House Decay Lottery

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When a house would collapse due to not being refreshed (IDOC - In Danger of Collapse), there are now two random possible outcomes for the house:

  • 50% Chance the House has a normal IDOC handling, after which it is Deleted, and an Items Collection Lottery occurs (i.e. our current handling)
  • 50% Chance the House Remains in Place, but is placed up for House Ownership Lottery, with all Items inside the house Deleted

House Decay Lottery Menu and Official

  • Players can view all current House Decay Lotteries in progress at the House Decay Lottery Official in Prevalia (located just west of the Society Job Hall)
  • Players can say "Lottery" "Decay" "Ticket" "Raffle" "IDOC" "House" "Vendor" or "Buy" aloud near the lottery official to bring up the House Decay Lottery menu (or single click and select Buy)
  • Each House Decay Lottery lasts 7 days, and players can purchase tickets for individual House Decay Lotteries for 1000 gold each (or may pay 10,000 gold for 10 tickets)
  • For each House Decay Lottery, players can see how many total items the lottery contains as well as the total weight of all those items
  • For each House Decay Lottery, the type of house that decayed is listed and players can click the View Location button to see a map of the location where the house collapsed at
    • Note: This information is given to players to add to their decision-making process whether they want to buy tickets for the item collection (some players may wish to use this information to figure out whether the house was a Moongate Vendor House, a Guild House, belonging to a particular player, etc)

Items Collection Lottery (House Deletion)

This is the "current" handling for House Decay: a randomized 15-60 minute IDOC window occurs, and upon completion the house is Deleted (and players can place a new house at the location after a random delay following that). Upon the house being Deleted, the following happens:

  • 34% of the Items previously in the house (always including Storage Shelves) are added into an "Items Collection Lottery"
  • 33% of the Items previously in the house will fall to the ground at their location in the house
  • 33% of the Items previously in the House are immediately Deleted

Lottery Entry

  • The House Decay Lottery listing for an Items Collection Lottery will have a Treasure Chest icon next to it and display [Items Collection]
  • The total Number of Items and total Weight of Items in the collection will listed in the middle of the entry

  • The Type of House where the items came from will be listed, such as "Norse Watchtower"
  • Players can click the View Location button to see a World Map and Coordinates to where the now decayed house once existed (players may wish to use this information in their valuation of the potential worth of the items in the collection)

  • When players win an Item Collection Lottery, they receive a Blessed House Decay Claim Ticket will be placed into their Bank Box
  • Players can double click an Items Collection Claim Ticket to view a menu of all items belonging to the collection, and click "Claim" on the left side of the menu to claim the corresponding item (dropped into Backpack)

House Ownership Lottery (Item Deletion)

When a House Ownership Lottery occurs, the following happens:

  • The house remains in place (not deleted) and will no longer be subject to House Decay
  • The current Owner of the house is removed
  • The Friends and Co-Owners list of the house is also cleared
  • ALL Items in the house are immediately Deleted
  • Ownership of the house itself is now up for grabs in a "House Ownership Lottery"
  • Players can win a House Ownership Lottery even if they already have an existing house on their account (they need to relinquish their existing house in order to claim it, however)

Lottery Entry

  • The House Decay Lottery listing for a House Ownership Lottery will have a House Icon next to it and say [House Ownership]
  • The Type of House will be listed in the entry ( such as "Compact Stone Keep" )
  • Players can click the View Location button to see a World Map and Coordinates to where the house is currently located