Affinity System

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The Affinity system is a progressive-bonus system that rewards characters for playing over time with a variety of different tameable creature types (requires a creature with a Min Taming of 50 or higher). As characters kill monsters while using Tamed Creatures, they will earn Affinity Experience towards the type of tamed creatures they currently control, and with enough experience earned for a creature type, they will receive Affinity Points that will unlock permanent bonuses for the character that will be applied to ANY tamed creature type that character controls.

  • In order to utilize the Affinity system, characters must first acquire a Taming Bestiary, which is craftable through the Inscription skill under the "Books and Tomes" category
  • Taming Bestiaries are Blessed and are not bound to individual characters (i.e a player can lose their Taming Bestiary and simply acquire a new one and not lose any of their earned progress for their character in the system)
  • Players can double-click the Taming Bestiary to view the Affinity Menu System for their character (players MUST double-click a Taming Bestiary at least once in their lifetime in order to activate the Affinity system for their character)

Affinity Progress Page

  • Clicking the Book button at the bottom left of the page will open the Affinity Progress page
  • The Affinity Progress page displays a list of bonuses the character has unlocked for their character based on how much total Affinity Points they have earned
  • Players do not have to "spend" Affinity Points once earned: the system will automatically unlock bonuses for characters as soon as their Affinity Points total reaches the required amount for the bonus
  • Players can click the Info button next to any Affinity Bonus to see what it confers to the character

Creature Entries Pages

  • Clicking the Creature Button at the bottom right of the page will open the Creature Entries page
  • For each type of tamed creature a character uses to kill monsters (Min Taming of 50 or higher), it will automatically create a Creature Entry Listing for that creature type to track Experience progress on it
  • On a monster kill, each tamed creature controlled by the character will earn Experience towards the Creature Entry for itself based on the following:
    • Total Damage Percent The Player Dealt to Monster * Gold Value of Monster * (Creature Control Slots / 5)

For instance, a player who did 100% of the damage to a creature worth 150 gold, while using a Phoenix (Control Slots 4) and also using a Husk Crab (Control Slots 1), will see the following Experience earned:

  • The Phoenix Creature Entry will earn (100% * 150 * 4 / 5) = 120 Experience
  • The Husk Crab creature entry will earn (100% * 150 * 1 / 5) = 30 Experience

Alternatively, a player using 5 Husk Crabs in the same scenario would earn 150 Experience towards their Husk Crabs entry

Completing Creature Entries

  • Each different creature type will have a specific Target amount of experience needed to be completed, which is equal to (Creature's Min Taming x 1000)
  • This difference in Experience needed for different creature types reflects the fact that higher taming skill requirement creatures are usually more powerful and will likely earn the player Experience at a much faster rate
  • Once the player reaches the target amount of Experience needed for a creature type, the Creature Entry for it will be marked as Complete and the player will receive 5 Affinity Points added to their total (and the player will no longer be able to earn any more Experience towards or Affinity Points from that specific creature type in the future)
  • The Creature Entry page will always auto-sort the list of creatures shown to display the most recent creatures the player made Experience progress with

  • As the player earns Affinity Points, it will automatically unlock bonuses they now qualify for on the Affinity Progress page and display them in Green
  • Players do not have to do anything to activate these bonuses: they will always apply to the character's tamed creatures from now on

Affinity Bonuses

  • Once a player has unlocked an Affinity bonus, those bonuses will apply to all tamed creatures they use in the future (even ones they have not completed Affinity Creature Entries for)
  • The only requirement is that the player has at least 80 Animal Taming skill to receive the bonuses from the Affinities system (they can still gain experience in the Affinities system even if they are below 80 Animal Taming skill, they just simply won't receive the bonuses listed below)