- Bankers give players access to their bankbox which can be used to store items and gold, safely
- See the known list of banks to find a banker quickly
- Balance - Used to check your current gold total and bring up the balance gump
- You can create checks from the balance gump - gold will be pulled from other characters on the account if there is not enough in your characters bank
- Check X - Used to create a check in the amount of X (ie. replace X with 10,000 for a bank check worth 10,000 gold)
- Bank - Used to open your bankbox
- Vendor Train (Skill) - If an npc can train a skill this text command engages the process
Context Menu
- Left click a banker once to open the context menu
- Open Paperdoll
- Open Bankbox - Opens your bankbox
- Buy
- Sell
- Train Item Identification
- Blank Commodity 5gp
- Rental Vendor Contract 100gp
- None
Can Train
- Item Identification to 50.0