Razor Scripting

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Revision as of 02:45, 17 March 2021 by Expo (talk | contribs)
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The Razor assistant distributed with the Outlands client is a fork of Razor Community Edition. Outlands has additionally extended that scripting engine with the following features.


List support includes the following commands:

createlist ('list name')

Create a new list

clearlist ('list name')

Clear an existing list

removelist ('list name')

Delete a list

pushlist ('list name') ('element value') ['front'/'back']

Add an item to the front or back of the list

poplist ('list name') ('element value'/'front'/'back')

Remove an item from the front of back of the list

Additionally, the following list-related expressions have been added. These may be used within if and while statements.

listexists ('list name')

True if the list exists

list (list name) (operator) (value)

Compare the length of the list to an integer

inlist (list name) (element)

Test if an element is in a list.

Finally, for and foreach loops can be used for iteration as follows:

for 10
  say 'hello'

This will iterate exactly 10 times.

foreach x in my_list
  say x

This will iterate the elements in my_list, assigning the variable 'x' to the next element on each iteration.


Timers represent background timers that run while the rest of your script executes. All units are in milliseconds. They can be queried to check how much time has elapsed since they were started, or reset back to an earlier count.

The following commands for working with timers have been added:

createtimer (timer name)

Create a new timer, starting at 0.

removetimer (timer name)

Destroy an existing timer.

settimer (timer name) (value)

Set a timer to the given value. It will begin counting up from the given value immediately.

Additionally, two expressions have been added for timers:

timer ('timer name') (operator) (value)

Compare the current value of the timer (the time elapsed since it was started in milliseconds) to a given value

timerexists ('timer name')

Check if a timer exists


// Create a new timer
if not timerexists 'sample'
 createtimer 'sample'
// Reset every 10 seconds
if timer 'sample' > 10000
 settimer 'sample' 0