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Revision as of 07:31, 15 July 2019 by Enok (talk | contribs) (Added Training Section)
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Skills - Archery

The Archery skill allows a player to fire arrows/bolts from afar with Bows and Crossbows. Players must remain stationary for 0.5 seconds in order to shoot (regardless of their Dexterity).


  • Players have a 10% chance of inflicting an Archery Weapon Special Attack against creatures

Archery Weapon Special Attack

  • Only works for PvM
  • Increases damage by 50%
  • Hinders the target (prevents all movement, casting, melee attacks) for 4-8 seconds
  • Hinder effect duration scales based on weapon speed (slower archery weapons have longer effect duration) and creature difficulty
  • If target is immune to being hindered or already currently hindered, the attacks damage will be increased by a further 50%
  • If a player applies another Hinder effect to a mob, the Hinder effect will convert to damage


Archery is trained through combat with an Archery weapon equipped and requires Arrows or Bolts depending on the weapon.
See the Weapons Chart for a list of Archery weapons.
Up to 50.0 skill can be trained by a NPC ? vendor.
Skill gains for Archery up to 70.0 are accelerated in the New Player Dungeon.
50-70 fight creatures in the New Player Dungeon.
Method One:
Melee fight creatures in the world.

Method Two:
Purchase Wooden Training Bow from any NPC provisioner vendor.
Use a 2nd account as a sparr dummy by attacking it with the character who is training.
Then toggle war/peace on the 2nd account dummy character.

  • If both characters are not in the same guild the attacker will be flagged a criminal.
  • You will need a way to heal the second account character.