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Blade Spirits

Blade Spirit
Stat Spirit Speak Skill
Base 80 100 120 150
Hits 250 550 625 700 812.5
Attack Speed 0 0 0 0 0
Melee Damage 18 - 22 25.2 - 30.8 27 - 33 28.8 - 35.2 31.5 - 38.5
Wrestling 90 126 135 144 157.5
Armor 50 70 75 80 87.5
Magic Resist 50 90 100 110 125
  • Takes 1 Control Slot, but players may only have 1 Blade Spirits active at any time (Summoner's Tome experience gain rate is increased by 100% however)
  • Has below-average Aggro compared to normal summons
  • Their primary drawback is they cannot be given commands and therefore once cast, only have usefulness in the immediate area where summoned
  • Blade Spirits are "non-hostile" to players and tamed creatures and will never attack them
  • Blade Spirits are still considered "Berserk" creatures and will automatically attack any non-tamed creatures/NPCs that are grey in their perception range (players have no control over which monsters/NPCs they attack)
  • Blade Spirits will flag as Green to their caster/allies and Blue to other players (similar to normal pets), and while they will be considered "owned" by the caster, the caster cannot issue any commands to them
  • In order to Release a Blade Spirit, players must cast Dispel on them or simply wait for summon duration to expire
  • Blade Spirits now gain all player-skill related bonuses (such as Herding Focused Aggression) that normal summons would receive (including bonuses from Aspect Gear/Mastery Chains)
Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Name Description
Bladestorm Melee attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * (13% / 26% / 40%)) damage to a random target within 2 tiles
Dancing Blades Melee hits increase Attack Speed by a cumulative (1.5% / 3% / 4.5%) for 30 seconds (to a max of +9% / +18% / +27%). All bonuses reduced to 0% on miss
Dismissive Player receives (4 / 8 / 12) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)
Impair Melee attacks have a (6% / 12% / 18%) chance to Entangle target for 6 seconds or inflict (DamageMax * (7% / 14% / 21%)) if target is already Entangled or Hindered
Precision Cuts Accuracy increased by (5% / 10% / 15%). If chance to hit was already 100%, Melee Damage increased by (7% / 14% / 21%)
Razors Melee attacks have a (9% / 18% / 27%) chance to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) Bleed damage over 15 seconds
Serration Damage Dealt increased by (7% / 14% / 21%). Bonus increased by 50% if target has a Bleed effect active
Spirit Pact Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Summon Creature

Summon Creature
Variable combat style based on creature summoned

  • Aegis Rat
  • Black Bear
  • Brown Bear
  • Corpse Eater
  • Firebat
  • Flamehound
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Monitor Hatchling
  • Polar Bear
  • Primordial Whelp
  • Sand Crab
  • Shallow Water

Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Name Description
Bond For Life When follower is killed, caster receives (10 / 20 / 30) Health, and all remaining followers receive (3% / 6% / 9%) of their Max Health (must be within 12 tiles)
Creature Catalog 1 Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack)
Creature Catalog 2 Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack)
Creature Catalog 3 Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack)
Dismissive Player receives (4 / 8 / 12) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)
Herd Mentality Damage Resistance increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Bonus increased by 100% if 4 or more followers controlled
Spirit Pact Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds
Stampede Damage Dealt increased by (6% / 12% / 18%). Bonus increased by 100% if 4 or more followers controlled

Summon Air Elemental

Air Elemental
Stat Spirit Speak Skill
Base 80 100 120 150
Hits 500 1100 1250 1400 1625
Attack Speed 0 0 0 0 0
Melee Damage 34 - 40 47.6 - 56 51 - 60 54.4 - 64 59.5 - 70
Wrestling 100 140 150 160 175
Armor 50 70 75 80 87.5
Magic Resist 100 140 150 160 175
  • Air Elementals are designed to deal large amounts of DPS up close and personal
  • Many of the Summoner's Tome Upgrades for Air Elementals are bonuses granted for making Melee Attacks reward aggressive playstyles
  • Special Abilities:
    • Cleave (Innate Ability): Successful melee attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.6) damage to a random target within 2 tiles

Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Name Description
Cyclone Melee attacks have a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance for Cleave to increase radius by 1 and hit 1 additional target
Dismissive Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)
Gale Damage Dealt increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Melee misses increase Accuracy by a cumulative (3% / 6% / 9%) for 30 seconds (to a max of +15% / +30% / +45%)
Microburst Attack speed increased by (8% / 16% / 24%) for 10 seconds after inflicting damage with Cleave (will not stack)
Spirit Pact Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds
Tempest Melee attacks and Cleave have a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to ignore target's armor. Damage Dealt increased by (8% / 16% / 24%) if target has no armor
Whirlwind Increases Cleave damage by (13% / 26% / 40%)
Windshear Melee attacks have a (10% / 20% / 30%) chance to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds

Summon Earth Elemental

Earth Elemental
Melee Tank with Bleed Resistance, Disease Resistance, and Slight Aggro Bonus

Stats 100 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking & Tier 13 Eldritch
Hits 800 835 891
Dex 68 71 77
Damage 34-47 36-50 38-54
Armor 101 106 115
Wrestling 114.7 120.7 130.2
Magic Resist 33.7 35.5 38.3
Poison Resist 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Dispel Resist 20.0% 24.0% 30.4%
  • Earth Elementals function as tanks against Melee creatures, due to very high Armor, high Wrestling, and high Hit Points
  • Earth Elementals will become Rooted if they remain stationary for 10 seconds, which increases their Damage by +20% and makes them immune to any movement effects such as Knockback, Entangle, and Hinder
  • Many of the Summoner's Tome Upgrades for Earth Elementals are geared towards survival, as they are the premier Physical Damage tank among summons
  • Special Abilities:
    • Rooted (Innate Ability): Creature is immune to Knockback effects and has increased Aggro
Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Name Description
Bedrock Damage Dealt increased by (5% / 10% / 15%) and Damage Resistance increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Bonuses increased by 200% when below 33% Health
Dismissive Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)
Earthpull For each different creature damaging this follower in the last 10 seconds, increase Damage Dealt by (3% / 6% / 9%) and Damage Resistance by (2% / 4% / 6%) (max 5 creatures)
Grounded Restores (2% / 4% / 6%) of Hit Points when above 66% Health (30 second cooldown)
Purge Impurities Special Resistance increased by (11% / 22% / 33%) and restore (2% / 4% / 6%) of Hit Points when below 66% Health (30 second cooldown)
Shatter Melee attacks have a (8% / 16% / 24%) chance to apply a Pierce effect of 25 for 15 seconds on target or inflict (DamageMax * (7% / 14% / 21%)) if target has no Armor
Slam Melee attacks have a (8% / 16% / 24%) chance to apply a Cripple effect of 10% for 15 seconds on target
Spirit Pact Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Summon Fire Elemental

Fire Elemental
High-Powered Ranged Spellcaster

Stats 100 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking & Tier 13 Eldritch
Hits 540 568 613
Dex 68 71 77
Damage 20-34 21-36 23-38
Armor 34 36 38
Wrestling 94.5 99.3 107.2
Magery 67.5 71.0 76.6
Eval Int 101.2 106.5 114.9
Magic Resist 67.5 71.0 76.6
Poison Resist 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Dispel Resist 20.0% 24.0% 30.4%
  • Fire Elementals are geared for dealing very large amounts of DPS with spells, however they are somewhat vulnerable due to Low Hit Points and Low Wrestling
  • Additionally, each spellcast from a Fire Elemental has a 15% chance to result in a Fireblast, which inflicts an additional (DamageMax * 1.5) Damage to the target and to all hostile creatures with 1 tile of it
  • A good number of the Summoner's Tome Upgrades for Fire Elementals offer increased Damage, but at an offsetting cost, or are designed around the concept that Fire Elementals are expected to have a fairly short lifespan (and go out with a bang)
  • Special Abilities:
    • Epic Barrage - Cooldown - Fires projectiles at a target up to 12 tiles away, inflicting 3 hits each dealing (SpellDamageMax * 0.5) damage that ignores armor to target
    • Prefers Spellcasting over Melee Attacks
Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Points Name Description
2 Dismissive Increases Mana Refunded from the Dispel spell to (90% * Follower's Health Remaining Percent) of initial mana spent
2 Spirit Pact +2% Damage Resistance and reduces casting time to 2.5 seconds
4 Corporeal Tether Healed by 0.10% for Each Mana Spent by Caster
4 Scorched Earth Spells have a 33% chance to ignore target's magic resist
6 Controlled Burn Epic Barrage damage increased by 25% and cooldown reduced by 2 seconds (stackable)
6 Wildfire Spells have 15% chance to inflict an additional (SpellDamageMax * 1.0) damage that ignores armor on the target
8 Fanning the Flames Epic Barrage damage increased by 33% and cooldown reduced by 3 seconds (stackable)
8 Glass Cannon +25% Spell Damage but increases Damage Taken by 25%
12 Unstable Sorcery +50% Chance to increase Spell Damage by 50%
12 Burning at Both Ends +35% Spell Damage but takes 10 damage every 15 seconds while above 25% Hit Points

Summon Water Elemental

Water Elemental
Close-Range Spellcaster Tank with Poison Resistance, Magic Defense, and Slight Aggro Bonus

Stats 100 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking & Tier 13 Eldritch
Hits 675 710 766
Dex 68 71 77
Damage 20-34 21-36 23-38
Armor 68 71 77
Wrestling 101.2 106.5 114.9
Magery 67.5 71.0 76.6
Eval Int 101.2 106.5 114.9
Magic Resist 202.5 213.0 229.8
Poison Resist 50.0% 50.0% 50.0%
Dispel Resist 20.0% 24.0% 30.4%
  • Water Elementals excel as tanks against Spellcaster creatures due to Very High Magic Resist and also have high survivability against unique creatures due to their reduced damage from Direct Damage Abilities
  • They are also above-average spellcasters
  • Many of the Summoner's Tome Upgrades for Water Elementals revolve around survival against Spellcasters and mitigating non-standard damage types (Abilities / Poison / Disease)
  • Special Abilities:
    • Elusive Form - Innate - creature has an innate 25 parry skill against melee attacks
    • Mirror - Cooldown - spells cast onto the creature have a 15% chance to be reflected back onto the caster
Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Points Name Description
2 Dismissive Increases Mana Refunded from the Dispel spell to (90% * Follower's Health Remaining Percent) of initial mana spent
2 Spirit Pact +2% Damage Resistance and reduces casting time to 2.5 seconds
4 Corporeal Tether Healed by 0.10% for Each Mana Spent by Caster
4 Eldritch Essence +10% Spell Damage
6 Deep Water Restores 5% of Hit Points when above 66% Health (has 30 second cooldown)
6 Spell Siren Adds +5% Damage and Magical Damage Resistance for each aggressed creature within 8 tiles (stackable and max +20%)
8 Stagnant Spells have 20% chance to reduce target's Poison Resistance by 20% for 30 seconds (stackable) and inflict Greater Poison
8 Ebb and Flow Alternates every 30 seconds between providing +5% Damage Resistance (Ebb) and providing +20% Damage Resistance (Flow)
12 Reflecting Pool +20% Chance to Reflect Spells
12 Purification +33% Special Resistance and restores 5% of Hit Points when below 66% Health (has 30 second cooldown)

Summon Daemon

Close-Range Hybrid Melee/Spellcaster that increases in power with time

Stats 100 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking & Tier 13 Eldritch
Hits 742 781 843
Dex 101 106 115
Damage 34-47 36-50 38-54
Armor 68 71 77
Wrestling 108.0 113.6 122.5
Magery 67.5 71.0 76.6
Eval Int 67.5 71.0 76.6
Magic Resist 67.5 71.0 76.6
Poison Resist 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Dispel Resist 20.0% 24.0% 30.4%
  • Daemons are overall well-balanced in terms of Stats and Skills, and utilize both Melee Attacks and Spellcasts in equal measure
  • While not as initially powerful as Air Elementals, Fire Elementals, or Energy Vortexes, a Daemon's damage dramatically increase as its Hit Points reach zero
  • Players can take advantage of "redlining" Daemons, by keeping them wounded or even near death to achieve maximum DPS, but trying not allowing the creature to die prematurely
  • Summoner's Tome Upgrades for Daemons often revolve around taking damage and increasing DPS from it
  • Special Abilities:
    • Fury - Innate - +5% Damage for every 30 seconds alive (stackable and max +25%)
Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Points Name Description
2 Dismissive Increases Mana Refunded from the Dispel spell to (90% * Follower's Health Remaining Percent) of initial mana spent
2 Spirit Pact +2% Damage Resistance and reduces casting time to 2.5 seconds
4 Corporeal Tether Healed by 0.10% for Each Mana Spent by Caster
4 Fiery Temper +5% Attack Speed
6 Bloodthirsty Damage increased by 15% if target below 66% health
6 Sadistic Rage Has 15% chance on melee attack or spellcast to increase Damage by 15% for 30 seconds (cannot stack)
8 Greater Daemon +10% Damage Resistance
8 Vengeance Damage is Increased by (Missing Health Percent * 50%)
12 Daemonic Frenzy Has 15% chance on melee attack or spellcast to increase Attack Speed by 20% for 30 seconds (cannot stack)
12 Growing Fury Fury ability now increases Damage by 10% every 30 seconds to max of +50%

Energy Vortex

Energy Vortex
Berserk Melee that has player-caster synergy and burst potential

Stats 100 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking 120 Spirit Speaking & Tier 13 Eldritch
Hits 810 852 919
Dex 135 142 153
Damage 34-47 36-50 38-54
Armor 68 71 77
Wrestling 114.7 120.7 130.2
Magic Resist 135.0 142.0 153.2
Poison Resist 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Dispel Resist 20.0% 24.0% 30.4%
  • Energy Vortexes are both sturdy and deal a very large amount of DPS due to very high Dex, high Damage, and high Wrestling
  • Similar to Blade Spirits, their primary drawback is they cannot be given commands and therefore once cast, only have usefulness in the immediate area where summoned
  • Several Summoner's Tome Upgrades for Energy Vortexes are based on the concept of "Linking" with the player caster: as the player caster spends mana, the Energy Vortex is themselves buffed and becomes more powerful for a short duration
  • Energy Vortexes are "non-hostile" to players and tamed creatures and will never attack them
  • Energy Vortexes are still considered "Berserk" creatures and will automatically attack any non-tamed creatures/NPCs that are grey in their perception range (players have no control over which monsters/NPCs they attack)
  • Energy Vortexes will flag as Green to their caster/allies and Blue to other players (similar to normal pets), and while they will be considered "owned" by the caster, the caster cannot issue any commands to them
  • In order to Release a Energy Vortex, players must cast Dispel on them or simply wait for summon duration to expire
  • Energy Vortexes now gain all player-skill related bonuses (such as Herding Focused Aggression) that normal summons would receive (including bonuses from Aspect Gear/Mastery Chains)
  • Energy Vortexes have boosted aggro (higher amounts than Patrol/Guarding/Attack mode-ordered tamed creatures)
  • Special Abilities:
    • Discharge - Innate - Every 10th melee hit landed will cause creature to inflict (DamageMax * 5.0) damage on its current target (which ignores armor)
Summoner's Tome Upgrades
Points Name Description
2 Dismissive Increases Mana Refunded from the Dispel spell to (90% * Follower's Health Remaining Percent) of initial mana spent
2 Spirit Pact +2% Damage Resistance and reduces casting time to 2.5 seconds
4 Corporeal Tether Healed by 0.10% for Each Mana Spent by Caster
4 Kinetic +5% Accuracy and +5% Attack Speed
6 Ethereal Each mana spent by caster adds a 0.5% chance for 30 seconds that any melee attack will ignore armor (stackable and max 50% chance)
6 Abyssal Essence Melee attacks have a 25% chance to count as landing two melee attacks towards triggering the Discharge ability
8 Void Strikes Each mana spent by caster increases Attack Speed and Accuracy by 0.1% for 30 seconds (stackable and max +10%)
8 Feedback Discharge ability will now restore 25% Hit Points when activated
12 Conduit Each mana spent by caster increases Melee Damage by 0.35% for 30 seconds (stackable and max +35%)
12 Energy Surge Discharge ability will now inflict (DamageMax * 10) damage