Corpse Creek Contest

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Revision as of 06:17, 11 May 2019 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • 5 Minutes after the completion of each Faction Struggle, a Corpse Creek Contest will begin
  • The Corpse Creek Contest is a guild-based battle for the town of Corpse Creek that lasts 30 minutes
  • Corpse Creek now has a Control Platform with braziers that light up while the Corpse Creek Contest (CCC) underway
  • Every 30 seconds guilds earn points based on the closest "Ring" that they have any Guild members currently occupying
  • Any system message for the Corpse Creek Contest that is sent to players will be prefaced with a "[CCC]" in the text

Ring Occupation

Players must be within the actual Region of Corpse Creek to be considered occupying a ring (i.e technically there may be several locations that are less than 150 tiles away from the platform but are not considered part of Corpse Creek). Guilds earn points for the closest ring they have a valid Guild member occupying, as follows:

  • 0-10 Tiles from the Control Platform (1st Ring): 30 Points earned for Guild
  • 11-50 Tiles from the Control Platform (2nd Ring): 20 Points earned for Guild
  • 51-150 Tiles from the Control Platform (3rd Ring): 10 Points earned for Guild

Occupation Restrictions

  • Players who are not in a Guild do not qualify for occupying Corpse Creek
  • Players who are Dead or Hidden do not qualify for occupying Corpse Creek
  • Players who have been on a ship in the last 5 minutes do not qualify for occupying Corpse Creek
  • Players who have been inside a house in the Corpse Creek Region within the last 5 minutes do not qualify for occupying Corpse Creek

Killing Other Players

  • Players who kill another player in of a guild that currently has a higher score than their guild will steal 10% of that guilds total score (both players must be in Corpse Creek)
  • Players who kill another player of a guild that currently has a lower score than their guild will steal 5% of that guild's total score (both players must be in Corpse Creek)


Every 5 minutes in the Corpse Creek Contest a bell will toll which will notify players how much time remains in the contest, which Guild has the highest score total, and their own Guild's score total. At the end of the contest, the Guild with the highest score total will receive the following:

  • 3 Guild Prestige Points
  • A randomized Guild Favor that is immediately activated for the Guild that lasts for the next 4 hours
  • 10 Minutes of exclusive access to a Corpse Creek Victory Chest that appears on the Control Platform

Corpse Creek Victory Chest

  • The Corpse Creek Victory Chest contains the equivalent of a randomized level 4-6 Treasure Map Chest worth of items
  • After 10 minutes have passed, players of any Guild may then access any remaining items in the Corpse Creek Victory Chest