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Revision as of 03:51, 24 May 2024 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • All Omni Lair Regions and Pit Trial Regions are treated as the "Netherzone" Region type (rather than Wilderness Region)
  • Future content and systems that exist in "instanced" areas of the map will likely also be treated as Netherzone region as well
Pit Trial Features


Pit Trials



Slayers and Region Bonuses

  • Players will now encounter Netherzone Slayer weapons/spellbooks/instruments/etc in game as Loot Items
  • Players can find or reforge Mastery Chain Links into "Netherzone Damage" links (same bonus amounts as Wilderness Links)
  • Netherzone Slayer/Mastery Chain bonuses will only work in Omni Lair and Pit Trial regions
  • Wilderness Slayer/Mastery Chain bonuses will no longer work in Omni Lair or Pit Trial regions
  • No "Weekly Server Region Bonuses" will occur for Netherzones
  • Players will not encounter Guild Favors for Netherzone regions


  • There is a Netherzone Dungeon Hue (Hue 1500) which players can encounter loot items for such as Dyes/Cloth/Spell Hues/etc
  • Players will also be able to encounter Holiday-specific Dungeon Hued items during events such as Netherzone Holiday Bells, Lanterns, etc
  • Players will encounter Netherzone Plant Seeds and can grow Netherzone Plants similar to our Dungeon Plants

Netherzone Hue

Netherzone Trophies

Netherzone Plants


  • There are now Achievements for Netherzone Slaying
  • Players can earn Redline Progress and Trophies for Netherzone regions
  • There will not be Society jobs specific to Netherzone regions

Wilderness Damage Mastery Chain Links

  • Players can optionally convert any existing Wilderness Damage Mastery Chain Links by double-clicking them and selecting the "Upgrade Link" button