Damage Resistance towards targets player has a poison effect on
Susceptible 1/2/3 Ignores (20% / 40% / 60%) of target's Poison Resistance
Targeted Venom 2/3/4 Increases tick damage by (40% / 80% / 120%) if player has only one poison effect active. Bonus amount is halved when using Necromancy Poison Strike
Terminal 1/2/3 Increases tick damage by (1.5% / 3.0% / 4.5%) * (Current Tick Count)