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Lesser Abilities

Lesser Abilities
Name Description

Arcane Shot
Fires 8 volleys at +50% Accuracy with scatter radius 1 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 33% of base damage to Hull
  • 33% of base damage to Sails
  • 33% of base damage to Guns
  • 66% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor

Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 25% of base damage to Guns
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any creature or player hit has it's Armor Rating reduced by 25 for 30 seconds

Explosive Ammunition
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 125% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 75% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Glass Cannon
Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 25% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any Creature or Player hit will also take 100% of base damage in Bleed damage

Hard to Port
[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases ship speed by 20% for the next 15 seconds

Hold Fast
[No Cannon Cooldown] Reduces ship damage taken by 25% and reduces crewmember damage taken by 50% for the next 30 seconds.

[No Cannon Cooldown] Increases accuracy of normal cannonfire by 33% and reduces enemy accuracy against ship by 33% for the next 30 seconds.

Mortar Fire
Fires 4 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 125% of base damage to Hull
  • 125% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns
  • 125% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Fires 8 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Reduces ship's cannon Accuracy by 10% for 30 seconds

Swift Reload
[No Cannon Cooldown] Reduces current reloading cooldown to 0 seconds and increases cannon damage by 25% for the next 10 seconds.

Depth Charges
For each cannon your ship has per side, deploys 1 depth charge, which are placed behind the tillerman.
  • Any ship moving over a depth charge will detonate it and take 500 Hull damage.
  • Depth charges last 60 seconds.

Powder Mishap
Targets nearest other Ship within 12 tiles that is currently Reloading and:
  • For each cannon your ship has per side, will deal 300 Hull and 300 Gun damage
  • Each target on board will suffer 3% of max health as damage for each cannon your ship has per side (up to a maximum of 1500 damage)
  • Damage amounts are reduced by 50% if ship has been already hit by powder mishap during the same reloading

Sea Change
[No Cannon Cooldown] Cancels all negative effects on ship and will also ignore movement penalties for 30 seconds
  • Heals each crewmember for 10% health
  • Also cures poison, bleed, and disease for all targets on board.

Regular Abilities

Regular Abilities
Name Description

Beat to Quarters
Increase movement speed by 15% for the next 30 seconds

Boarding Hooks
Increase success chances by 50% for the next 45 seconds

Boarding Pikes
Prevents enemy boarding for the next 45 seconds (No Cannon Cooldown)

Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 75% of base damage to Hull
  • 175% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any ship hit will also have its movement speed reduced by 33% for 10 seconds

Expedite Repairs
Reduces current cooldown on repairs to 0 seconds (No Cannon Cooldown)

Fires 6 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 33% of base damage to Hull
  • 33% of base damage to Sails
  • 33% of base damage to Guns
  • 66% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Can create several flame pillars which deal 2-3 Hull damage and 3-5 player damage per second for 30 seconds

Ghost Fire
Fires 3 volleys at +25% Accuracy with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 75% of base damage to Hull
  • 125% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns
  • 125% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor

Grapeshot Ammunition
Fires 12 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 15% of base damage to Hull
  • 15% of base damage to Sails
  • 15% of base damage to Guns
  • 66% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Heatseeker Ammunition
Fires 3 volleys at +75% accuracy with scatter radius 1 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 66% of base damage to Hull
  • 66% of base damage to Sails
  • 66% of base damage to Guns
  • 66% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Heavy Ordinance
Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 175% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 125% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor

Powdersoak Ammunition
Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 125% of base damage to Hull
  • 75% of base damage to Sails
  • 175% of base damage to Guns
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any ship hit will also lose 2 ammunition from its cannons

Heals each Crewmember for 25% Health, Cures Poison, and
Removes any Negative ongoing Effects (Bleed, Disease, Hinder, etc)

Special Powderkeg
Increases Damage of normal cannon fire by 25% for the next 60 seconds

Toxic Ammunition
Fires 6 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 33% of base damage to Hull
  • 33% of base damage to Sails
  • 33% of base damage to Guns
  • 125% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor
  • Any creature or player hit will also be inflicted with Deadly Poison

Bad Rations
For the next 30 seconds:
  • Reduces Accuracy and Defense of all targets on ship by 33% for 30 seconds
  • Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles
  • This ability cannot be stacked

Each Crewmember onboard throws a Grenade at target ship:
  • Deals 100 Hull damage and 50 damage to targets within 2 tiles
  • Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles

For next 180 seconds:
  • Any Crewmembers boarding this ship takes 50% of their total hit points as Bleed damage over 15 seconds
  • This ability cannot be stacked

Greater Abilities

Greater Abilities
Name Description

Fires 6 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 66% of base damage to Hull
  • 66% of base damage to Sails
  • 66% of base damage to Guns and
  • 66% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Can create several flame pillars which deal 3-4 Hull damage and 5-10 player damage per second for 30 seconds

Eldritch Ammunition
Fires 6 volleys at +50% Accuracy with scatter radius 1 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players, which Ignores Armor
  • Any ship hit will have its cannon damage reduced by 50% for 30 seconds

Flak Cannons
Fires 6 volleys at +50% accuracy with scatter radius 4 and damage radius 2

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns and
  • 50% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Furious Assault
Crewmembers deal 50% damage to enemies occupying the same ship as themselves for the next 60 seconds

Hellfire Barrage
Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 2

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 200% of base damage to Hull
  • 100% of base damage to Sails
  • 150% of base damage to Guns and
  • 75% of base damage to Creatures and Players

Icebreaker Ammunition
Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 2 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 100% of base damage to Hull
  • 200% of base damage to Sails
  • 150% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any ship hit will take +25% damage for the next 30 seconds

Mariner's Fortune
For the next 3 minutes, Effective Fishing Skill increased by 5

Ride the Waves
Increases movement speed by 10% for the next 60 seconds

Rum Rations
Heals each Crewmember for 5% health every 10 seconds for the next 2 minutes

Tanglevine Ammunition
Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 1

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 50% of base damage to Hull
  • 50% of base damage to Sails
  • 50% of base damage to Guns and
  • 100% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any ship hit will have its movement speed reduced by 50% for 10 seconds
  • Applies Hinders to nearby Players and Creatures
    • Players are Hindered for 5 seconds
    • Creatures are Hindered for 10 seconds

Venom Barrage
Fires 3 volleys with scatter radius 3 and damage radius 2

Successful hits deal damage to all Ship locations:

  • 66% of base damage to Hull
  • 66% of base damage to Sails
  • 66% of base damage to Guns and
  • 150% of base damage to Creatures and Players
  • Any creature or player hit will be inflicted with Lethal Poison

Eye of the Storm
For the next 30 seconds:
  • Spawns a storm eye that follows the ship and activates every 5 seconds
  • Inflicts 150 Sail damage to the ship
  • Randomly strikes the ship and damages Crewmembers within 1 tile for 25 damage
  • This ability cannot be stacked

Low Profile
Reduces ship's Wake Scalar by 50% for 120 seconds

For the next 60 seconds:
  • Spawns a formation of Sargasso Seaweed
  • Any ship that moves over a Sargasso tile will have its movement speed reduced by 75% for 5 seconds
  • Targets nearest other ship within 12 tiles