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  • Players can craft Ships and go on pirating adventures that add brand new naval mechanics to Ultima Online
  • Players earn Doubloons from killing and looting enemy ship crewmembers, from sinking enemy ships, and a variety of other ocean-based activities (such as fishing, nets, etc)
  • Each type of ship has a preset starting base value for each stat, however upon crafting the ship, these stats are slightly randomized
  • Using any ship command will reveal the player
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Building and Registering a Ship

Players can use the Carpentry to craft ships. The materials necessary are:

  • Mastercrafting Diagram: An uncommon item that drops as loot in a variety of places (monster loot, dungeon chests, treasure maps, etc)
  • Board Commodity (5000 boards placed into a commodity)
  • Boards (for ships requiring less than 5000 boards to craft)
  • Iron Ingots
  • Cloth

There are several different ship sizes, each requiring different amounts of Carpentry skill and resources to craft. Each type has different base stats, cannon amounts, and crewmember capacities. Players in possession of a ship deed must first Register it before it may be launched. A ship deed must only ever be registered once, and once registered, anyone in possession of the ship deed will be able to launch the ship freely. Players can double-click the ship deed to launch the ship's Gump window and review information about the ship, including any crew or upgrades installed, or stats for the ship. Players are also able to double-click a ship deed that is currently for sale on a player-vendor, and view details of the ship before they purchase it (if the ship has not been registered yet, however, the player will still have to pay the Registration fee once acquired).

To register a ship, the player must simply click the "Register Ship" button the Overview page and then pay the required Doubloon amount. Registration requires a set number of Doubloons to be paid from that player's bankbox, with the amount varying based on ship type (larger ships requiring much large quantities of doubloons). Small Ships, however, do not require any doubloons to register.

Types of Ships

Ship Construction Costs

Small Ship Deed (85 Carpentry Skill)

  • 2000 Boards
  • 200 Iron Ingots
  • 200 Cloth

Small Dragonship Deed (90 Carpentry Skill)

  • 2000 Boards
  • 200 Iron Ingots
  • 200 Cloth

Medium Ship Deed (95 Carpentry Skill)

  • 3000 Boards
  • 300 Iron Ingots
  • 300 Cloth

Medium Dragonship Deed (100 Carpentry Skill)

  • 3000 Boards
  • 300 Iron Ingots
  • 300 Cloth

Large Ship Deed (105 Carpentry Skill)

  • 1 Board Commodity
  • 500 Iron Ingots
  • 500 Cloth

Large Dragonship Deed (110 Carpentry Skill)

  • 1 Board Commodity
  • 500 Iron Ingots
  • 500 Cloth

Carrack Deed (115 Carpentry Skill)

  • 1 Mastercrafting Diagram
  • 2 Board Commodities
  • 1000 Iron Ingots
  • 1000 Cloth

Galleon Deed (120 Carpentry Skill)

  • 2 Mastercrafting Diagrams
  • 3 Board Commodities
  • 1500 Iron Ingots
  • 1500 Cloth

Ship Stats Page

The Stats Page shows the ship's specific values for a variety of ship actions and mechanics. Each ship type has a preset starting base value for each stat, however upon crafting the ship, these stats are slightly randomized. Normally each stat will be randomized between -10% to +10% of it's base value. However, players with Carpentry skill above 100 will reduce the chance that a randomized stat will be a negative value when crafting ships. This chance scales up to 120 Carpentry skill, whereas a player at 120 skill will have all values varying only between +0% to +10%.

The Ship's Stats Page contains the ship's specific values for a variety of ship actions and mechanics


  • Players earn doubloons from killing and looting enemy ship crewmembers, from sinking enemy ships, and a variety of other ocean-based activities (such as fishing, nets, etc)
  • When a player loses their ship (i.e. it is sunk by another player or NPC enemy ship), they will receive a 50% refund of the total amount of Doubloons spent on the ship (which includes registration fees, doubloons spent on upgrades to the ship, hiring additional crew, etc)
  • Players sinking another player's ship will receive 10% of the ship's total Doubloon value as a reward
Collecting Doubloons in the Outlands

Ship Docking

  • When players attempt to dock at a Dockmaster now, they will now launch the Dockmaster menu
  • Players can dock a ship near a Dockmaster by clicking the Dock Ship button in the Dockmaster menu

Shipping Crates

In the Dockmaster menu, the captain or the co-owner of a ship now has the option to request a Shipping Crate If the player owns a house, clicking the Shipping Crate button will charge the player 250 gold (from their bank box) and will transport all of the content's of that ship's hold to the Ban Location of that player's house In order to use the Shipping Crate feature, the player's ship must be stopped long enough so that they could dock as normal (using normal docking delays for combat, if necessary)

Reason for this mechanic:

We recently added the no-recall restriction to oceans, because we wanted players to be at risk of losing their ship's hold contents while at sea, just as players who are farming in dungeons are at risk of losing their loot when they die. However, once they "clear" the danger of the open waters (i.e. get to shore near a Dockmaster), they should be able to move their loot easily just as players who exit a dungeon are freely able to Recall/Gate to head back to their homes with their loot (often using Pack Animals or Pets with the Mule backpack trait)

Once a player reaches a Dockmaster, we consider that to be relatively "safe" and clear of danger, similar to exiting a dungeon as mentioned earlier, and therefore we feel the Shipping Crate mechanic being available in this capacity makes sense and is balanced compared to the risks involved with seafaring.

Ship Salvage System

Players can access the Ship Salvage system from any Salvage Foreman stationed at each location that contains a Dockmaster currently. Players can use the phrases "Salvage", "Recover", "Remnant", "Random", or "Buy" near a Salvage Foreman to access the Salvage System.

  • When a player's ship sinks, they will now have an opportunity to recover the Ship Deed as well as any installed Ship Upgrades and Ship Crewmembers
  • Players must wait 30 minutes after their ship sinks before those ship items become available for salvage recovery

  • If an enemy player sinks another player, there is a small chance that they will be able to recover some of those items as well
  • If a player ship is sunk by an enemy NPC ship, the Ship Deed and all installed Upgrades and Crewmembers will become available for Ship Salvage recovery at a Salvage Foreman
  • Pricing options for recovery are available in both Gold as well as Doubloons, with prices varying based on Ship Type, Upgrade Type, and Crewmember Rank
  • Any item that becomes available for Salvage can be recovered within the next 14 days (but are automatically deleted after that point)
  • If a player's ship is sunk and another enemy player's ship dealt damage to them, there is a (10% * (Enemy Ship Damage Percent Dealt)) chance for each item (Ship Deed, Ship Upgrade, Ship Crewmember) that the enemy player instead recovers the item
  • Items recovered by enemy players are considered "Ransomed", as they have an option to set recovery prices for the original owner (or can choose to collect the item themselves for free)

Players can click the Arrow buttons in the bottom right section of the Ship Salvage page to switch display modes for items

  • "Show Salvage Items" shows all items that are currently available for recovery
  • "Show Ransom Items" shows all items the player has recovered from enemy ships and is considered "Ransomed" to other players
  • Ransomed items can be collected freely using the Collect Item button
  • A player can use the "Edit Prices" button to set a Gold and/or Doubloon price for the item that the original owner can pay them to recover the item
  • Setting a Ransom price value of -1 for a specific currency will make the item unavailable for recovery with that currency

Salvage Gold Credit

  • Players can drag and drop Ship Crewmember Contracts onto Salvage Foreman NPCs in town to receive "Salvage Gold Credit" for them
  • When players pay gold to retrieve Salvageable (but not Ransomed) ship items from the Salvage Menu, it will first use any Salvage Gold Credit available to pay the cost for the item, and then use gold from the player's bank for the remainder, if necessary
  • Players receive 300 Salvage Gold Credit per Rank of Ship Crewmember (i.e. Novice = 300 Gold, Adept = 600 Gold, Veteran = 900 Gold, Expert = 1200 Gold, Mastery = 1500 Gold)

Ocean Bosses

  • Insatiable Maw (Mini-Boss)
  • Ocean's Fury (Boss)
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