Corrupted Shrines

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The Virtues have been a long running theme within the Ultima universes, usually manifesting in quests, Companions, weapons, armor, cities, philosophies and other areas of the various games. In the Outlands, there are 8 Shrines of Virtue: Compassion, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Justice, Sacrifice, Spirituality, and Valor. Oftentimes the Virtues are attacked and must to be repelled, which brings us to the Corrupted Shrines system...

What Happens at a Corrupted Shrine?

  • Once per day, at a randomized time, one Virtue Shrine in the world will become Corrupted
  • Corrupted Shrines have unique graphics and will feature 20 sequential waves of increasingly difficult creatures spawn nearby
  • A progress bar will appear near a Corrupted Shrine indicating which wave the Corruption is currently on
  • When all 20 waves of creatures have been defeated, a randomized Shrine Boss will spawn
  • When the Shrine Boss is defeated, it will not have standard loot on its corpse, but instead have Ankh Tokens

What are Ankh Tokens?

  • Ankh Tokens
    Ankh Tokens are a sort of "lootbox" in that the reward is random and can range from Gold to high-end items
  • Double-click an Ankh Token to receive a reward
  • Ankh Tokens can be looted and stolen from players
  • Ankh Tokens weigh .1 stones each

How do I Earn Ankh Tokens?

  • Each individual wave of a Shrine Corruption is worth a predetermined number of Ankh Tokens that players can "bank"
  • Wave Ankh Token amounts range from 2.5 to 7.5 (increasing with wave difficulty)
  • 100 Ankh Tokens are available from all waves combined
  • The Shrine Boss is worth 50 Ankh Tokens (making 150 Ankh Tokens possible for each Shrine Corruption)
  • After the Shrine Boss is slain, banked Ankh Tokens for players will be distributed as normal with decimal amounts rounded
  • Players can double-click the corpse of the Shrine Boss to place all their bound Ankh Tokens on the corpse into their backpack

Shrine Bosses

  • Shrine Bosses now have 250,000 Hit Points
  • Shrine Bosses can only be Barded once every 150 seconds
  • Shrine Bosses now Autodispel every 7 seconds
Creature Picture SlayerGroup DifficultyValue Hits MinDamage MaxDamage Wrestling Armor Resist Magery EvalInt Poisoning Poison PoisonResist Parrying Healing Stealth
Defiler Sentinel Shrine Construct 2365.2 250000 25 35 100 75 100
Greater Infernal Daemon Shrine Daemonic 3600.3 250000 30 40 100 50 150 100 100
Jungle Stalker Shrine Beastial 2890.9 250000 25 35 110 50 100
Lich Primarch Shrine Undead 4720.8 250000 25 35 75 50 200 125 125 40%
Ratman Witchdoctor Shrine Monstrous 4506.2 250000 25 35 80 50 200 125 125
Screaming Horror Shrine Daemonic 6609.2 250000 30 40 120 50 100
Seducesa Shrine Monstrous 3227.4 250000 30 40 110 50 100
Slithercreep Shrine Monstrous 2526.3 250000 35 45 90 50 100
Strangeling Shrine Construct 4245 250000 25 35 110 50 200 100 100
Volcanic Elemental Shrine Elemental 3367.3 250000 35 45 90 100 100
Wildwood Avenger Shrine Nature 2414.9 250000 35 45 90 75 100