Magic Item Recycler

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Revision as of 17:54, 13 April 2020 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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  • Purchased from the Prevalian Merchant
  • Players place items into the container (must be Identified first if they are magical) and then select from a series of filters to determine which items will be recycled
  • Players can click the "Dump Container" button to dump items from a container in the players backpack into the Magic Item Recycler
  • Despite its name, players can recycle non-Magical items and have the option to filter between Regular and Exceptional quality items
  • Players must select between Weapons, Armor, Spellbooks, and Instruments and only items of that type will be recycled when clicking the "Begin Recycle" button
  • While in "Match: All" mode, players can no longer "Select All" and players can only have 1 property selected per column (because its impossible for a weapon to be both Power AND Vanquishing)