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Skills - Archery

The Archery skill allows a player to fire arrows/bolts from afar with Bows and Crossbows. Players must remain stationary for 0.5 seconds in order to shoot (regardless of their Dexterity).


  • Players have a 10% chance of inflicting an Archery Weapon Special Attack against creatures
  • This chance can be further increased via the Arms Lore skill, Water Aspect armor, or Mastery Chain links.

Archery Weapon Special Attack

  • Only works against creatures, not other players
  • Increases damage dealt by 50%
  • Hinders the target (prevents all movement, casting, melee attacks) for 4-8 seconds
  • Hinder effect duration scales based on weapon speed (slower archery weapons have longer effect duration) and creature difficulty
  • If target is immune to being hindered or already currently hindered, the attack will deal an overpowering shot instead, increasing damage dealt by a total of 100%.
  • Players receive a +25% Accuracy bonus when using Archery Weapons against a creature that is hindered at the time of the attack.


  • Archery is trained through combat with an Archery weapon equipped and requires Arrows or Bolts depending on the weapon.
  • See the Weapons Chart for a list of Archery weapons.
  • Up to 50.0 skill can be trained by a NPC ? vendor.
  • Skill gains for Archery up to 70.0 are accelerated in the New Player Dungeon.
  • 50-70 fight creatures in the New Player Dungeon.
  • 70-100:
    • Method One:
    • Melee fight creatures in the world.
    • Method Two:
    • Purchase Wooden Training Bow from any NPC provisioner vendor.
    • Use a 2nd account as a sparr dummy by attacking it with the character who is training.
    • Then toggle war/peace on the 2nd account dummy character.

  • Notes:
  • If both characters are not in the same guild the attacker will be flagged a criminal.
  • You will need a way to heal the second account character.