Aspect Item Tome

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Revision as of 14:25, 15 November 2023 by TheGmaster (talk | contribs)
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NOTE: A Resource Stockpile can also store certain aspect items, due to this change Aspect Item Tomes can be exchanged for any other tome via the Prevalian Exchange Merchant



Aspect item tomes are used to store and organize various Aspect Items, it also allows Aspect Support Items to be "swapped" i.e. Legacy Aspect Bolt/Arrow Bundles into Ammo Bundles.

Item Swapping

The following items will be swapped or split when added into the tome:

Item Swapped/Split into

Aspect Bolt Bundle

Aspect Ammo Bundle

Aspect Arrow Bundle

Aspect Ammo Bundle
500+ Charge Aspect Ammo Bundle Evenly Split into 500 or less charge Bundles
500+ Charge Aspect Weapon Oils Evenly Split into 500 or less charge Oils
500+ Charge Aspect Spell Foci Evenly Split into 500 or less charge Foci

Storing Items

Players can add the following items to an Aspect Item Tome:

  • Aspect Cores
  • Aspect Extracts
  • Aspect Distillations
  • Aspect Phylacteries
  • Aspect Weapon Oils
  • Aspect Ammo Bundles (And Legacy Bolt/Arrow Bundles)
  • Aspect Spell Foci