Urukton Bluffs

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Revision as of 14:11, 1 February 2021 by Expo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:PvM ==Summary== * To be completed * No [bossresults from killing Boss/Mini-Bosses * Currently designated as a Wilderness region * No new pets to be tamed * Unique...")
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  • To be completed
  • No [bossresults from killing Boss/Mini-Bosses
  • Currently designated as a Wilderness region
  • No new pets to be tamed
  • Unique rares to be obtained

Gaining Entry

  • Starting on Friday January 29th at 12pm EST, special Uruks (named "uruk grunav") will begin to spawn around the top-side of Urukton Bluffs and in the neighboring abandoned farms
  • Slaying these Uruks will yield a chance for them to drop an Uruk Talisman
  • With the Talisman in your backpack, you can approach the main entrance to the Urukton Bluffs dungeon or the side entrance in the tunnels below to gain entry (centrally located at the Urukton Bluffs/Orc Fort 2 POI)

  • When you step up to the entrance and you have an Uruk Talisman in your bag, you will be transported inside Urukton Bluffs and your Uruk Talisman will be consumed. If you wish to exit and return to the dungeon, you will need to use another Uruk Talisman
  • The Uruk Talisman are not blessed. They can be stolen, looted, traded, or sold

What Will You Find?

The denizens of Urukton Bluffs are very strong. This dungeon is not meant for newer characters and is focused more on group content or high-end solo play. Not only are the monsters much stronger than most dungeons on average, there are several quirks and mechanics to help keep adventurer's on their toes including potential ambushes, traps, stealth creatures, teleporting creatures, a depantser, and more! The full details will not be listed here in order to not spoil the potential surprises that await within Urukon Bluffs!

  • To be completed
