
From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 01:30, 2 June 2024 by Wavetunnel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Just started, hope I can help== I'm not doing this only so I can have the information, but so other people can as well. I have played UO for years on several free shards, and learned everything piece by piece for the most part. I still have lots of questions about little things that aren't addressed on this wiki, and will be editing it a lot so people don't NEED to ask, which will save people from having the answer the same questions over and over again. I'm not sure...")
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Just started, hope I can help

I'm not doing this only so I can have the information, but so other people can as well. I have played UO for years on several free shards, and learned everything piece by piece for the most part. I still have lots of questions about little things that aren't addressed on this wiki, and will be editing it a lot so people don't NEED to ask, which will save people from having the answer the same questions over and over again. I'm not sure I'll ever have all the pieces as I wonder about things ALL THE TIME, I'm not newbie, but SO MANY things are not addressed and again, hope I can help.