Install UO on Mac

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Short version how to install UO Outlands on Mac

This method is working for Mac OSX 10.15.6 (19G73) -- latest update as of 7/15/2020. Note that neither the Outlands installer nor the launcher are functional using this method, so we work around it. If you need help or more information, contact paxprobellum#7759 on Discord.

1. Disable SIP by holding CMD+R on startup, then issuing command "csrutil disable" in Terminal

  • More info here.
  • NB: This is a 'security risk' but necessary for this procedure. If you don't want to disable SIP, try using Bootcamp or Parallels.

2. Download Wineskin Winery - "V1.8.4: Wineskin-Winery-1.8.4" from here.

  • This is the latest version as of 7/15/2020

3. Start the Wineskin Winery and install the engine "WS11WineCx64Bit19.0.1-1"

  • This is the latest version as of 7/15/2020

4. Update Wrapper, then create a "New Blank Wrapper"

  • Name it UOOutlands and click "yes" for everything. This part will take awhile.

5. Run your wrapper and select "Install Software", then "Copy a Folder Inside". Select your patched "Ultima Online Outlands" folder that you copied on to a flash drive from your Windows PC.

  • This is a kludge, but you get to keep your hotkeys/macros!
  • Latest "patch" can be downloaded in full here if necessary at any point.

6. Set Screen Options -> change window system to X11, use a virtual desktop, use windowed.

7. Advanced -> Configuration -> Windows EXE should be set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\ClassicUO.exe"

8. Advanced -> Tools -> Winetricks. Update winetricks itself, and then install:

  • vcrun2010
  • d3dx9
  • dotnet20
  • dotnet40
  • dotnet471

9. Exit all, then double click your wrapper ( to run

10. Bonus points - change the icon to a UO icon. Use a transparent one so it looks good.


Splash Screen
Full Screen Borderless