Arms Lore

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Revision as of 16:55, 12 May 2019 by Blecary (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center|link= ==Summary== Players can use the Arms Lore skill to view stats of weapons and armor. Arms Lore can be used on items up to 12 tiles away....")
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Players can use the Arms Lore skill to view stats of weapons and armor. Arms Lore can be used on items up to 12 tiles away.


Increases the chance of inflicting Archery, Fencing, Macing, Swords and Wrestling Weapon Special Attacks against creatures by (10% * (Arms Lore Skill / 100))

Disarm Attacks

  • Disarm Attacks can be toggled by players, via the [Disarm command or using a razor/steam hotkey for Disarm
  • Players must have 80 Arms Lore and 80 Weapon skill in their currently equipped weapon (or 80 Wrestling for unarmed) to attempt to make a disarm attack
  • When players have Disarm mode toggled, if their next attack hits their opponent, it will disarm them
  • A disarmed player has any items in their hands dropped into their backpack, which then can not be moved or stolen by any player, including themselves, for 5 the next seconds
  • A disarmed player may not equip any items into their hands for the next 5 seconds
  • Once a target has been disarmed they may not be disarmed again for 30 seconds
  • Once a player successfully makes a disarm attack, they cannot attempt another one for 30 seconds
  • If a player has Disarm toggled and misses an attack, their next disarm attempt will be delayed by 15 seconds (but will automatically attempted again unless the player toggles Disarm mode off)

Disarmed Creatures

  • A disarmed creature takes 25% additional damage from all sources for 10 seconds
  • A disarmed creature has a 25% penalty to melee defense from all sources for 10 seconds


  • Players can make Hamstring attempts if they have at least 2 skills above 80 from the following skills: Anatomy, Arms Lore, Forensic Eval, Tracking, or Wrestling.
  • Players can make Hamstring attempts while attacking with Fencing, Macing, Sword weapons as well as when using Wrestling (but not with Archery weapons)
  • Hamstring now is an independent effect and no longer automatically occurs on Disarm attempts
  • Hamstring can now be used via the client's "Stun" hotkey, or toggled by using [Hamstring
  • Handling for Hamstring can also be configured in the Paperdoll -> Help -> Commands -> Mechanics tab
  • Similar to Disarm attempts, if Hamstring is toggled for a player, on a missed attack they will not be able to make another Hamstring attempt for 15 seconds
  • On a successful hit when Hamstring is toggled, a player will have a cooldown of 30 seconds before they may make another Hamstring attempt to any target
  • Once hamstrung, a player or creature cannot be affected by another hamstring effect for another 30 seconds
  • Disarm and Hamstring are independent effects and can both be placed onto the same target at the same time (and have both independent cooldowns)


  • When a player is hit by a Hamstring effect, they will be reduced to 0 Stamina for 3 seconds (forcing them to walk), after which their stamina will return to its previous amount


  • When a creature is hit by a Hamstring effect, they will be Entangled for 6 seconds (cannot move, but may still do melee attacks, spells, and abilities)