Rag Witch

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Rag Witch
Slayer Difficulty Gold Value Hits Melee Damage Wrestling Armor Magic Resist
Undead 41.3 413 2,000 10 - 20 80 25 100
Parry Attack Speed Magery Spell Damage Poison Poison Resist Stealth AI
? 75 15 - 25 X Mage
Location: Ossuary

Summonable Creature Stats

Summon Water Elemental
Summon Water Elemental

Vengeful Spirit
Vengeful Spirit
Rag Witch
Spell Control Slots Hits Spell Damage Armor Wrestling
Summon Water Elemental 2 600 24 - 30 50 100
Attack Speed Magic Resist Poison Resist Special Resist Poison Poisoning Stealth
? 150 66% 33%

Follower Abilities

Ability Type Description
Mirror Cooldown Spells cast onto the creature have a 15% chance to be reflected back onto the caster.
Elusive Form Innate Creature has an innate 25 parry skill against melee attacks.

Scaled Summon Stats

Rag Witch
Stat Spirit Speak Skill
Base 80 100 120 150
Hits 600 1320 1500 1680 1950
Attack Speed 0 0 0 0 0
Spell Damage 24 - 30 33.6 - 42 36 - 45 38.4 - 48 42 - 52.5
Wrestling 100 140 150 160 175
Armor 50 70 75 80 87.5
Magic Resist 150 190 200 210 225