Pit Trials

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  • Pit Trials are a time-based, competitive Monster Arena where 3 Players battle against waves of increasingly difficult monsters
  • To start a Pit Trial, players must have access to an Archeology Desk and accumulate sufficient Survival Gear

Survival Gear

  • Players will encounter Survival Gear as somewhat Rare Loot from most loot-generating systems
  • Players will need 10 Survival Gear to start a Pit Trial
  • Survival Gear can be stored within a Resource Stockpile

Starting a Pit Trial

  • On the "Pit Trial" page of the Archeology Desk Menu, players can start Pit Trials by clicking the "Start Pit Trial" button
  • In order to start a Pit Trial the initiating player must have 10 Survival Gear in their backpack
  • Players cannot start a Pit Trial if there is already a Pit Trial still in progress that was initiated from that same Archeology Desk
  • Once a player starts a Pit Trial, they will automatically be added as a participant to it
  • Up to 2 additional players can also participate in the Pit Trial, but they must be in a Party with the initiating Player in order to join
  • Players cannot enter a Pit Trial if they are already part of an existing Pit Trial currently in progress

Entering Pit Trials

  • Each participant can enter the Pit Trial by clicking the "Enter Pit Trial" button
  • Players can immediately enter a Pit Trial once it has been initiated, however Creature Wave Spawns will not begin for 30 seconds (i.e players will have several seconds to "prepare" before creatures arrive)