Guild Prestige

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Revision as of 14:56, 6 May 2019 by Outlands (talk | contribs)
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Guild Prestige is an accumulation of points gained from various activities on the shard, and is direct evidence of a guilds presence within the community. Guilds can earn Prestige by having its members accomplish many different tasks, such as defeating Bosses, completing Achievements, Society Jobs and more.

  • For every 100 Prestige earned, a guild will increase its Guild Level by 1
  • There is no cap to a guild's maximum level

Prestige Points

Mini-Boss Prestige

  • Mini-Boss Highest Damaging Guild: 3 Prestige
  • Mini-Boss 2nd Highest Damaging Guild: 2 Prestige
  • Mini-Boss All Other Damaging Guilds: 1 Prestige

Shrine Boss Prestige

  • Shrine Boss Highest Damaging Guild: 6 Prestige
  • Shrine Boss 2nd Highest Damaging Guild: 4 Prestige
  • Shrine Boss All Other Damaging Guilds: 2 Prestige

Boss Prestige

  • Boss Highest Damaging Guild: 9 Prestige
  • Boss 2nd Highest Damaging Guild: 6 Prestige
  • Boss All Other Damaging Guilds: 3 Prestige

Omni Boss Prestige

  • Omni Boss Highest Damaging Guild: 25 Prestige
  • Omni Boss 2nd Highest Damaging Guild: 15 Prestige
  • Omni Boss All Other Damaging Guilds: 5 Prestige

Event Boss Prestige

  • Event Boss Highest Damaging Guild: 30 Prestige
  • Event Boss 2nd Highest Damaging Guild: 20 Prestige
  • Event Boss All Other Damaging Guilds: 10 Prestige

Miscellaneous Prestige

Guilds also earn prestige when any of its members do the following:

  • Participate in a Faction Struggle Victory: 5 Prestige
  • Participate in a Faction Struggle Loss: 3 Prestige
  • Top Guild in Total Score of a Faction Struggle: 2 Bonus Prestige
  • Complete an Achievement: 15 Prestige (this amount is divided by the number of "active" players in the guild)
  • Complete a Society Job: 2 Prestige (this amount is divided by the number of "active" players in the guild)

Prestige Rewards

To honor a Guilds achievements, the following rewards are available:

5000 Prestige

  • Permanent Statue on "Monument Row" (or an available location of your choosing) with your guild name and the date you achieved this milestone!
  • Collectable Card distributed to every player heralding the news, with your guild name and the date you achieved this milestone!

10000 Prestige

  • Unique, Custom Guild Hue
    • Suggest a hue which fits into the vision of the shard
    • A few will be designed, and your guild can choose the one you like best. It will be available through your guild menu
    • Only members in your guild can equip or wear items with this hue, and it will be an exclusive to your guild

15000 Prestige

  • Static Guildhouse Built On the Map
    • A 30x30 custom designed guildhouse will be built onto the map in an available location of your choice (currently owned by the guild)
    • We will work with you to build the house to your specifications

20000 Prestige

  • Private Island for your Guildhouse
    • Your custom guildhouse will be moved onto a new, unique private island of your basic design, large enough only to house your guildhouse
    • We will work with you to build the island to your specifications (desert, snow, forest, jungle, grass, etc)

30000 Prestige

  • Guild Island Enhancements
    • Your guild island can be enlarged to accommodate placeable houses, or enhanced with various things (like a pond, or a mine, etc)
    • We will work with you to build the island to your specifications

In the Future...

More rewards might be added in the future. The rewards are based on cumulative, lifetime amounts. You do not need to "spend" your points to purchase them. At each milestone, you will receive the listed reward. Please contact an administrator to have your rewards fulfilled.