Fire Elemental

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Fire Elemental
Slayer Difficulty Gold Value Hits Melee Damage Wrestling Armor Magic Resist
Elemental 34.4 344 2,000 10 - 20 70 0 100
Parry Attack Speed Magery Spell Damage Poison Poison Resist Stealth AI
50 ? 75 15 - 25 Mage
Location: Wilderness

Summonable Creature Stats

Summon Fire Elemental
Summon Fire Elemental
Fire Elemental
Spell Control Slots Hits Spell Damage Armor Wrestling
Summon Fire Elemental 2 400 28 - 34 25 85
Attack Speed Magic Resist Poison Resist Special Resist Poison Poisoning Stealth
? 100

Follower Abilities

Ability Type Description
Epic Barrage Cooldown Fires projectiles at a target up to 12 tiles away, dealing 3 hits that each inflict (DamageMax * 0.6) damage that ignores armor.

Scaled Summon Stats

Fire Elemental
Stat Spirit Speak Skill
Base 80 100 120 150
Hits 400 880 1000 1120 1300
Attack Speed 0 0 0 0 0
Spell Damage 28 - 34 39.2 - 47.6 42 - 51 44.8 - 54.4 49 - 59.5
Wrestling 85 119 127.5 136 148.75
Armor 25 45 50 55 62.5
Magic Resist 100 140 150 160 175