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Menus![]() |
Mechanics![]() |
Text Displays![]() |
Ships![]() |
Codex![]() |
Aspect![]() |
Guild![]() |
Chivalry![]() |
Necromancy![]() |
Factions![]() |
Test Shard![]() |
Menus![]() | |
Command | Description |
[Help | Opens the Outlands Help page |
[Website | Launches the Outlands Website |
[Wiki | Launches the Outlands Wiki |
[Forums or [Forum | Launches the Outlands Forums |
[Discord | Launches the Outlands Discord Channel |
[HelpRequest or [Request | Opens the Help Request page |
[Achievements or [Achievement | Opens the Achievements page |
[Societies or [Society | Opens the Societies page |
[AspectMastery or [Aspects or [Aspect | Opens the Aspect Mastery page |
[SkillMastery | Opens the Skill Mastery page |
[Customizations or [Customization | Opens the Customizations page |
[Titles or [Title | Opens the Titles page |
[TownStruggle or [TownStruggles | Opens the Town Struggle page |
[Criminality or [ConsiderSins | Opens the Criminality page |
[PlayerStats or [Stats | Opens the Player Stats page |
[DamageTracker or [Damage | Activates the Damage Tracker tool |
[Atlas | Grants the player an Atlas (double-click to use) |
[ServerRankings or [ServerRank | Opens the Server Rankings page |
[Commands or [Command | Opens the Commands page |
[Donate or [Donation | Launches the Outlands Donation page |
[Party | Launches the Party menu |
[Survey or [HouseSurvey | Launches the house lockdown/secure survey mechanic |
[Vendor or [Vendors | Launches the Vendor Menu |
[VendorSearch | Launches the Vendor Search Website. |
Mechanics![]() | |
Command | Description |
[AutoUseSpellScrolls | Toggles whether to automatically use any spell scrolls found in backpack when casting a spell |
[AutoStealth | Toggles whether the player will automatically activate Stealth when attempting to move while hidden |
[UnequipOnCast | Toggles whether the player will automatically unequip items when casting or actively Meditating. If the player has sufficient Parrying and Magery to cast with shields, it will not unequip them |
[Pouch | Will search for a random trapped pouch in the player's backpack and trigger it |
[Taunt | Will activate the taunt command while holding a 2H weapon or shield |
[Rope | Will search for a random rope in the player's backpack and trigger it |
[VetSupplies or [VeterinarySupplies | Will search for a random veterinary supplies in the player's backpack and use it. |
[SmokeBomb | Search for a Smoke Bomb in the player's backpack and trigger it |
[Disarm | Will toggle whether the player attempts to make Disarm attacks |
[DisarmUntoggleMode | Will change handling on when Disarm is automatically untoggled |
[Hamstring | Will toggle whether the player will attempt to make Hamstring attacks |
[HamstringUntoggleMode | Will change handling on when Hamstring is automatically untoggled |
[SpellFizzle | Will change whether to display spell fizzle sounds and animations |
[Echo or [Echoes | Will open the Echoes menu |
[BossResults | Will open the Boss Results menu |
[MasteryChain | Will double-click your current Mastery Chain |
[Artisan | Will toggle whether the player will gain Artisan Aspect experience when crafting in Artisan equipment (consumes Arcane Essence) |
[Fortune | Will toggle whether the player will gain Fortune Aspect experience when lockpicking chests in Fortune equipment (consumes Arcane Essence) |
[Coord or [Coords or [Coordinates | Will display a player's current X, Y, Z location and latitude/longitude coordinates |
[PullFollowers | Will pull all followers of a player within 5 tiles to their location |
[PreventCriminalHealing | Toggles whether the player will be allowed to heal grey creatures and go criminal |
[PreventCriminalLooting | Toggles whether the player will be allowed to loot grey corpses and go criminal |
[WizardrySounds | Will enable or disable wizardy sounds from your grimoire upgrades |
[CraftingQueue or [CQ | Opens the Crafting Queue menu |
[GhostVisible | Allows ghosts to always see you in dungeons and restricted areas even if not currently in party/guild/alliance |
[SingleClickPoisonTicks | Will toggle whether to display how many poison ticks you have remaining on a creature when single clicking them |
[PlaceTrap | Places a Ground Trap at your location. |
[DetonateTrap | Detonates your active Ground Trap. |
Text Displays
Text Displays![]() | |
Command | Description |
[ShowMeleeDamage | Displays melee and ranged damage inflicted by the player as text in game |
[ShowSpellDamage | Displays spell damage inflicted by the player as text in game |
[ShowPoisonDamage | Displays poison damage inflicted by the player as text in game |
[ShowSpecialDamage | Displays special damage inflicted by the player as text in game |
[ShowProvocationDamage | Displays damage values inflicted by the player's barded targets as text in game |
[ShowFollowerDamage | Displays damage values inflicted by the player's controlled followers as text in game |
[ShowDamageTaken | Displays damage taken by the player as text in game |
[ShowFollowerDamageTaken | Displays damage taken by the player's controlled followers as text in game |
[ShowHealing | Displaying healing amounts given by or received by the player as text in game |
[ShowTamedExperience | Displays experience earned by the player's tamed creatures as text in game |
[ShowAspectExperience | Displays Aspect experience earned by the player as text in game |
[ShowSummonersTomeExperience | Displays Summoner's Tome experience earned by the player as text in game |
[ShowStealthSteps | Displays the number of stealth steps the player has remaining as text in game |
[ShowBardingDurations | Displays barding effect durations for creatures |
[ShowTownStruggleAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Town Struggles occurring |
[ShowDungeonFlashpointAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Dungeon Flashpoints occurring |
[ShowCorpseCreekContestAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Corpse Creek Contests occurring |
[ShowShrineCorruptionAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Shrine Corruptions occurring |
[ShowStygianRiftsAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Stygian Rifts occurring |
[ShowStrangelandsAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Strangelands occurring |
[ShowOmniBossAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Omni-Boss events occurring |
[ShowContestedBossAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Contested Boss events occurring |
Ships![]() | |
Command | Description |
[Stop | Stops all ship movement |
[Forward | Begins continuous forward ship movement |
[ForwardLeft | Begins continuous forward left ship movement |
[ForwardRight | Begins continuous forward right ship movement |
[Left | Begins continuous left strafing movement |
[Right | Begins continuous right strafing movement |
[Backward | Begins continuous backward movement |
[BackwardLeft | Begins continuous backward left movement |
[BackwardRight | Begins continuous backward right movement |
[TurnLeft | Turns the ship left 90 degrees |
[TurnRight | Turns the ship right 90 degrees |
[ForwardOne | Moves the ship forward one space |
[ForwardLeftOne | Moves the ship forward left one space |
[ForwardRightOne | Moves the ship forward right one space |
[LeftOne | Moves the ship left one space |
[RightOne | Moves the ship right one space |
[BackwardOne | Moves the ship backward one space |
[BackwardLeftOne | Moves the ship backward left one space |
[BackwardRightOne | Moves the ship backward right one space |
[Ship or [ShipMenu | Opens the ship menu for the ship you are currently boarded |
[ShipHotbars | Opens the ship hotbars for the ship you are currently boarded |
[Embark | Embark onto the nearest friendly ship |
[Disembark | Disembark from your current ship |
[EmbarkFollowers | Embarks all of your nearby followers onto the nearest friendly ship |
[DisembarkFollowers | Disembarks your followers from your current ship |
[TargetingMode | Opens the ship targeting mode menu for your current ship |
[Reload | Reloads the cannons on your current ship |
[Dock | Prompts the player to dock the ship at a location or dockmaster |
[ThrowSelfOverboard | Will immediately kill yourself and reappear as a ghost in the last town you visited by moongate |
[ClearTheDeck | Removes all moveable items on the ship deck and places them in the ship trash barrel |
[ReadyCrew | Readies the crew |
[SendCrewBelow | Sends the crew below |
[CrewAttack or [CrewTarget | Selects which ship crewmembers should attack. Can target your own ship to attack boarders |
[CrewStop or [CrewHalt | Stops crewmembers from attacking their current target |
[Ram or [RamShip | Rams a nearby ship (can only be used if your ship is blocked in 6 or more directions) |
[SendBoardingParty or [SendBoarding | Opens the ship boarding party window |
[RecallBoarding or [RecallBoardingParty | Recalls any current active boarding parties |
[BoardingParty | Opens the ship boarding party window or recalls any current active boarding parties |
[Repair | Opens the ship repair window |
[RepairHull | Repairs the ship's hull |
[RepairSails | Repairs the ship's sails |
[RepairGuns | Repairs the ship's guns |
[FireCannons | Fires the ship's cannons at directed target |
[LesserAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's first lesser ability slot |
[SecondLesserAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's second lesser ability slot |
[RegularAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's first regular ability slot |
[SecondRegularAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's second regular ability slot |
[GreaterAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's first greater ability slot |
[SecondGreaterAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's second greater ability slot |
[AuxiliaryAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's first auxiliary ability slot |
[SecondAuxiliaryAbility | Activates the ability installed in the ship's second auxiliary ability slot |
Codex![]() | |
Command | Description |
[CodexHotbar | Launches the Codex Hotbar |
[AbilityHotbar | Opens up the ability hotbar |
[WeaponAbility1 | Activates your equipped weapon's 1st ability. |
[WeaponAbility2 | Activates your equipped weapon's 2nd ability. |
[WeaponAbility3 | Activates your equipped weapon's 3rd ability. |
[ArcaneStance1 | Activates the Arcane Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[ArcaneStance2 | Activates the Arcane Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[ArcaneStance3 | Activates the Arcane Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[ArcaneStance4 | Activates the Arcane Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[ArcaneStance5 | Activates the Arcane Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[ArcaneFinisher1 | Activates the Arcane Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[ArcaneFinisher2 | Activates the Arcane Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[ArcheryAmmunition1 | Activates the Archery Codex Ammunition in position 1 of the related codex |
[ArcheryAmmunition2 | Activates the Archery Codex Ammunition in position 2 of the related codex |
[ArcheryAmmunition3 | Activates the Archery Codex Ammunition in position 3 of the related codex |
[ArcheryAmmunition4 | Activates the Archery Codex Ammunition in position 4 of the related codex |
[ArcheryAmmunition5 | Activates the Archery Codex Ammunition in position 5 of the related codex |
[ArcheryFinisher1 | Activates the Archery Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[ArcheryFinisher2 | Activates the Archery Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[FencingStance1 | Activates the Fencing Codex Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[FencingStance2 | Activates the Fencing Codex Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[FencingStance3 | Activates the Fencing Codex Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[FencingStance4 | Activates the Fencing Codex Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[FencingStance5 | Activates the Fencing Codex Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[FencingFinisher1 | Activates the Fencing Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[FencingFinisher2 | Activates the Fencing Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[FishingStance1 | Activates the Fishing Codex Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[FishingStance2 | Activates the Fishing Codex Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[FishingStance3 | Activates the Fishing Codex Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[FishingStance4 | Activates the Fishing Codex Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[FishingStance5 | Activates the Fishing Codex Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[FishingFinisher1 | Activates the Fishing Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[FishingFinisher2 | Activates the Fishing Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[MacingStance1 | Activates the Macing Codex Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[MacingStance2 | Activates the Macing Codex Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[MacingStance3 | Activates the Macing Codex Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[MacingStance4 | Activates the Macing Codex Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[MacingStance5 | Activates the Macing Codex Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[MacingFinisher1 | Activates the Macing Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[MacingFinisher2 | Activates the Macing Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[SwordsStance1 | Activates the Swords Codex Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[SwordsStance2 | Activates the Swords Codex Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[SwordsStance3 | Activates the Swords Codex Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[SwordsStance4 | Activates the Swords Codex Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[SwordsStance5 | Activates the Swords Codex Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[SwordsFinisher1 | Activates the Swords Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[SwordsFinisher2 | Activates the Swords Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[ShieldsStance1 | Activates the Shield Codex Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[ShieldsStance2 | Activates the Parry Codex Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[ShieldsStance3 | Activates the Parry Codex Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[ShieldsStance4 | Activates the Parry Codex Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[ShieldsStance5 | Activates the Parry Codex Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[ShieldsFinisher1 | Activates the Parry Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[ShieldsFinisher2 | Activates the Parry Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[StanceAutoRenewThroughMeditation | Toggles whether Codex Stances will auto-renew while actively meditating |
[WrestlingStance1 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Stance in position 1 of the related codex |
[WrestlingStance2 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Stance in position 2 of the related codex |
[WrestlingStance3 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Stance in position 3 of the related codex |
[WrestlingStance4 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Stance in position 4 of the related codex |
[WrestlingStance5 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Stance in position 5 of the related codex |
[WrestlingFinisher1 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Finisher in position 1 of the related codex |
[WrestlingFinisher2 | Activates the Wrestling Codex Finisher in position 2 of the related codex |
[Stance1AutoRenew | Toggles AutoRenew handling for Codex Stance of the weapon you are holding in position 1 |
[Stance2AutoRenew | Toggles AutoRenew handling for Codex Stance of the weapon you are holding in position 2 |
[Stance3AutoRenew | Toggles AutoRenew handling for Codex Stance of the weapon you are holding in position 3 |
[Stance4AutoRenew | Toggles AutoRenew handling for Codex Stance of the weapon you are holding in position 4 |
[Stance5AutoRenew | Toggles AutoRenew handling for Codex Stance of the weapon you are holding in position 5 |
Aspect![]() | |
Command | Description |
[AspectWeapon AspectName | Allows the player to activate an aspect for their equipped weapon: example -> [AspectWeapon Fire |
[AspectWeapon AspectName TierLevel | Allows the player to activate an aspect at a specific tier for their equipped weapon: example -> [AspectWeapon Fire 10 |
[AspectSpellbook AspectName | Allows the player to activate an aspect for their equipped spellbook: example -> [AspectSpellbook Fire |
[AspectSpellbook AspectName TierLevel | Allows the player to activate an aspect at a specific tier for their equipped spellbook: example -> [AspectSpellbook Fire 10 |
[AspectArmor AspectName | Allows the player to activate an aspect for their equipped armor: example -> [AspectArmor Fire |
[AspectArmor AspectName TierLevel | Allows the player to activate an aspect at a specific tier for their equipped armor: example -> [AspectArmor Fire 10 |
[LowerWeaponAspect | Allows the player to temporarily lower their weapon aspect tier. |
[RaiseWeaponAspect | Allows the player to temporarily raise their weapon aspect tier. |
[LowerSpellAspect | Allows the player to temporarily lower their spellbook aspect tier. |
[RaiseSpellAspect | Allows the player to temporarily raise their spellbook aspect tier. |
[LowerArmorAspect | Allows the player to temporarily lower their armor aspect tier. |
[RaiseArmorAspect | Allows the player to temporarily raise their armor aspect tier. |
Guild![]() | |
Command | Description |
[Guild | Launches the Guild page |
[Resign | Resigns from your current guild |
[Overview | Launches the Overview Tab of the Guild page |
[Members | Launches the Members Tab of the Guild page |
[Battle | Launches the Battle Tab of the Guild page |
[TradeCaravan | Launches the Trade Caravan Tab of the Guild page |
[Faction or Factions | Launches the Factions Tab of the Guild page |
[Candidates | Launches the Candidates Tab of the Guild page |
[Diplomacy | Launches the Diplomacy Tab of the Guild page |
[Dungeons | Launches the Dungeons Tab of the Guild page |
[Treasury | Launches the Treasury Tab of the Guild page |
[BloodFeuds | Launches the Blood Feuds Tab of the Guild page |
[Rewards | Launches the Rewards tab of the Guild page |
Chivalry![]() | |
Command | Description |
[Chivalry | Activates the Chivalry menu |
[ChivalryHotbar | Activates the Chivalry Hotbar |
[ChivalryShowSymbolMessages | Toggles whether to display system messages showing holy symbol counts |
[RemoveCurse | Activates the RemoveCurse chivalry ability. |
[DispelEvil | Activates the DispelEvil chivalry ability. |
[CleanseByFire | Activates the CleanseByFire chivalry ability. |
[ConsecrateWeapon | Activates the ConsecrateWeapon chivalry ability. |
[CloseWounds | Activates the CloseWounds chivalry ability. |
[EnemyofOne | Activates the EnemyofOne chivalry ability. |
[NobleSacrifice | Activates the NobleSacrifice chivalry ability. |
[DivineFury | Activates the DivineFury chivalry ability. |
[SacredJourney | Activates the SacredJourney chivalry ability. |
[HolyLight | Activates the HolyLight chivalry ability. |
[Chivalry1 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 1 |
[Chivalry2 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 2 |
[Chivalry3 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 3 |
[Chivalry4 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 4 |
[Chivalry5 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 5 |
[Chivalry6 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 6 |
[Chivalry7 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 7 |
[Chivalry8 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 8 |
[Chivalry9 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 9 |
[Chivalry10 | Activates the Chivalry ability in slot 10 |
[RemoveCurseAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the RemoveCurse chivalry ability. |
[DispelEvilAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the DispelEvil chivalry ability. |
[CleanseByFireAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the CleanseByFire chivalry ability. |
[ConsecrateWeaponAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the ConsecrateWeapon chivalry ability. |
[CloseWoundsAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the CloseWounds chivalry ability. |
[EnemyofOneAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the EnemyofOne chivalry ability. |
[NobleSacrificeAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the NobleSacrifice chivalry ability. |
[DivineFuryAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the DivineFury chivalry ability. |
[SacredJourneyAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the SacredJourney chivalry ability. |
[HolyLightAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the HolyLight chivalry ability. |
[Chivalry1AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 1 |
[Chivalry2AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 2 |
[Chivalry3AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 3 |
[Chivalry4AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 4 |
[Chivalry5AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 5 |
[Chivalry6AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 6 |
[Chivalry7AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 7 |
[Chivalry8AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 8 |
[Chivalry9AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 9 |
[Chivalry10AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Chivalry ability in slot 10 |
Necromancy![]() | |
Command | Description |
[Necromancy | Activates the Necromancy menu |
[NecromancyHotBar | Activates the Necromancy HotBar |
[NecromancyShowSymbolMessages | Toggles whether to display system messages showing necromancy symbol counts |
[NecromancyAutoRenewThroughMeditation | Toggles whether necromancy abilities will auto-renew while actively meditating |
[EvilOmen | Activates the EvilOmen necromancy ability. |
[PoisonStrike | Activates the PoisonStrike necromancy ability. |
[VampiricEmbrace | Activates the VampiricEmbrace necromancy ability. |
[CorpseSkin | Activates the CorpseSkin necromancy ability. |
[Wither | Activates the Wither necromancy ability. |
[MindRot | Activates the MindRot necromancy ability. |
[BloodOath | Activates the BloodOath necromancy ability. |
[PainSpike | Activates the PainSpike necromancy ability. |
[Strangle | Activates the Strangle necromancy ability. |
[VengefulSpirit | Activates the VengefulSpirit necromancy ability. |
[Necromancy1 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 1 |
[Necromancy2 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 2 |
[Necromancy3 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 3 |
[Necromancy4 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 4 |
[Necromancy5 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 5 |
[Necromancy6 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 6 |
[Necromancy7 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 7 |
[Necromancy8 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 8 |
[Necromancy9 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 9 |
[Necromancy10 | Activates the necromancy ability in slot 10 |
[EvilOmenAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the EvilOmen necromancy ability. |
[PoisonStrikeAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the PoisonStrike necromancy ability. |
[VampiricEmbraceAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the VampiricEmbrace necromancy ability. |
[CorpseSkinAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the CorpseSkin necromancy ability. |
[WitherAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Wither necromancy ability. |
[MindRotAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the MindRot necromancy ability. |
[BloodOathAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the BloodOath necromancy ability. |
[PainSpikeAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the PainSpike necromancy ability. |
[StrangleAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the Strangle necromancy ability. |
[VengefulSpiritAutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the VengefulSpirit necromancy ability. |
[Necromancy1AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 1 |
[Necromancy2AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 2 |
[Necromancy3AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 3 |
[Necromancy4AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 4 |
[Necromancy5AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 5 |
[Necromancy6AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 6 |
[Necromancy7AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 7 |
[Necromancy8AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 8 |
[Necromancy9AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 9 |
[Necromancy10AutoRenew | Activates autorenewal for the necromancy ability in slot 10 |
Factions![]() | |
Command | Description |
[Faction or [Factions | Launches the Factions Tab of the Guild page |
[FactionHotbar | Launches the Factions Hotbar |
[FactionMap | Launches the Factions Map |
[ShowFactionKills or [Punkte | Shows the player's seasonal and lifetime amount of Faction Score earned from player kills |
[PreventFactionHealing | Toggles whether the player (while not in factions) will be allowed to heal faction players and become temporarily flagged as attackable by factions |
[ShowFactionGlobalAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Faction Global Activity |
[ShowFactionCastleAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Faction Castle Activity |
[ShowFactionFlagAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Faction Flag Activity |
[ShowFactionWaypostAnnouncements | Displays whether system messages will notify player of Faction Waypost Activity |
[ShowFactionWaypostRegionMessages | Displays whether player will be notified upon entering Faction Waypost Regions |
Test Shard
Test Shard![]() | |
Command | Description |
[TestRes | [Test Shard Only] Will resurrect the player and their followers |
[TestIgnoreMaxDamageCap | [Test Shard Only] Will toggle whether the 'Max Damage Cap of 10,000 for any hit' will apply to damage inflicted by player and their followers |
[TestMaxMeleeDamageRolls | [Test Shard Only] Will toggle whether player's melee hits always use the maximum dice result possible for determining base damage |
[TestMaxSpellDamageRolls | [Test Shard Only] Will toggle whether player's spellcasts always use the maximum dice result possible for determining base damage |
[TestBlessedGear | [Test Shard Only] Will toggle whether player's gear is always considered blessed |
[Go* | [Test Shard] Warp a player and his followers to their new destination |
* Command not listed on the in-game commands gump