Summoner's Tome Upgrades | ||
Name | Description | |
Bond For Life | When follower is killed, caster receives (10 / 20 / 30) Health, and all remaining followers receive (3% / 6% / 9%) of their Max Health (must be within 12 tiles) | |
Creature Catalog 1 | Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack) | |
Creature Catalog 2 | Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack) | |
Creature Catalog 3 | Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack) | |
Dismissive | Player receives (4 / 8 / 12) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles) | |
Herd Mentality | Damage Resistance increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Bonus increased by 100% if 4 or more followers controlled | |
Spirit Pact | Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds | |
Stampede | Damage Dealt increased by (6% / 12% / 18%). Bonus increased by 100% if 4 or more followers controlled |