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  • Players use the Fishing skill to fish up a variety of items and resources
  • Having a bladed weapon in your backpack and double clicking Raw Fish will cut it up into Fish Steaks
  • Fisherman can use Harpoons, which are player crafted and use the Fishing skill

Land Fishing

  • While fishing on land, players will no longer be prompted with a Captcha for harvesting attempts (i.e 100% automated and AFK Land Fishing is now allowed)
  • While fishing on land, players will only be able to harvest Raw Fish (no special items such as Large Raw Fish, Special Fishing Nets, or Aquarium Creatures) and will do so at a substantially reduced success chance compared to normal

Ship Fishing

  • While fishing on a ship, players will still be responsible for passing Captchas when prompted as before
  • While fishing on a ship, players will be able to harvest Raw Fish, Special Cooking Fish (such as Raw Large Fish, Raw Lobster, Raw Crab), and Special Fishing Nets, but not Aquarium Creatures

Fishing Frenzies

  • Fishing Frenzies are special fishing locations that randomly spawn throughout the game world in land-accessible areas
  • If a player makes a Fishing skill attempt near a Fishing Frenzy, or double-clicking them with a Fishing Pole equipped, they will attempt to harvest from it in a manner similar to Fishing Resource Maps
  • Fishing Frenzies have a limited number of harvest attempts, but players may potentially harvest one or more Freshwater Aquarium Creatures from them

Fishing Poles Bonuses

When determining chances for catching Special Fish or discovering Special Fishing Nets, players receive a bonus based on the quality and material of the fishing pole used as follows:

Material Bonus
Exceptional +4%
Mastercrafted +8%
Dullwood +2%
Shadowwood +4%
Copperwood +6%
Bronzewood +8%
Goldenwood +10%
Rosewood +12%
Verewood +14%
Valewood +16%
Avarwood +18%

Spear Bonus

  • When attacking a creature with a spear, add Base Weapon Damage * (25% * (Fishing Skill / 100)) damage per hit.
  • When attacking a player with a spear, add Base Weapon Damage * (10% * (Fishing Skill / 100)) damage per hit.

Aquarium Creatures

  • A large number Aquarium Creatures have now been added to the fishing system
  • Aquarium Creatures are now broken down into three Rarity levels: Common, Uncommon, and Rare
  • Aquarium Creatures are now broken down into two Water types: Freshwater and Saltwater
  • Players can only harvest Freshwater Aquarium Creatures from Fishing Resource Maps and Fishing Frenzies
  • Players can only harvest Saltwater Aquarium Creatures from Special Fishing Nets, Fishing Spots, and SOSes
  • When players harvest an Aquarium Creature, it is initially considered to be "Fresh" but will convert to "Dried Out" status if they are not placed into an Aquarium within 6 hours of being caught (this also applies if players remove an Aquarium Creature from an aquarium)
  • Players can single-click or double-click to view how much time remains before an Aquarium Creature dries out
  • When this patch goes live, all existing Aquarium Creatures will automatically convert to Dried Out status (explained later)
  • Players can now use scissors and daggers on unwanted Aquarium Creatures to convert them into a random assortment of Raw Large Fish, Raw Lobster, or Raw Crab (amount varies based on creature rarity)

Freshwater Fish

Juvenile Crawler
Juvenile Leaper
Lake Speck
Largemouth Bass
Northern Pike
Primordial Carp
Rainbow Trout
River Carp
River Trout
Rock Bass

Saltwater Fish

Argent Roundfin
Azure Idol
Blue Chromis
Colossal Krill
Colossal Seahorse
Coral Tang
Electric Eel
Golden Idolfish
Goliath Lobster
Halfmoon Tuna
Hermit Crab
Juvenile Crag
Juvenile Cuttlefish
Juvenile Octopus
Juvenile Seahorse
Juvenile Swordfish
King Crab
Manta Ray
Red Dart
Royal Tang
Royal Basslet
Sea Bass
Sea Spider
Speckled Niswa
Startassle Jelly
Thornback Ray
Tiger Prawn
White Shark

Player Crafted Leather Fishing Nets

  • Players may craft Leather Fishing Nets (using any leather material type) through Tailoring or purchase Leather Fishing Nets at Fisherman NPCs
  • Leather Fishing Nets have a limited number of uses, which is increased based on quality and material type
  • Crafted Leather Fishing Nets are used at Fishing Spots and SOS locations to retrieve items

Crafted Leather Fishing Net Bonuses

When determining chances for retrieving items from Fishing Spots and SOS locations, players receive a bonus based on the quality and material of the crafted leather fishing net used as follows:

Material Bonus
Exceptional +4%
Mastercrafted +8%
Dullhide +2%
Shadowhide +4%
Copperhide +6%
Bronzehide +8%
Goldenhide +10%
Rosehide +12%
Verehide +14%
Valehide +16%
Avarhide +18%

Special Fishing Nets

  • Players have a (0.5% * (Fishing Skill / 100) * (100% + Fishing Pole Bonus) * (100% + Ship Upgrades Bonuses)) chance to find a Special Fishing Net while fishing on land or while on a ship
  • Special Fishing Nets are single use items that may be thrown from a ship into the water
  • Once thrown, a Special Fishing Net has a 75% chance to generate a Fishing Creature Spawn or a 25% chance for the player to catch a Special Fish
  • If a Fishing Creature Spawn occurs, there is a 25% chance that one creature will have a Message in a Bottle on it's corpse
  • Special Fishing Nets are stackable by color (colors are randomized)

Special Fishing Net

Fishing Creatures Spawn

Players have the opportunity while fishing at sea to initiate Fishing Creature Spawns. Fishing Creature Spawns can only occur when using Special Fishing Nets, while fishing at Fishing Spots, or when fishing at SOS locations. They will not occur during normal fishing with a fishing pole. Fishing Creature Spawns may result in both water-based creatures or creatures that spawn immediately on the targets ship.

Messages in a Bottle / SOS

  • SOSes have no expiration date
    Fishing Message in a Bottles
  • Double click a Message in a Bottle to receive an SOS
  • Players use crafted Leather Fishing Nets to retrieve items from SOS locations, as long as they have the SOS in their backpack
  • Players must be within 12 tiles of a SOS location to attempt to retrieve items from it
  • Players may make up to 20 retrieval attempts on a SOS location
  • Players have a (50% * (Fishing Skill / 100) * (100% + Fishing Net Bonus) * (100% + Ship Upgrades Bonuses)) chance to have a "successful" retrieval action
  • On a successful retrieval action at a Fishing Spot, there is a 90% chance to receive a Special Fish and a 10% chance to initiate a Fishing Creature Spawn (with a 25% chance one of the creatures will have a Message in a Bottle on its corpse)
  • Players are guaranteed to have at least 1 Creature Spawn occur per SOS and up to 3 maximum
  • One creature per Creature Spawn will have either a Small, Medium, or Large Salvaged Crate on its corpse with a variety of loot items (items vary based on crate size)

Fishing Resource Map

Check the Resource Maps page for more information.

World Records

Taking both skill and luck, catching a World Record fish is no easy feat. Players will be notified when they catch a unique fish as well as if it is a World Record. Double-clicking on the fish will open its stats, allowing you to see who has caught the heaviest of that type of fish. If you are the competitive type, there are also Fishing Record Boards that will list all the types of fish that can be caught, what the current weight record is, as well as when and who landed the fish. You can find Fishing Record Boards at each city's dock near the Dockmaster.

Fishing Record Board

Fishing Spots

Special Fishing Spots can be found while sailing the seas. At these locations, a player can use a Leather Fishing Net (crafted by a Tailor from the various leather types) for a chance to pull up special loot.

Barrel Wreck
Crashed Cargo Ship
Dead Fisherman
Marsh Fishing
Murder Raft
Mushroom Formation
Net Fishery
Submerged Rowboat
Thatched Raft
Vines And Strange Stone


  • 1-50: Train from an NPC
  • 50-100: Stand near water or on a boat and target yourself (smart targeting) after using a fishing pole to fish
  • Requires an estimated 80 hours to max the skill at 30 seconds per attempt
    • You can fish much faster manually, however, you will have to find non-depleted spots