
From UO Outlands Wiki
Revision as of 04:07, 2 May 2020 by Owyn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. What is Outlands Running on and Where is it Located? 2. What Clients Can I Use? Sallos? Orion? 3. How Many Accounts or Characters Can I Have? 4. Is Macroing Allowed? 5. Wha...")
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1. What is Outlands Running on and Where is it Located? 2. What Clients Can I Use? Sallos? Orion? 3. How Many Accounts or Characters Can I Have? 4. Is Macroing Allowed? 5. What Era of Gameplay is Outlands? Are there Mounts? 6. What is PvP Like on Outlands? 7. Does Outlands Have Any Custom Content? 8. Are There Custom Houses? 9. Is There a Stat/Skill Cap? What is Skill Gain Like? 10. What do Characters Start With? How do I Choose My Starting Skills? 11. So, Skills Function Different Here? 12. Is There a Difference Between the Weapon Types? 13. I'm on Shelter Island, What do I Do? 14. Is it Just Me, or do Monsters Not Drop Much Gold? 15. This Map is Amazing, But I am Lost. Is There a Map?