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Name Description Amount Points Title
Landowner (Basic) Purchase a House Deed 1 5
Landowner (Advanced) Purchase a House Deed Worth At Least 1,000,000 Gold 1 15 Landowner
Landowner (Epic) Purchase a House Deed Worth At Least 5,000,000 Gold 1 25 Legendary Landowner
Affluent (Basic) Accumulate Gold From Activities 1,000,000 5
Affluent (Advanced) Accumulate Gold From Activities 5,000,000 15 Affluent
Affluent (Epic) Accumulate Gold From Activities 25,000,000 25 Legendary Affluence
Expressive (Basic) Unlock Emotes 8 5
Expressive (Advanced) Unlock Emotes 8 15 Expressive
Expressive (Epic) Unlock Emotes 8 25 Legendary Expression
Enhanced (Basic) Spend Gold on Enhancements 500,000 5
Enhanced (Advanced) Spend Gold on Enhancements 2,500,000 15 Enhanced
Enhanced (Epic) Spend Gold on Enhancements 10,000,000 25 Legendary Enhancement
Colorful (Basic) Unlock Spell Hues 25 5
Colorful (Advanced) Unlock Spell Hues 50 10 Colorful
Colorful (Epic) Unlock Spell Hues 75 25 Legendarily Colorful
Connoisseur (Basic) Eat Delectable Food Items 100 5
Connoisseur (Advanced) Eat Delectable Food Items 250 15 Connoisseur
Connoisseur (Epic) Eat Delectable Food Items 500 25 Legendary Connoisseur
Nobility (Basic) Reach Glorious Lord / Lady Status With Characters 1 5
Nobility (Advanced) Reach Glorious Lord / Lady Status With Characters 2 15 Noble
Nobility (Epic) Reach Glorious Lord / Lady Status With Characters 2 25 Legendary Noble
Practiced Liar (Basic) Win Games of Liars Dice 25 5
Practiced Liar (Advanced) Win Games of Liars Dice 50 15 Practiced Liar
Practiced Liar (Epic) Win Games of Liars Dice 100 25 Legendarily Practiced Liar
Roll Player (Basic) Win Gold While Playing Monster Shuffle 100,000 5
Roll Player (Advanced) Win Gold While Playing Monster Shuffle 500,000 15 Roll Player
Roll Player (Epic) Win Gold While Playing Monster Shuffle 2,500,000 25 Legendary Roll Player