Adventurer's Rope

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Revision as of 16:51, 27 September 2023 by Blaise (talk | contribs)
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  • Players can craft Adventurer's Rope at 100 Tailoring Skill (Requires 10 Leather and 1 Beeswax)
  • Adventurer's Ropes are single-use stackable items that can be stored in a Storage Shelf.
  • Double click Adventurer's Rope to choose a location to "Teleport" to, following the normal rules for the Teleport spell

Adventurer's Rope

PvP with Adventurer's Rope and Teleport Spell

  • Players can use Adventurer's Ropes while flagged in PvP
  • The Teleport Spell, when used while flagged in PvP, will apply a 15 second cooldown to both the Teleport Spell and Adventurer Rope usage
  • Double-clicking an Adventurer's Rope will now hinder a player for 1 second (matching the casting delay for the Teleport Spell) and upon targeting while Flagged in PvP will apply a 2 minute cooldown to both the Teleport Spell and Adventurer's Ropes
  • While a player has an Adventurer's Rope cursor up, they will not make any Melee Swings