Weapon swings increase your Damage Resistance to all enemies by 4% per rank for 5 seconds (does not stack)
Deals an additional 6% of Damage per rank inflicted to a random target within 2 tiles and has a 2% chance per rank to apply a Pierce effect of 25 for 15 seconds to both targets
Damage increased by 4% per rank if player's ship has moved within last 0.5 seconds with bonus doubled if target is not on same ship as player
[At Sea] Range increased by 1 per rank and Damage increased by 10% per rank, but 2% chance per rank any Hits will convert into Misses. [On Land] Increases Range by (rank / 2) rounded up and Damage by 3% per rank
Run Through
Inflicts 500% Damage to target with Damage increased by 300% if target is on same ship as player
Deals 150% Damage to target, and then resolves 5 additional hits of 150% Damage randomized between target and all creatures within 4 tiles (max of 3 hits per creature)
Weapon Ability
For next 15 seconds all damage dealt by ship crewmembers increased by 25%
Weapon Ability
For next 15 seconds the impale weapon special will hit 2 additional targets, or apply an additional 30% damage bonus for each unused additional target