Rental Room System

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  • Players now have the ability to Rent a Rental Room from Innkeepers in any town (including Corpse Creek, Shelter Island, and Sanctuary)
  • Players may only utilize the Rental Room system if they do not currently have a House on their account
  • Players can rent a room by saying "Rent", "Room", or "House" to any Innkeeper in any town
  • Players can say "Innkeep" or "Innkeeper" to any NPC human in any town and they will now receive a pointer arrow on their screen that directs them to the nearest Innkeeper (if one exists in town)

Rental Rooms are similar to normal houses, with a few differences/restrictions:

  • Rental Rooms have 350 Lockdowns allowed
  • Rental Rooms have 2 Secure Containers allowed
  • Players cannot recall/gate/hike to or from a Rental Room
  • Only the player who is renting the room may access it
  • Players cannot place Rental Vendors inside a rental room (but they can place Stablemasters, Dockmasters, etc)

Renting a Room

  • By saying "Rent", "Room", or "House" to an Innkeeper, the player will be prompted with the Rental Room Menu
  • Players can click the "Rent Room" button three times in a row to begin renting
  • Renting a room costs 5000 gold per week, with the first week's amount due immediately (money is always withdrawn from the characters Bank Box)

If a player chooses to rent a room, the Rental Room Menu will now display information about their Rental Agreement including:

  • Time until next payment
  • Cost of next payment
  • Whether to Automatically Make Payment when next rental period begins (this is a button players can toggle on or off)
  • Current number of Locked Down items in their Rental Room
  • Current number of Secure Containers in their Rental Room
  • A button to End Rental Period Early
  • Enter Room and Enter Room (with followers) buttons that allow players to access their room (this is the only way for players to enter their room)